Fare luce sulla perdita di peso

Sperimentazioni randomizzate e controllate di fototerapia (luce intensa del mattino) per la perdita di peso.

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Ora ho un'intera serie sulla cronobiologia; puoi vedere tutti i video qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/chronobiology/). Gli ultimi aiutano a dipingere il quadro completo di come il nostro ambiente può influenzare i nostri ritmi circadiani:
· In che modo i ritmi circadiani influenzano i livelli di zucchero nel sangue (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/come-i-ritmi-circadiani-influenzano-i-livelli-di-zucchero-nel-sangue)<br/> · Come sincronizzare il tuo orologio circadiano centrale con la tua periferica Orologi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-sync-your-central-circadian-clock-to-your-peripheral-clocks)
· I danni metabolici dei turni notturni e dei pasti irregolari (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ i-danni-metabolici-dei-turni-notturni-e-dei-pasti-irregolari)

Ce n'è un altro in arrivo successivo: Perché le persone aumentano di peso in autunno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-people-gain-weight-in-the-fall).

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla perdita di peso, dai un'occhiata alla mia recente serie:
· The 3, 500 La regola delle calorie per libbra è sbagliata (h ttp://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/the-500-la-regola-delle-calorie-per-libbra-è-sbagliata)
· La ragione per cui si perde peso quando si è a dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/the-reason-weight-loss-plateaus-when-you-diet)
· La nuova regola delle calorie per chilo di perdita di peso (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the- nuova-regola-calorie-per-libbra-di-perdita-di-peso/)
· Lo zucchero porta all'aumento di peso? (http://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/does-sugar-lead-to-weight-gain)
· I benefici della restrizione calorica per la longevità (http://nutritionfacts.org /nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Benefits-of-Calorie-Restriction-for-Longevity)
· Potenziali insidie ​​della restrizione calorica (
· I benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova (
http://nutritionfacts.org /nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-fasting-for-weight-loss-put-to-the-test)
· Il digiuno è benefico per Perdita di peso? (
· Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? ( http://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-Fasting-for-Weight-Loss-Safe )
· Gli integratori dimagranti sono sicuri? (
· Gli integratori dimagranti sono efficaci? (http://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/are-weight-loss-supplements-efficace )

Oppure sfoglia tutti i miei video sulla perdita di peso qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/perdita-di-peso).

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40 Risposte a “Fare luce sulla perdita di peso”

  1. Thanks for the info!

    I was hospitalized with Rhabdomyolysis a week ago. I didn't know what this was until I got it. I would love to see a video with more information on Rhabdomyolysis.
    I was told to stay on a low sodium diet and drink lots of water. Any diet information to help with recovery would be appreciated. Thanks😊

  2. There is a light bulb called Finally. It has the full spectrum. Exposure to this light at night will put one to sleep. (Not sponsored) Replaced many of the bulbs in my house.

  3. Good thing I get up early and face the sun every morning, no wonder why its so comforting! Morning light exposure is literally programmed into our DNA!

  4. This is just another factor in the equation for how our current societal norms just hinder feeling human. At least we know so we can try to make changes individually.

  5. Nice video! All of this is so interesting. I guess I'll make sure to not use my computer at night. Thanks for the wonderful video! Your videos always inspire me to keep posting on my channel.

  6. Clear blue sky is a rarity where I live, but I recently got a therapy light for indoor use. It's already made a huge difference in my sleep schedule. No effect on weight yet but we'll see.

  7. Holy! How would this effect people in Circumpolar countries? I used to live in the Yukon in Canada and in the summer the sun is up all night! 🌞

  8. This one is a little confusing and a little to fast for me…..as I'll have to rewatch it…..it would seem trials show there is some moderate weight loss involving with light exposure but it has to be at certain times….like morning hours….whereas evening light exposure makes you gain weight or stay the same…anyway….this is all cool stuff……I do think he could be better at summarizing his presentations…..as far as simplifying them to a bottomline conclusion……as far as what has been shown to be a healthy behavior……like this vid for example, I think he/they could have said…ok, so make sure you get 45 minutes of bright light in the morning if you want to lose weight or test these trial results…..I do like the corny jokes at the end, but it would still be nice if they managed to put a brief summarized conclusion either verbally at the end of this vids or written in the vid or down below under in the caption segment……I think that would help immensely for some people to better understand how to apply this knowledge more effectively…….think about it…..thanx!

  9. The only Milky Way they're likely to see is in a candy wrapper. Sad truth of our times. Light pollution is a lot more harmful than most people realize. If you've lived in big cities all your life take a trip to Montana or some other small rural community and just look up at the sky on a clear night. It's shockingly beautiful.

  10. I'm an extremely fit athletic vegan but I always sleep with a salt lamp at night (iv'e always hated sleeping in pitch black since I was a child), doesn't seem to affect my body at all. However, I do sleep near the glass sliding door of my apartment and always wake up naturally with the morning light.

  11. Just get up with the sun breaks and get your fat ass to bed at sunset.
    And get outside as much as possible.
    That's the way you were meant to live.

  12. You can buy a light that’s programmed for morning, afternoon and night time light. Philip’s makes one. It can range from 30 up to 65 dollars.

  13. I know this is a different question on conditions but is axenfield rigers syndrome including dental resorbtion because of autoimmune condition curable or manageable please?

  14. All this talking about the blue light affecting your rhythm. People who live up quite North (When on Northern hemisphere) get late blue sunlight in the evening every summer and very early blue light sunrise. I don't massively get out of rhythm. Furthermore, I play a relaxing game on my 3DS (blue light) before sleeping and sleep well. When I watch youtube, Netflix or play a more active game (mobile or PC) I suddenly stay awake. When I read an interesting book at low yellow/ red light, I stay awake.

    It seems that for me the blue light is way less of a factor in staying awake compared to how interesting and active the activities I do before bedtime are. Since nowadays TV's, smartphones and PC's are serving 24/7 entertainment and social media is giving us FOMO, that is definitely a distraction. I think that has a lot more to do with bad sleeping then we talk about.

    I would like to add to this as well that when I am physically active on a day, I sleep way better as well. Our societies are mostly inactive nowadays. That contributes probably to bad sleeping as well.

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