Fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto

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DESCRIZIONE: Il cosiddetto “effetto lenticchia” o “effetto secondo pasto” descrive il notevole effetto dei fagioli per aiutare a controllare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue ore o anche il giorno successivo al consumo.

Ma che dire del gas? Dai un'occhiata al mio post sul blog Beans and Gas: Clearing the air (http://nutritionfacts.org/2011//05/fagioli-e-gas- clearing-the-air/). <br/> Quali altri superpoteri possiedono i fagioli? Sono ricchi di potassio (Preventing Strokes with Diet, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-strokes-with-diet/), pazzo di magnesio (Mineral of the Year—Magnesium, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/mineral-of-the-year-magnesium/) e una fonte proteica preferita (Preferibili proteine ​​vegetali, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-protein-preferable/). Migliorano la sopravvivenza al cancro al seno (Breast Cancer Survival and Soy, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-and-soy/), ridurre le vampate di calore (Soy Foods & Menopause, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/soy-foods-menopausa/) , ritarda la pubertà prematura (The Effect of Soy on Precocious Puberty, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the -effect-of-soy-on-precocious-puberty/), e sono un ottimo affare per l'avvio (Mangiare sano con un budget limitato, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eating-healthy-on-a-budget).

Quali fagioli sono più ricchi di antiossidanti? Vedi The Best Bean (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-bean-2/) e The Healthiest Lentil (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-healthiest-lentil/) (suggerimento: salta la varietà di gelatina, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/raisins-vs-jelly-beans- per-performance-atletica/). Quale abbassa di più il colesterolo? Vedi Soy Worth a Hill of Beans (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/soy-worth-a-hill-of- fagioli/)?
Lenticchie a colazione? Bene, agli inglesi piacciono i fagioli al forno sui loro toast, ma ho iniziato a usare una manciata di lenticchie germogliate nel mio frullato a colazione (vedi A Better Breakfast,
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/a-better-breakfast/ e Antiossidanti che germogliano, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/antioxidants-sprouting-up/)

Il video propionato a cui faccio riferimento è Fawning Over Flora (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fawning -over-flora/) con un seguito Aumentare i batteri buoni nel colon senza probiotici (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/boosting-good-bacteria-in-the-colon-without-probiotics/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/beans-and-the-second-meal-effect/ e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory tramite Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto”

  1. here's a must watch documentary




    vimeo com/27278058

    that along with FORKS OVER KNIVES changed my life

    CHOL: 127
    LDL: 77

    FYI: the last thing I had to do to get my chol down another 30 points was regular exercise on the treadmill. I was stuck at 155 but the minute I started treadmilling 20min/day it dropped another 30 points and ldl dropped another 6 points or so

    ZERO ADDED FAT for 1.5 years now


  2. I really think this is nonsense. I have been vegan now for about 2 months, and have noticed a small change, but nothing like you are claiming. I don't think you do anyone any favors by these unrealistic claims that will probably be demoralizing to them when they try vegan and do not get instant results.

  3. all true, my inoperable anterior cerebral artery disease has reversed not because of drugs but only because of diet, 1.5 yrs now

    I live this life and the key is ZERO FAT other than what’s naturally in plants

    do some research:

    dr esselstyn, prevent and REVERSE heart disease

    dr campbell, the china study

    dr ornish

    dr mcdougal

    forks over knives

    simply raw, reversing diabetes in 30 days

    pay particular attention to esselstyn and his end of the road patients

  4. Well az donald,bloviating,obnoxious,know it all…thank you for doing some research on what works for you, but there is a reason scientists do not just go by what someone says works for them, or even what sources they cite for their reality. maybe you'll never get this because you are limited to a small world of simple linear relations that you reduce things to so that it's simple enough for you, but though it might seem like you know it all, you really don't,your attitude is a real loser,

  5. i share my personal history and fit in all the scientific information I could in x amount of characters.

    you reply with name calling and insults.

    classy guy.

    good luck with your continued failure.

  6. Is this really where you want to put the energy in your life, because I can't really imagine how you can rationalize any form of success out of it? just seeing how many times you can get my attention to come back here and remind you of what you are really doing. yeah, you'll get the last word … i just won't let you know when. 😉

  7. He didn't say he was just vegan. He said he was a "fat free" vegan. There is a HUGE difference. The Vegetarian Society of Hawaii has a really interesting video of Mike Teehan illustrating the difference. It's the "Winning a Lifetime Battle Against Obesity" one. Watch for the chart he puts up to show what happens after going fat free.

    Just going vegan is for cow kissers. Fat free vegan is for health.

  8. great video and so important people start learning the truth about beans and stop being scared re Phytates etc.   Great information especially for those looking to lose fat or stay lean re impact on blood sugars. Keep up the great work

  9. Could explain why my husband who is type 1 diabetic has excellent blood sugar curves now that he is a lowfat (high carb) vegan!! He barely ever reaches above 7,5 in blood sugar, and he has a continuous blood test meter taking tests every 5 min! We always have some type of legume with our dinner and lunch! All I can say is THANK YOU for your amazing videos! – from someone who has turned their life around!

  10. I eat everyday a portion of legumes with probiotics either from sauerkraut or natto. Made in the weekend, it is a great daily snack right out the fridge that provides energy, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fibres, probiotics and whatnots

  11. Bean Soaking / Cooking Method
    So, after 50 years of cooking and research, here is the magic recipe:
    • Sort, rinse, and cover 1 lb of beans with 2 inches of water. Add 4 tsp of salt. (Especially old beans…can you really tell?). Forget the myth, we’re not cooking, yet.
    •Soak overnight or 6 to 8 hours.
    •Bring to a boil, and boil 2 minutes.
    •Remove from heat, cover and soak 4 hours.
    •Now, discard water and rinse beans.
    •Cover beans with water and bring to simmer.
    •Cook until tender.
    •Drain and serve.
    Note: I use a pressure cooker (7 minutes at 15 lbs for Pinto beans). Beans are an important part of my diet, almost every day!

    Here's a fun fact: Eating soaked raw or undercooked beans can result in food poisoning. The culprit is a plant lectin known as phytohaemagglutinin or simply hemagglutinin, a chemical known to cause agglutination of mammalian red blood cells and to disrupt cellular metabolism. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, phytohaemagglutinin is found in many types of beans, but red kidney beans contain the highest levels of hemagglutinin.
    White kidney beans contain a third as much toxin while broad varieties of beans contain 10% as much hemagglutinin as red kidney beans. This is still plenty, since you only need to eat 4-5 undercooked red kidney beans to get sick.

  12. Beans… It's what's for dinner! Probably the best nutritional bargain in the supermarket, loads of fiber, protein, virtually no fat or sugar… 3.5 servings for about a buck, and all you need do is open the can. Only consideration, get them sodium free.

  13. Oh, the memories…
    Stephen Colbert:
    [on the white house's new chef]
    I think the right may be shocked to learn she once made an organic quince tart with a lactose free cremon glaze for a vegan banquet.
    Jon Stewart:
    [shrugs] Why would that upset the right?
    Stephen Colbert:
    It's gay food, Jon. About as gay as it gets. Might as well just stick it up your butt.

  14. This is also why beans are reccomended for pregnant women with mornng sickness. The bland flavor makes them palatable, and never feeling way to full or way too hungry helps. 🙂 Thanks for the video!

  15. Can someone show me how oats spike ur blood sugar? The jumbo un-milled oats are the only grain I eat now but I still feel they may be affecting my blood glucose levels in a bad way. Would really appreciate some information on it.
    Thanks for all ur nutritional facts.

  16. Excellent!!!😊😊👍👍🌟🌟🌙🌙✨✨More.. Beans when I go.. Vegan .. shopping !!🌝🌞👍😊✨🌙🌟🌟🌙🌟💛💛💰⚡🌟⚡✨✨🌙✨🌙🌟🌙🌟🌜🌜🌛✨🌙💛💛🌟

  17. Hence pasta fagioli and all the other pasta and beans or peas dishes… Our elders knew without the science. Love how science is proving all the ways our elders prepared foods were the best ways and never should have been abandoned for the quick fix foods we have wrongfully created and adapted to

  18. The glycemic index is relatively useless unless you are eating foods in isolation. Eating white rice with protein, meat, vegetables, etc massively changes the spike in blood sugar massively.

  19. I was pre-diabetic, high BP, blood work was bad. Returned to my native Carribian diet of 1 cup of black beans, 1/4 cup of white rice, 1/2 of an avacado, 3 cups of fresh raw Veggies: tomato, cilantro, red & jalapeno peppers, onion, garlic, cabbage, mushroom & cucumber because I like with olive oil & balsamic vinegar. I generally eat 1 meal a day – basically two huge bean burritos & chicken broth. Within a few weeks I reversed all of my health conditions, Im 55 years old and no Meds, and blood work is great. I eat meat sparingly. Weight is still up a bit, but Im stocky and I lift weights and hike daily. ☺

  20. I help a friend with MS and read different books, like Dr. Terry Wahls. Dr. Brooke Goldner, Matt Embry from MShopedot com but all three say NOT eat legumes, because the Lektine trigger the autoimmundesease. Not eat Gluten, not drink milk! I not understand why Dr. Terry Wahls Paleo help to reduce MS and sometimes MS stopped and reverse MS.,Know anybody why?

  21. Thank you for the great video!👍 I love different kinds of beans, cook and eat different beans! have a prove in my channel. 🌹😄

  22. What about the bean after effect? "gas" I added beans to my diet regularly 3 years ago and still haven't adjusted to them.

  23. What about this? "Exogenous propionic acid may upregulate endogenous glucose production via increases in norepinephrine and glucagon, suggesting that chronic ingestion of propionic acid may have adverse metabolic consequences.".

  24. Ok, so I guess the lesson here is that if you want to prevent blood sugar spikes, you need to stick propionate up the ass. Thanks!

  25. But don't you have to eat rice with beans in order to get a complete protein? Otherwise, I wouldn't bother with rice at all if not for that.

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