Eliminando il 90% del rischio di malattie cardiache

Prevenire e curare malattie croniche come malattie cardiache, diabete e ictus con cambiamenti nella dieta e nello stile di vita non è solo più sicuro, ma può essere notevolmente più in vigore.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Le malattie croniche, quindi, la principale causa di morte e invalidità, possono essere una scelta. Vedi ad esempio Cavità e coronarie: la nostra scelta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cavities-and-coronaries-our-choice/). Cosa scegli?

Perché ridurre solo una malattia prevenibile 90 %? Che ne dici di 99.9%? Vedi One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/one-in-a-thousand-ending-the-heart-disease- epidemico/). <br/>
Altro dal campo della medicina dello stile di vita:
• Medicina dello stile di vita: trattamento delle cause delle malattie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lifestyle-medicine-treating-the-causes-of-disease/)
• Convincente Doctors to Embrace Lifestyle Medicine (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/convincing-doctors-to-embrace-lifestyle-medicine/)
• Trattamento completamente consensuale delle malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fully-consensual-heart-disease -trattamento/)
• Quale dieta dovrebbe consigliare il medico? (
• Barriere alla prevenzione delle malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/barriers-to-heart-disease- prevenzione)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eliminating–of-heart-disease-risk/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: KWMoore via Flickr.


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33 Risposte a “Eliminando il 90% del rischio di malattie cardiache”

  1. I dropped my cholesterol to 112 mg/dL heart attack proof on a plant-based low fat no oil diet. Triglycerides were so high before they could calculate my LDL. Woohoo!

  2. Am I stupid? I can't se or here where he says that it's supposed to be a plant based vegan diet? I want to share this on Facebook but I want him to say vegan or plant based! 😀 did I miss it?

  3. What about heart attack and stroke risk caused by elevated Homocysteine levels caused by MTHFR? With the new understanding of Methylation polymorphisms showing this to be common, it seems diet alone wont fix the problem,  pre-methylated B6 B12 and folate supplementation are necessary to lower the levels.

  4. Touche, Dr. Greger. Zing! Burn on all you 20th century Doctors. (and patients) We're well into the 21st century. Time to get a clue.

  5. 21st century medical opinion suggests that there is very little proof that saturated fat or cholesterol has  bearing on heart decease, the modern thought is now sugar, inflammation, high blood pressure and stress that are the soul culprits, a diet high on carbs and low on fat has made the world in to obese sick human beings. Tell the truth please.

  6. This is why I'm so glad that I began practicing yoga and adopted a whole-foods, plant-based diet over a year ago.   I've lost almost 40 lbs and I feel phenomenal.

  7. I was in a class of 20+ students for my cholesterol class. These were patients who had high ldl cholesterol. When the Nutritionist ask who wants to go on a vegetarian diet, no one raised their hands up except me. Love the fried tofu sticks lol.

  8. so sad that i am the only one to actually do it. most people think i have gone crazy. might live till 100 but might also be alone. gotta work on that next 😉

  9. I eat an all organic plant based diet supplemented with properly sourced and properly cooked eggs, meat, fish, poultry, butter, cheese, etc.  I consume no oils, no drugs, no grains, no sugar, no processed foods, and try and I keep the carbs as low as possible.  I reversed all my health problems and feel highly energetic and young again.  Just sayin'…

  10. These are wonderfully informative videos /advice, backed by hard science and reliable clinical data and research evidence; now, if only I could become desensitized to that god awful goofy voice!

  11. I had seen a video by Dr. Greger in which he stated that nearly all, or was it all, the emergency heart attack patients he saw were deficient in magnesium. I can't find that video, could someone tell me the title or send a link? Thanks.

  12. I love your evidence based nutrition videos very much, but today, I was impressed by your use of the phrase "by eating healthfully". Thank-you for not making me cringe at hearing the grammatically incorrect phrase, 'by eating healthy'! 🙂

  13. travesty that this only has 88k views, especially with todays news that heart disease deaths are on the rise again in the UK after a steady fall for almost 50 years.

  14. Really – this is a most amazing video. Not just a 90% reduction in the risk for the biggest killer of people, but also similarly large effects for diabetes and stroke. Plus an almost 80% additive positive effect on top of drug therapy. It's a shame that this type of information isn't more widely appreciated but the tide does seem to be turning

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