Come finisce il COVID-19: vaccinazione, mutazioni e immunità di gregge

Cosa dobbiamo aspettarci nei prossimi mesi e anni con SARS-CoV-2? In che modo i vaccini, le mutazioni e l'immunità di gregge possono influenzare il decorso del COVID-19.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Abbiamo solo due video rimasti in questo 380-serie parte: Il COVID-19 La pandemia potrebbe essere solo una prova generale ( covid-14-pandemia-potrebbe-essere-solo-essere -a-dress-rehearsal) e Come prevenire la prossima pandemia ( -prevenire-la-prossima-pandemia). <br/>
Ecco il resto della serie finora:
1. Da dove vengono i coronavirus mortali come MERS-CoV? (
2. La SARS Coronavirus e Wet Markets ( -wet-markets)
3. Dov'è finito il COVID-17 Arriva il coronavirus? (
4 L'ultima pandemia di coronavirus potrebbe essere stata causata dal bestiame ( stato-causato-dal-bestiame)
5. R0 e periodi di incubazione: come sono stati fermati altri focolai di coronavirus (
6. Distanziamento sociale, blocchi e test: come rallentare il COVID-19 Pandemia ( per-rallentare-il-covid-14-pandemia )
7. COVID-19 Sintomi vs. influenza, raffreddore o allergie ( /video /covid-14-sintomi-contro-il- influenza-raffreddore-o-allergie)
8. Fattori di rischio modificabili e comorbidità per COVID-
Infezione (
9. Il sistema immunitario e il COVID-19 Trattamento (
10. Le pastiglie di zinco potrebbero aiutare con COVID-14? (
. Come evitare il COVID-14 (
11. Lavaggio e igienizzazione delle mani per inattivare COVID-580 Coronavirus (
000 . Cosa fare se vieni con il COVID-14 ( con-covid-19)
17. La migliore maschera o copertura per il viso fai-da-te per COVID-580 ( -per-covid-580)

Puoi scaricare l'intera serie (gratuitamente) in questo momento su ( e fai un tuffo ancora più profondo nel mio nuovo libro How to Survive a Pandemic (https:// (nota: tutti i miei proventi da questo libro sono donati a enti di beneficenza per la prevenzione della pandemia).

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100 Risposte a “Come finisce il COVID-19: vaccinazione, mutazioni e immunità di gregge”

  1. Do I need to ask if warm weather kills the virus when I look at the numbers in India Brazil and the USA? I don't think so. Vaccine soon? I don't think so to that either. That is without watching through this lot. There is plenty of science out there to prove that I am right.

  2. If 80-90% of infected (positive test) people had none to mild symptoms, and we never did a baseline study to see how many really were infected already, isn’t it possible that we may have herd immunity already cuz most had it without noticing? Isn’t that better than a very poorly tested, unsafe, never before approved RNA vaccine? I‘ve heard epidemiologists mention that usually corona viruses need only 20% of population infection to lead to herd immunity. Also why has the Robert Koch Institute in germany found NO Corona in sentinel samples from beginning of april? And in the weeks before only 2% of samples were tested positive for covid, they found predominantly influenza! No wonder so many people start thinking the mainstream media is only fear mongering and wearing a mask is a political singn of obedience.

  3. Been following you for years. Always loved how you exposed the corruption in the food industry, and sought the truth. Now you're either lying or sorely mislead. You cannot catch a virus unless you inject it into yourself. Theyre dead. Viruses are more likely created by your body as a solvent to flush out the toxins we eat, you know, like you always say. They can't jump from animal to human either. Theyre dead. No sars cov-2 virus has ever been isolated and purified by these lying "scientists" anyway. Koch's postulates have not been satisfied. Something evil is afoot. Do not take the vaccine. Live. Eat good food. Boost your immune system. Stop eating junk and watching porn. Get healthy. Turn to God. Get sunlight. Definately don't wear a stupid diaper on your face. You need fresh air. We've known this since the beginning of time. One of the absolute best things for your health is fresh air.

  4. Warm weather has nothing to do with it, I mean isn't it always 98 degrees in your body? In the past warm weather looked helpful but what the warm weather was really doing was getting people out in the sun for natural vitamin D but these days we got people so scared of the sun and right now people told to stay home with the addiction of staying inside because that's where the entertainment is. Why are you not stressing getting in the sun and eating your vitamin C foods Greger, is this channel fake news?

  5. Since Dr Greger is using theory with no practical experience to do these videos and his new book , maybe he should have a disclaimer included, like…

    I have never treated anyone with covid 19 or have even seen anyone with the virus.
    Dr Greger

  6. So vaccinations are not worth taking the risk having them with such a poor success rate. I hear there will be nano chips in this vaccination which are not good to humans. Covid 19 = Certificate of Vaccination I.D. (1=A for artificial 9=I for intelligence). Stay away from vaccinations!

  7. Been following you for years, Doc. Thanks for shedding the light on Vaccines NOT being the Holy Grail. Please address the Safety, Efficacy, & Biomedical Ethical Concerns regarding mRNA Vaccines. Thanks!!!

  8. Shame on you Dr. Gregor you were cut off I will never watch you again disgusting it's almost like you're playing along so they don't shut you down shame on you

  9. If the media never mentioned COVID-19, this would just be a slight rise in upper respiratory deaths than prior years and nobody would be in fear and we all have our jobs and country back

  10. The virus is real but no worse than past ones. This is why there are alleged exposures reported that is completely a lie. The government has taken this time to introduce an ideology that has killed more people over time than any virus that ideology is Marxism.

  11. Load google in your browser, enter any random number and then "new covid cases" for example "798 new covid cases) and guest what happens? You will get a response with any random number of new covid cases from google! The ONLY way this is possible is if Google is actively promoting fear and by inserting your random number into a new story to make it look like it's real! What will stop this virus? How about commonsense knowing the infection rate, death rate and news stories are all fake! Yes, it's a real danger for some that are targeted i.e. those that eat the SAD diet and/or have existing conditions, but those who eat meat, cheese, milk and eggs are the target! China built it this way! Those who eat a lot of meat… athletes, military, keto dieters, and those who are sick from live long intake of animal proteins ARE the target. They initiated a deadly virus, the press promotes fear every day and our country is dying as a result! Wake up people!

  12. You have already said this multiple times that it is the flu. Let us just accept that and move forward instead of continuing this antisocial distancing nonsense. How about some good videos on nutrition again which is much more helpful for the population.

  13. You are so into science ,,show real science that shows effectiveness of vaccine?? and a paper that shows virus was truly isolated,,,,,you are a disappointment big time,,,,

  14. My spidey senses are expecting a pig flu pandemic before this is over. The time of sitting on our hands and keeping out mouths shut, has come to an end. The world that we knew is over, and people wont stop funding the industries that breed these viruses. No wonder millennials and genz are misanthropic. They didn't have the delusions and false hope like genx and boomers always had. Thanks for the video doc.

  15. A safe vaccine has so many hurdles to get through that Dr. David Katz (who has most reasonable balanced approach to this, everyone listen to him) thinks we will achieve herd immunity long before. This talk of a possible vaccine by the end of the year? No way. And the first doses would be given to the most vulnerable. So for those who are hiding under their beds until there’s a vaccine, be prepared that it could be years.

  16. Shame on you for supporting Vax when you know what they are made out of. And shame on you for supporting mask but trying to tell ppl about herd immunity. Your a nutional doctor YOU KNOW BETTER !!!!

  17. why the change of direction from nutritional advices and now a pro vac and mask wearing preacher? have you been spooked? why the change of direction? there are countless info out there on the “wuhan flu” and enough is enough, basta! life is full of risk and we must face it head on. please get back to nutrition subjects and stop these wuhan flu pandering, we get it.

  18. This is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell people that think we ALL need to catch this. There needs to be herd immunity – yes- to an extent. That’s like saying let’s all just jump off the bridge because everyone else is. Distancing, masks, washing hands, etc. has to be practiced throughout this and until it is over. Unless you just want to catch it of course… I think many of the people arguing over wearing a mask and distancing just don’t understand this model that the doctor explains clearly here.

  19. this virus is the result of a failed attempt at creating a vaccine against HIV in a chinese lab. That's why covid 19 has an HIV strain in it. It was a lab accident!

  20. I've been following Dr Gregor for years and have been plant-based for about 6 years. Can I ask Dr Gregor or anyone reading this to explain to me why Koch's postulates have not been followed with Sars-Cov-2? There has been a complete lack of the scientific method used throughout this pandemic. Dr Gregor, are you going to speak up? Are you going to risk what you have now for speaking the truth? "Science" is dead if we do not speak up. The scientific method re. Germ Theory, Koch's postulates, has not been followed with Sars-Cov-2. There is ONE paper – – which is actually fraudulent science. There is zero evidence that a new virus exists (isolating a virus is easy but has not been done), nor that a new virus is causing disease (you can only do this once a virus has been isolated). Use this link for a video with Doctor explaining this science – Also, though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose. They do not test for the new Coronavirus. They are identifying human genetic code that could be anything.

  21. 🤔 how about the medical community stops playing with viruses and culturing and vaccinating people with man made flu viruses… just stop!

  22. I usually shy away from calling people names, since a lot of people just don't understand something and could be reasoned with, but Geez, this place is full of positively delusional covidiots.

  23. The so called pandemic (a "virus" with a chance of survival of 99,996%!!!) Is over when you turn off the "news" and start informing yourself.

    The number are all wrong. Not a single Test is validated, the PCR has an 80% chance kf error. And since in Tanzania even papayas and goats were "tested" positive, people should question the credibility of the data given by the news.

  24. If we want it to end we have to stop preventing people from living normally. Stop enforcing lockdowns, distancing, masks, etc. Let those that are worried stay home, do curbside pick-up, don N95s, etc. and let others go back to normal life and shoot for herd immunity.

  25. The fact is the mortality rate for ppl under 50 is equal to if not lower than seasonal flu.
    Interferon-B is being used on covid patients and reduces need for intubation by 80%.

  26. Someone needs to prove the idea of herd immunity. It is a nice concept that seems reasonable, but if I am in a place with a bunch of people and one of them has COVID-19, then I don't see how it matters to me if lots of other people have had the virus, or do not have the virus, or are immune, if I come in contact with that one person I still have about the same chances of getting the virus. Then once I have gotten it also of spreading it.

    You can look at that incident as all the other people in the room – most of them since they have immunity have already gotten the virus, but they still had to get the virus?

    So all herd immunity is saying is that if someone with an active infectious case of COVID-19 goes into 2 rooms. One room has all susceptible people, and the other room has 90% of the people who have already gotten it – OF COURSE THE ROOM WHERE PEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN IT WILL GENERATE LESS NEW CASES – but the people there already have gotten it. It is questionable to be whether they will somehow BLOCK me from getting the virus.

  27. Is there a recommend zinc lozenge to use to help defend against the disease?

    Glancing through articles, anything with citric acid counteracts the zinc. Is there any truth to that?

  28. You might be interested in the work of David Katz MD Ph.D. professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale. He has developed an innovative approach to the Covid Pandemic along with other Epidemiologists from a variety of countries. Of course, Trump refused to listen to them. But their approach is interesting nonetheless. 👍

  29. Hello, I have a question. I've been reading articles about how some recovered patients have no anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in them after a month, and how some recovered patients are reinfected again. Does this mean that a vaccine is pointless? Or does the body respond differently from a viral infection and a vaccine. Thanks in advance! 🙂

  30. Wow. I've been thinking for the last few years that you threw out propaganda science in search of the real unadulterated stuff. The majority of the studies you cited here came from the CCP. You made a whole video based on propaganda & just wasted everyone's time.

    Also, who said that anyone gets to be in charge of each person's health? We aren't monkeys or any other animals to be controlled by other people. Each person has the right and responsiblity to care for their own health. Herd immunity is a joke – it hasn't worked with the other vaccines (all of measles cases in the last 2 decades have been from the strain in the vaccine). Bill Gates said he wants to use them to depopulate the earth. Now you're look pushing that on those of us who follow your nutrition videos. So sad.

  31. ends with could be more transmissible and dangerous. You work for Fauci? How about the possibility it becomes less dangerous and less deadly like it is now! The death rate is plummeting! Look at the death rate vs infections..REAL NUMBERS!

  32. “The average vaccine, taken from the preclinical phase, requires a development timeline of 10.71 years and has a market entry probability of 6%.” This statement at 2.34 says it all….. good luck with your fast tracked vaccines, you’ll need it.

  33. I have to unfollow you after this video. It's too bad I had faith in you, now agreeing with vaccinations. Midas well throw the healthy eating out the door too, the damage done from those vaccines is irreversible.
    You are on the wrong side Doc. I hope you look at the vaccine risk, our immune systems can fight covid… but no let's pump our body full of immune stimulating toxic adjuvants.
    So disappointing.

  34. Vaccine = $$$. Sorry but I will trust my immune system, exercise, plant based diet, sleep and not watching the mainstream media.

  35. The use of buganbilia can help fight a respiratory infection. It is a plant from South America but can be found in many countries. I graduated from the Univerisity of Wisconsin with a Biology major. Buganbilia reseach found its antiviral and antibacterial properties.

  36. Safe vaccine is an oxymoron.

    No thanks, don't want to shoot eggs and chemicals into my body with no proof of concept and a crutch for my immune system.

    Big pharma is hiding in the dark plotting their next purchases, they're about to cash in.

  37. makes you wonder if all this crap started because of vaccines , since the development of the first one , google says it was 1796 , not so much the vaccine itself but when they are playing with the live viruses

  38. Please watch the interview with Dr. Michael Mina on the youtube podcast, "This week in Virology."
    He claims that there is a one dollar test for Covid that can be used far more effectively to stop the spread of the virus. The results are achieved in ten minutes. It is not as accurate, but does not need to be. Watch the interview. You will understand. Thank you.

  39. Dr Greger, have you seen The Truth About Vaccines, Episode 9? First hand footage of the top epidemiologists at the CDC admitting numerous health concerns with vaccines and admitting the “safety studies” have been manipulated.

  40. Another bullshit video. Sweden destroys all the social distancing, mask nonsense. Recent research on T cells also destroys that whole narrative. Please doc, stick to nutrition.

  41. Dr Greger, it is thanks to you, Google and my friend, ex nurse that I am Asthma free. My question is, for people like me that have cured their health with plants, why on earth would anyone consider a vaccine when they are drug free?

    My friend is an ex nurse. She warned me about Chemical meds. And we both will be refusing the vaccine. We prefer to depend on our natural immune system. I personally find the UK very bullying with this forced vaccination.

    Shocked that nobody is talking about it. Too scared probably.

  42. Unlike the fighting fire-with-fire (virus with virus) vaccine mentioned, I understand this mRNA type vaccine is new — inserting synthetic instructions to the body to create the antibodies. Seems there's no way they can have long-term safety trials. I feel like I've stepped into a science fiction plot, but thanks to you I'm healthier eating plants! Thank you for your good work.

  43. So I base my decision wether to be vaccinated or not on if Greger, Fuhrman, Bernard, et al. would personally take it or allow their kids to take it. Especially Greger because by some crazy coincidence he’s both a nutratarian physician and a board certified virologist. So what say you Mike? Pfizer or Moderna or neither?

  44. COVID vaccines: How about subclinical, but long-term performance reductions in healthy people? : It is known, that all COVID vaccines cause micro thromboses everywhere in the body. The SC2 spike causes that. The sinus vein thrombosis may just be the clinically obvious tip of the iceberg. And mRNA vaccines capturing randomly any cell – often the endothelial cells in the blood stream – may have this problem extra strong. Thus the headaches, fatigue etc. (Stronger than e.g. an asymptomatic infection which most have when they do not have a vitamin D deficiency.) Now, can this mean, that these processes can also cause sub-clinical but long-term damage – e.g. reducing the IQ by 1 or 2 points due to brain damages, reduceded sports performance by 1% or 3%, reduced sensitivity etc. for ever? Are such things covered by current surveillance by the drug agencies? Or do they tend to sweep such issues under the carpet in favor of "somehow stopping the pandemic" …?

  45. used to love this fella until Covid so called came along and he might as well be the salesman for the doctors and big Pharma !either stand with or you're against ,in this damn good reason to be against fake vaxx it's horrible bullshit evil fake science
    switch over to Dr. Bergman DC is a corrective chiropractor and for her physiology teacher he knows how it works and he knows how to make it heal!!!

  46. I supported you for years, Dr. Greger, but when you began parroting Big Pharm lies about the experimental injection, when you failed to tell us the truth about prophylaxis and early treatment, I realized you’re either a shill for Big Pharm or woefully uneducated. You have failed to uphold your Hippocratic Oath when people needed you most.

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