Friday Favorites: Dairy and Cancer

How do we explain the increased risk of prostate cancer but the decreased risk of colon cancer associated with dairy consumption?

Whoa, that was a long one, but I didn’t want to break it up and lose the narrative thread. I hope it was clear enough. This may be one of those that requires a second listen, because I packed a bunch in there.

Here’s the video I mentioned: Is It Better to Drink a Little Alcohol than None at All? (

What about dairy for bone health? That’s controversial too. See Is Milk Good for Our Bones? (<br />
What about those that say the dairy fat isn’t so bad after all? See Is Butter Really Back? What the Science Says (

What about plant milks? Check out Prostate Cancer & Organic Milk vs. Almond Milk (

For more on cancer in general, see: How Not to Die from Cancer (

And after this video came out, I did one on The Effects of Hormones in Dairy Milk on Cancer (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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53 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Dairy and Cancer”

  1. the cancer dietitians from the NHS have put my mother on a milk protein diet while she has SPV throat cancer. she is feeding through a tube to her stomach, the food they supply for her is basically bottles of cow milk proteins with added vitamins. seems like theyre giving highly processed cancer-causing gloop to cancer patients?

  2. So "dr" greg ignores the simple fact that dairy, even with dead bacteria culture, enhances the immune system? there is an obvious bias towards dairy and meat on this channel, selectively choosing research papers that matches the bias and completely ignores thousands of other research about the benefits of dairy and meat?. too bad, this is misleading people.

    humans have been consuming meat since our existence and dairy for thousands of years. facts greg doesn't want to highlight on his channel and scares people with "cancer".

  3. Thanks for breaking it down in the level of detail you always do. Gathering all this information and coming to a sound conclusion is really complicated. Your recommendation at the end leaves no room for doubt. Thx for your work. I the past year I have often caught myself eating some cheese, thinking it won't be that bad, since I avoid meat, butter and milk. I will stay away from cheese in 2023 too.

  4. Subscribe to our free newsletter, which always includes a recipe and key takeaways on a particular health topic. For a limited time, new subscribers will receive an infographic on sweet potatoes. Learn about the health benefits of sweet potatoes and the best way to cook them, and enjoy some delicious recipes.

  5. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  6. I suspect dairy protecting against colon cancer argument is a red herring as the governments both in the US and Canada are too scared to face the powerful dairy lobby.

  7. Products including dairy should come with big warning labels — every milk-powder-containing box and bag and can and tetra pak!! And no more subsidies

  8. Dairy free. For the animals, the planet and for health. The industry continues to lie and pay politicians to believe those same lies. Or they get themselves elected in order to try and add validity to their propaganda.

  9. I remember a tv programme a few years ago stating that Roquefort and Stilton

    cheese eaten often healing stomach ulcers and some forms of stomach inflamation.

  10. There is a distinction between organic dairy from 100% grassfed cows and regular production non-organic dairy from cows injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. There are some studies which separate the two categories, and there should be more done. Generally, thank you Dr. Greger for your research.

    Here is a video which talks about where IGF-1 is coming from and why people who eat dairy are more likely to develop cancers:

    The problem with soy and almond milk is that it often contains `natural flavor`, which is created from many synthetic chemicals not even listed in the ingredients.

  11. Errrr… so Kazaks drink more milk per capita than British or USA or just about any European country except for Sweden. They drink nearly twice the amount the spaniards drink. It makes me think that perhaps your "non caucasians are mostly all lactose intolerant" is false. It also makes me think that how come the Russians, who are caucasians and drink milk have such low numbers of cancer? Why is Kazakhstan in light green in your cancer map when they are in dark read in the map of how much milk people drink per capita? Why didn't you compare those two maps? And how come they dont overlap very much?
    Sounds like a biased look at all this.
    I was a vegetarian from birth (41 years ago), have never eaten meat or fish and I've been vegan for periods but wouldn't call myself one since I sometimes have periods where I eat eggs and cheese. I'm not against your cause, I support it, but I also support good science and not making wild claims based on conjecture based on a vague generalization about milk consumption that doesn't even match the real numbers.

  12. Although this channel is mainly focused on nutrition can we expect some episodes on stress reduction, relaxation,emotions,exercises,HIIT.
    These topic play a huge role in heath besides nutrition.
    Everyone avoid to speak about mental health but that matters the most nowadays.

  13. Unhealthy people in the western world consume dairy with seed oils and processed carbs so of course there’s correlation everywhere between cancers and dairy.

  14. Total BS. The map at the start shows the former Soviet Union area (Russia etc) as totally green /low mortality while they consume huge amounts of dairy.

  15. Thirs no empirical evidence either way.
    Association is not causation
    End of.
    How many time is association mentioned?
    Not one mention of proven causation.

    Rrmember association is not causation unless the incidence is in the thousands of percent, like tobbaco.

    This opinion piece is not nutrition fact.
    End of.

  16. I've had virtually no dairy for 11 months. Don't miss it at all. Psoriasis virtually gone, just remnents left.
    No deli meats either, minimal red meat, fish.
    95%+ whole food plant based. Blood pressure very good now, weight down from 90 to 79 kg.
    Very, very exciting the power we have

  17. I wonder why there are studies contradicting the statements of this video? Just stumbled upon this 2021 study (Potential Protective Protein Components of Cow's Milk against Certain Tumor Entities): "With the wealth of results available today, the influence of milk on the development of various types of cancer and, in particular, its often protective effects have been shown both in vitro and in vivo and in the evaluation of large-scale cohort and case-control studies. Various caseins, diverse whey proteins such as α-lactalbumin (α-LA), bovine α-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (BAMLET), β-lactoglobulin (β-LG), or bovine serum albumin (BSA), and numerous milk fat components, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), or butyrate, as well as calcium and other protein components such as lactoferrin (Lf), lactoferricin (Lfcin), and casomorphines, show antitumor or cytotoxic effects on cells from different tumor entities. With regard to a balanced and health-promoting diet, milk consumption plays a major role in a global context. This work provides an overview of what is known about the antitumoral properties of proteins derived from cow's milk and their modes of action."DOI: 10.3390/nu13061974

  18. Total bs. My grandparents and all their generation in that rural area were eating dairy and eggs daily. Everyone over 90 years old no health issues. Total crap vegan propaganda.

  19. I am getting angry when generic terms like 'dairy' are used which are supposed to cover everything from raw milk to government cheese. It is like summing up whole grains and HFCS as 'carbs'.

  20. How about go raw raw & get prostate cancer like any sis'? …boom bah, is that the answer, OFC, hormone additive free, duh, eh.

  21. So many questions, they add vitamin D to milk? What does that do to someone over a long time? What about Raw milk? Also what’s the diet of these milk drinkers, cereal?! I don’t trust anyone anymore

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