I sostituti del sale di cloruro di potassio sono efficaci?

Il cloruro di potassio è vantaggioso per tutti diminuendo l'assunzione di sodio e aumentando l'assunzione di potassio?

Questa è la seconda di una serie in tre parti su sale e potassio. Se ti sei perso il primo video, guarda Meno di 1 su 5,000 Incontra le assunzioni consigliate di sodio e potassio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fewer-than-1-in-5000-meet-sodium- e-assunzione-raccomandata-di-potassio). Concludiamo la serie con Potassium Chloride Salt Substitute Side Effects (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/potassium-chloride-salt-substitute-side-effects).<br/>
Parlo degli studi randomizzati controllati per il sodio in The Evidence That Salt Raises Blood Pressure (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-evidence-that-salt-raises-blood-pressure/).

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53 Risposte a “I sostituti del sale di cloruro di potassio sono efficaci?”

  1. What about the theory that (a lot of) sodium is only a problem if your potassium intake is too low? Or in other words: What matters is the sodium / potassium ratio. Any thoughts on that?

  2. As a pbwf eater, low salt is the norm, here. S)o don't we get plenty of potassium in our diet without adding it from the shaker? Include it in your next blood test. Happy to find mine wad normal. No need to add any.

  3. I use Potassium chloride as a Sodium chloride alternative and it works very well. There is enough hidden Sodium chloride in canned and other processed foods. Those who do vigorous exercises should also take precautionary measures to top up on all alkaline minerals especially Sodium and Potassium.

  4. I tried and my K level went too high and my sodium level dropped. This is probably because of my high fruit and veggies intake. My PCP told me to stop substituting, instead to go low on sodium.

  5. I know pure potassium chloride is used to execute prisoners by lethal injection. That's why I use 50/50 sodium to potassium chloride salt. I remember in one of your earlier videos you mentioned that our ancestors had a 1:5 ratio, I think, sodium to potassium in their diet from plants. It would probably be a good reference now too just to know what kind of ratio we can tolerate.

  6. The world of nutrition is so confusing. I literally have one expert on the internet stressing the importance of sodium, and one telling me it will kill me.

  7. Okay, 1/4 or 1/2 potassium chloride makes sense. I've seen people do taste tests with it straight up, and apparently it tastes "cold" and "like how bleach smells" with a very foul aftertaste. I was curious how they were going to handle the taste.

    Interesting that some people actually preferred it at that ratio.

  8. China, we are waiting for data from China, I guess we will never learn. If you have seen what is happening in Shanghai, salt is the least of there problem's.

  9. I use a little salt only to get my required iodine. I hate anything that even remotely tastes fishy, so sea vegetable sources are out for me. So where do I get iodine from now.

  10. Added potassium citrate and magnesium citrate to my supplements. Has reduced my cramping and feel way more hydrated. Glad it may have long term benefits as well. I believe citrate form is a better substitute to chloride form but can't remember where I read that so take it with a grain of salt 😉 pun intended

  11. I like this approach to the shorter videos, no doubt designed to please the almighty algorithm. Here is to millions and millions of subscribers.

  12. I sprinkle vinegar mixed with lemon or lime juice 50 – 50 combo on almost anything I eat (except mashed potatoes). I use no added salt unless it's in the food already but plant based, whole food doesn't have it. Works great for me. And yes, my blood pressure went down and I no longer take a diuretic.

  13. The major downside is that people prefer either 100% sodium chloride or 75% sodium chloride/25% potassium chloride in taste tests.

    It would be nice if we could swap everything out for 50/50 or 100% potassium chloride, but if it doesn't taste exactly as good as 100% sodium chloride then food companies can't use it.

  14. when i followed a no added salt diet my sodium intake was 100-200mg per day and i developed symptoms of hyponatremia. Now i supplement my food with salt to make sure i get atleast 1000mg per day and I no longer get symptoms of hyponatremia and feel much better. Very low salt is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than high salt.

  15. Your cliffhanger-episodes format pretty much sucks. I subscribed the other day, after a couple of your videos. But if this is how it goes, I'll have to go elsewhere. I already told others about this channel, but they won't want to hang around either — to have information you have to give forth already just to be doled out in this hangers-on manner, instead.

  16. But this doesnt demonstrate that if you already do not use sodium salt, then would adding potassium chloride help. So it doesnt answer the important question if potassium chloride is actually healthful or not.

  17. Get your potassium from bountiful doses of vegetables. I'm surprised to see potassium chloride being suggested as a substitute because it tastes absolutely disgusting.

  18. Stupid to put a cliff hanger on potentially fatal ingredients. If you have the information then share it. This channel needs a refresh.

  19. Dear Dr. Gregor , could you please take a look at metabolic confusion theory , where they claim that by switching high carb/ low fat with high fat / low carb days women can loose weight much faster and maintain it ? What do you think about that?

  20. If more people actually read labels and studied these “New Foods” and the Industrial Food Complex, they’d understand sodium intakes. The mere fact that people still use ‘table salt’ tells you everything you need to know.

  21. I've been doing the DASH diet ever since the pandemic hit (and I was able to begin working from home). I've become obsessed with getting potassium into my diet. I've also been using Lo-Salt, which is a sodium-potassium blend product. It remains a challenge to meet the daily potassium guidelines much less maintain a 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 ratio of potassium to sodium – but that's primarily because of all the unnecessary sodium that packaged food companies insist on putting into their products. Honestly, this is an area where the FDA needs to step in and make the packaged food companies change their ways.

  22. The SSaSS trial from the Chinese villages came out in the New England Journal of Medicine a month ago with a decrease in CV events, Strikes, and all cause death. Also no hyperkalemia…again a reason to eat more potassium and less sodium including supplements…from your local neighborhood nephrolgist

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