Funghi a bottone bianchi per il cancro alla prostata

Cosa possono fare i funghi reishi, gli estratti di funghi shiitake e i funghi bianchi interi in polvere per i malati di cancro?

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• Alcune prostate sono più grandi di altre (
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• Prostata contro una dieta a base vegetale ( /)
• Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/flaxseed-vs-prostate-cancer/)
• Era il seme di lino, la restrizione del grasso o entrambi? (
• Sopravvivenza al cancro alla prostata: il rapporto A/V (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/prostate-cancer-survival-the-av-ratio/)
• Uova, colina e cancro (
• Cancro alla prostata e latte biologico vs. latte di mandorla ( milk-vs-almond-milk/)
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• Cambiare la dieta di un uomo dopo una diagnosi di cancro alla prostata ( -diagnosi-diet-cancro-alla-prostata/)
• Melograno vs. Placebo per cancro alla prostata (ht tps://
• I migliori integratori per il cancro alla prostata (
• Alimenti di soia fermentati o non fermentati per la prevenzione del cancro alla prostata? ( -cancer-prevention/)
• Il ruolo degli alimenti di soia nella prevenzione del cancro alla prostata (
• Trattamento del cancro alla prostata avanzato con la dieta: Parte 1 (
• Trattamento avanzato Cancro alla prostata con dieta: parte 2 ( -cancro-alla-prostata-con-dieta-parte-2/)
• Integratori di licopene vs. cancro alla prostata (
• Salsa di pomodoro contro cancro alla prostata (https: // e-vs-prostate-cancer/)
• Uova e cancro al seno (
• Latticini e cancro ( dairy-and-cancer/)
• Funghi bianchi per il cancro alla prostata (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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37 Risposte a “Funghi a bottone bianchi per il cancro alla prostata”

  1. Button mushrooms (Agaricus) contains a toxin called "agaritine" that is cancer promoting, it's not heat-stable so if you cook them well, then the toxin is destroyed and it will be fine to eat but you should not eat them raw.
    If you cook them well, then button mushrooms can help fight cancer.
    Tukey tail, enoki, shiitake are also very good for you, there are so many amazing mushrooms out there!

  2. This was interesting, but I am puzzled by why maitake mushrooms, which have some clinical evidence to back them up, were not examined. ThanksForPosting!

  3. I'm disappointed he'd even present this ina positive way. This is purely anecdotal because PSA is such a terribly unreliable test. We've needed a better test for a long time.

  4. I really don't like mushrooms though so it's hard to motivate me to eat them unless there's some real proof (or I get cancer) that I should replace some vegetables with mushrooms.

  5. sometimes studies like this make me wonder if there are other factors at work…..the two people that the mushrooms work on…..and the two or three that didn't……what was different? I suppose thats the mystery…..were the people it didn't work on do something like drink alcohol or smoke?…..and the two people it worked on lived a healthier lifestyle…… it seems the mushrooms worked on all these people short term and then didn't for a few…, very curious what those other people were doing that the two people it worked on weren't…..maybe the two it worked on exercised more?…..or….went VEGAN!

  6. You have to be very careful about these ‘studies’ as many of them are designed to fail from the get go. A ‘study’ done years totally discredited vitamin e as being good for heart health. They did a press release totally bashing vitamin e. Turns out they used a mere 30 iu’s of a synthetic form of vitamin e instead of the 400 iu’s – 800’s iu’s of a natural form of the vitamin that other studies used that showed promise. And guess who financed this so called ‘study’… That;s right, the drug company that wants everyone to buy their drugs instead. Both of my parents got duped by this propaganda hit piece.

    I met a guy years ago in Berkeley, Ca. who had prostate cancer that had spread to his bones. He was given just two months to live and sent home to die. He went on the Macrobiotic Diet and followed it strictly. I know he was eating Shiitake Mushrooms as well. 15 months later he went back to his oncologist for a checkup and they couldn’t find any trace of the cancer. His doctor said “Look, just keep on doing whatever it is you’re doing. We just don’t learn anything at all about natural healing or how to use a healthy, natural diet to cure diseases in med school.” At least the guy was honest!

    And also, you have no idea what people are really doing-eating at home. A lady I knew with breast cancer was supposedly on the Macrobiotic Diet but she died anyway. Her boyfriend told me she was eating Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bars all the while. They are not on the Macrobiotic Diet!

    And a lady with breast cancer who was accepted into a study using Tibetan Medicine with Dr. Yeshi Dhonden was found to be drinking beer every night! She was kicked off the study as the diet is extremely important. So guys with prostate cancer were eating button mushrooms… WHAT ELSE WERE THEY EATING? The ones who don’t respond well? A guy I knew had colorectal cancer. And the last time I saw him he was eating barbecue ribs and washing them with with a Big Gulp sody pop! He didn’t last much longer after that…

  7. A couple of decades ago, I bought some shiitake mushroom capsules from GNC and took them every day. For about a week, I felt like Superman and, to put it bluntly, had an almost perpetual erection. These effects mellowed out after a week, but it showed me that shiitake has a well-deserved reputation for increasing vitality. It's just unclear how well it works for extended durations of daily use.

  8. I would like to ask Dr. Greger to comment on the agaritines found in mushrooms of the species Agaricus bisporus (including white button mushrooms, portobello and chestnut) and their cancer causing effects. Namely hydrazine and gyromitrin.

  9. Tring to treat after the fact regardless of the single plant or fungi isolate is not the best course of action. Eating a diet of proven anti-cancer foods as the preventable action is always the way to go. There is no magic pill.

  10. Hi, my Dad would like to know if in addition to your suggestions regarding a plant-based diet to combat Prostate Cancer should he discontinue his hormonal therapy? He has been experiencing a host of symptoms directly linked to his hormonal injection, which includes feeling intense pressure around his waistline and occasional weakness in his legs. Would it be a great idea or could it possibly negatively impact his path to remission? Thank you so much, looking forward to a response soon. Best wishes.

  11. Plot twist:
    Mushroom compound doesn't kill cancer cell.
    Mushroom compounds boost immune system which kills cancer cells 🙂

  12. Subtitles in Spanish please🙏 because I cant understand if mushrooms works or not.🙈
    In my country sell Ganoderma mushrooms powder mixed with chocolate or other things, I think its a fake.

  13. Although not perfect as any kind of medicine, I can't believe that traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine have been wrong for thousands of years!
    I am glad the cheaper alternative works but will continue to enjoy other medicinal mushrooms!

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