Le donne meritano di conoscere la verità sulle mammografie

Cosa fanno solo 9 in 10 le donne dicono di non aver mai parlato di mammografie, anche se pensavano di avere il diritto di saperlo?

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Per ulteriori informazioni su questo concetto di sovradiagnosi difficile da comprendere, si prega di rivedere altri video sulla mammografia:
• 9 donne su 10 male informate sulle mammografie ((http://nutritionfacts.org/video/9-out-of-10-Donne-disinformate-sulla-mammografia)
• Raccomandazioni sulla mammografia – Perché le linee guida contrastanti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Mammogram-Recommendations-Why-the-Conflicting-Guidelines)<br/> • Le donne dovrebbero sottoporsi a mammografie a partire dall'età 40? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Should-Women-Get-Mammograms-Starting-at-Age-40)
• Le mammografie salvano vite umane? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Mammograms-Save-Lives)
• Contro equences of False-Positive Mammogram Results (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Consequences-of-False-Positive-Mammogram-Results)
• La mammografia fa male? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-mammograms-hurt)
• Le radiazioni mammografiche possono causare il cancro al seno? (
• Capire il paradosso della mammografia (
• Trattamento eccessivo del tumore al seno in stadio 0 DCIS (http:// nutritionfacts.org/video/overtreatment-of-stage-0-breast-cancer-dcis)

Resta sintonizzato per il mio ultimi quattro:
• Il cancro al seno e il mito del tasso di sopravvivenza a 5 anni (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/Il-cancro-al-seno-e-il-mito-del-tasso-di-sopravvivenza-a-5-anni)
• Perché le mammografie non sembrano salvare vite umane ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Why-Mammograms-Don)
• Perché i pazienti non sono informati sulle mammografie (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Why-Patients -Non-sono-informato-sulla-mammografia)
• I pro ei contro delle mammografie ( http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Mammograms)
Sì, avrei potuto spremere (nessun gioco di parole sulla mammografia previsto !) tutto questo in meno video, ma sento che le donne meritano di conoscere tutta la verità in modo che possano prendere una decisione. Non sono contrario alle mammografie. Sono contrario all'atteggiamento condiscendente secondo cui le donne dovrebbero essere semplicemente incalzate senza essere pienamente informate sui benefici e sui rischi. Alcune donne sceglieranno comunque di ottenerle. Altri no. Sta a loro decidere.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/women-deserve-to-know-the -truth-about-mammograms e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/women-deserve-to-know-the-truth -circa-mammografie. Troverai anche una trascrizione e riconoscimenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche per lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, 10 argomenti di salute.

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76 Risposte a “Le donne meritano di conoscere la verità sulle mammografie”

  1. The problem is not with the patient. The problem lies with the physician who overdiagnose.

    It's a bit much to ask the general populous to understand why some cancers are dangerous while others aren't.

  2. I was treated as a non-compliant patient when I declined to have a mammogram and a pap smear. Mind you I had a hysterectomy two years prior.

  3. Thank you so much for this series! I had one mammogram in my twenties when my obgyn thought she felt something. I then thought something that hurts so much cannot be good for me and never went again. No I can argue why!

  4. I’m always curious when taking into account all this information how it would translate into a new statistic. They say 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer. Would it be more like 1 in 20? 1 in 50? Even less?

  5. Thank you. As a young mother of 3 daughters, with 3 sisters, a mother and a grandmother this is so important. Although there is no history of breast cancer in either side of my family, I feel so much for the billions of families who do have it. I thank you .

  6. Wow! Thank you for this well researched information!! Very emotional topic; unbelievable how common perception [including my own prior to this series] is no where near the truth!

  7. Thank you Dr. Gregor I never knew this. My first ever mammogram I had a few years ago and afterwards I was called after a couple days to go back the following week because they saw something they didn't like. It freaked me out. So I went back for another mammogram and I was told that what they found was a cluster of calcium deposits in one area and they had to biopsy that area. Everything came out okay no breast tissue with cancerous cells. But I'm so glad you made this video for me and all women who need to know about this. Thank You!

  8. Terrific series, Doc (and I'm a male, btw)…the problem is, unfortunately people are so heavily brainwashed that when I try to share this information with others, even family members, they think I'm some sort of conspiracy theorist….

  9. Dr Greger, that is the most direct and strongest look at a serious problem. I hope you don't receive too much flack from your peers but that was much needed light shinned on the darkness, greed and corruption in the medical industry. But its the industry not the doctors, I am sure they believe what they tell patients because they want to help and many don't or won't get it because that would be outside of their belief system. Thank you! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  10. Here is a fast fact. I am 60 years old, please name one thing that the medical profession has found a cure for. You can't because they haven't cured anything and they will never as long as there is more money in research than in the medicine to cure it. How much money do you think has been donated to Jerry's kids, the american cancer society, multiple sclerosis, aids research combined in those 60 years I have been alive? What are the results of the research?

  11. I thought if something was detected in the mammogram you would have to do a biopsy to make sure it was cancer. At least I think that’s the policy in my country, because you just can't do quimo an radiotherapy to treat something that you don’t have and mammograms are not conclusive.

  12. Women are not informed, they think it's their duty to get a mammogram..it's ridiculous. It's so painful, that you would at least wonder is this hurting me in the long run, crushing pressure that could damage tissue, radiation..that's what I wondered and that was 18 years ago..never had another.

  13. When you talk about PSA testing and how it’s not necessary, I have to disagree. My husband had his PSA screened and it kept going up. Then he had a biopsy and it is positive for prostate cancer. Luckily it was caught in stage 1. If he had not had his PSA levels monitored, then he wouldn’t have had a biopsy and wouldn’t have found out he has early prostate cancer. So I have to disagree there. And therefore not sure about your mammogram stance.

  14. I don't know what you're talking about, here in the UK mammograms are used exclusively as a screening tool. An actual diagnosis of breast cancer would require 1) A positive clinical examination 2) Radiological examination in the form of an ultrasound (far more sensitive than a mammogram) 3) Positive histological results

  15. My mother had mammograms regularly until her insurance paid mammogram site moved farther from home. She waited four years before she finally went to the new place. The result: breast cancer metastatic to the lung. It goes both ways. They aren't always evil. If she had had her yearly mammogram she might still be alive now. What you need is a good breast cancer center that knows when to watch and when to act. Many women, however, will not wait and watch to see if the lesion grows. They want it out now.

  16. I know two people who have had lumpectomy for BC found only by mammogram. Im getting mine every uear. Not wanting to be your statistic

  17. My mother died in 2004 at age 65 of lung cancer. She never smoked. She was however a breast cancer ‘survivor’. She had the lump surgically removed and then had radiation. The lung cancer that developed 8 years later I am 99.99% positive was caused by the radiation used to ‘cure’ the breast cancer. All of her doctors poo-poohed this and said that just wasn’t possible. The tumor in her lung was just behind the breast that supposedly had cancer. The same year my mom died I was 39 and I had my first mammogram. They found a benign fibro adenoma which they recommended I had surgically removed. I didn’t know any better. I had surgery and follow ups where they found more things ‘suspect’ with more mammograms and then I had a radio static breast biopsy which was a horrible experience, turned out to be nothing. I haven’t been back since. I switched to a whole foods-plant based diet last year and have lost 65 pounds without even trying.
    We want to spend all of our time and money trying to detect cancers but why don’t we spend all of our time and money eating the right foods and reducing our risk so that maybe we don’t get cancer in the first place. It’s been said that certain kinds of cancers are hereditary but maybe what’s hereditary is bad diets that we pass on from generation to generation that cause the cancers and maybe not so much our genes.

  18. Thanks Doctor, very interesting series. Would you ever consider to do a video on the HPV vaccine. The more I read the less I am convinced I should have my 11yo daughter vaccinated. Thanks

  19. Never had a mammogram ever. I refused to get one. Haven't been to the OB-GYN in over 15 years. Why go ask them to find something?

  20. It's pretty sad that women think they could trust the results of a mammogram. How are women to know if it's over diagnosed or not. Women will be basically playing Russian Roulette with their health. Just another industry looking out for money….

  21. In addition to the enormous rate of false positive diagnoses, mammograms use X-rays with dangerous ionizing radiation! As a long-term vegan who stays far away from pharma drugs and vaccines, I haven't been to a doctor since the early '90s when I sprained my ankle, just to make sure it wasn't broken (it wasn't — I've got incredibly strong bones) Toxicity and malnutrition are the 2 conditions present in every disease. Learn your own body's warning signs about food allergies, eat lots of living/raw/unprocessed plant enzymes, take charge of your own health and stop running to the clueless allopathic doctor.

  22. I'm confused, wouldn't more testing be required to diagnose the cancer before radiation treatment would begin, ultrasound, biopsy ? That's certainly the case here in Australia.

  23. Very interesting! Please can someone tell me if these statistics are also applicable to the UK? Where the Government pay for our care? Is over-diagnosis an issue here too? Thanks 🙏

  24. This is so disturbing. It indicates that there is almost a conspiracy, though unspoken, between the mammogram industry and the cancer institutes. My friend was at a fundraiser for one of the Cancer Institutes the other day, they were serving meat and dairy. I believe it was a fundraiser for early detection, actually. Which would be to get every woman a mammogram. No education on what foods to eat. They just want to cut more and more women open. This is so damned disturbing. I think most of them believe they are doing the right thing? I know I am in no hurry to go for another mammogram, and I do not eat meat or dairy so I'm not too worried about my cancer risk.

  25. So are you saying women should never have a mamogram? What if you do have breast cancer should you just let it grow? Then what? I am confused.

  26. So why do they still harass me with getting a mammogram when I tell them I don’t want one? Maybe it’s because it’s bad for business?

  27. Thanks Dr G, for all you do, it just makes me sad you are mostly "preaching to the choir", when the people who need to be woke the most will continue to let personal bias rule them and ignore the evidence, especially if I try to share!
    When my doctor hounded me at every visit to get mammograms and other questionable 'early diagnostics" like HER life depended on it, I finally spoke up about the actual evidence. Her swift response? She huffily informed me the "internet" was a very poor substitute for a doctor…and I decided so was she!

  28. BRAVO to Dr. Gregor for his entire series on mammograms!!! I have been outraged from my own personal experience of over-diagnosis/over-treatment and my years of research has left me bewildered at how the harms can continue and women are still completely uninformed. Please see my story and help spread this info to all women! http://www.DCIS411.com

  29. "Many women are being given diagnoses of breast cancer unnecessarily…the detection of pseudodisease mammogram-detected abnormalities that look like cancer under a microscope…but it was just pseudodisease and would have never progressed to actually cause symptoms." Seriously?! So my mammogram that showed something in my right breast, which my gyno assured me was only a cyst, but turned out to be stage 2 invasive lobular carcinoma is really pseudodiease and I should have left it alone and expected it not to progress and actually cause symptoms. Based on what? Anyone want to take it from me and find out if it's real or not? No thanks, surgeon. I'd like to hang onto this cluster of cells pretending to be cancer.
    I am now no longer a fan of yours. And your speech pattern is annoying and disingenuous.

  30. I wish that I know all these information before I did my mammogram cause I would never had one. I'm 43 healthy & fit and none of my sisters or mom have breast cancer but one aunt has cancer. My doctor wants me to have mammogram I refused but he keeps insisting, I told him about my concern is not the pain of the mammogram but rather of the radiation. He assured me that the radiation is like an x-ray or just being exposure to the sun a whole day so I thought it's not bad & I had my 1st mammogram was at age 38 and another one at age 43. I just had a 2nd mammogram 4 days ago & I'm so concern about the radiation & the negatives effects of the mammogram because since after my 2nd mammogram my breasts feel really hot like hot pad and painful too. I also feel sharp pain around my chest area & inside my breasts. I can't help it but so worried & nervous so I did research about mammogram & radiation & spoke with lots of people and someone told me that the radiation of one mammogram is like 1000 of chest x-ray radiation. Omg😬😬😬😠😠😷🤒🤒I called my doctor & was really mad cause I never want to do mammogram but he keeps insisting me & convincing me without giving the facts & even I discussed with him about my concerns but he said the radiation is not much. Now,. I really worried & feel extremely bad of what I did to my body. Can someone give me some suggestions what to do to get a rid of radiation naturally? I asked my doctor to give me a pill to eliminate all the radiation from my body cause I heard there's a pill do that but he said it's works for different of radiation. I don't have much knowledge about these stuffs so I really frustrated. The results came out was good but now I'm worrying about the radiation in my breasts, chest & body. I feel sharp pain inside my breasts,. Does anyone feel sharp pain after mammogram? Please share. BTW,. My doctor is a very nice & humor doctor. He always very nice, pleasant and do his best to help me whenever I have any concerns but in this case I don't know if it's best for me or not.

  31. I can't agree with you more. Thank you for your presentation. I was corralled into over-treatment and have many regrets. Would like to see a revolution in this. Thank you for starting it.

  32. The CENTRAL question is: What is the ALL CAUSE morbidity and mortality comparing treatment to non-treatment? The question IS Are there ALTERNATIVE expenditures that yield significantly better results? Lifestyle medicine options for instance….

  33. People are learning to not blindly trust their Dr.'s…the more educated we get, access to info- a whole world is opening up for us to be better healthcare consumers. "Ask your Dr." is such bad and overstated advice….cuz your Dr. doesn't know..with nutrition being a good case in point.

  34. Dr. I have a question. What do you do if you find a lump in one of the breast? Do you allow them to screen it with the mammogram, or with the ultrasound?

  35. I’m confused, do they not do further testing after a mammogram to confirm that it is cancer? Don’t they remove the lump and test it?

  36. if they do biopsy and there are cancer cells then what? how long would one wait ? to see if it grows? if it grows how big do you let it get? and what happens if in that time it metastasize. So how are they actually proving that if someone would have left a cancer cluster it would have went away.. There is no way to know that.. thus the push if indeed detectable cancer to get it out… also my mother had detected uterine cancer she had removed but wouldn't allow radiation or chemo and she died 4 months later and she was Plant based for YEARS!!!!!

  37. I wonder…..if its the women that routinely went for mammograms for years and then stopped; that would eventually develop cancer? I wonder what the statistics of cancer would be in this case; vs. a women that never had mammograms at all. Meaning…..did the years of mammograms “cause” the cancer years after they stopped getting them? I am wondering this out of kind ignorance, absolute respect, and sincere yearning for all the knowledge I can possibly absorb. As a woman in my early 50 that has had one mammogram in my life; and considering not ever doing them again.

  38. Mammograms are not a reliable test. In fact it misses 30% of cancer. it has many women getting called backed for more imaging and unnecessary biopsies. Most women find their cancer on their own even when getting routine mammograms. I had 2 mammograms. Called back the first time for more images and an ultrasound. Spent a week thinking I was dying and it was a cyst. I said I’ll never get another one. Why are women exposing their breast tissue every year for an unreliable test. Well I am getting a breast lift and the surgeon said I had to get a mammogram before surgery. So I was in a sense forced to do something I said I wouldn’t do. Guess what I got a call back for a “mass” on both breast. Again thought we’ll I’m definitely dead what’s the odds that one of the masses isn’t something. I never heard of a call back for 2 breast’s and didn’t even find it on you tube or web from other women. Well surprise, surprise after more images and an ultrasound both were cysts. It’s criminal what this test does. If anything it plays on women’s fears and is a huge cash cow for these facilities. Women get told their good but really have breast cancer and women are called back for cysts etc all the while exposing their breast to “CANCER” causing radiation. It’s really criminal. Do you really think men would go get a scrotogram every year and have their privates smushed and exposed to radiation for such unreliable testing. I think not.

  39. I have PTSD from the trauma of having an unnecessary breast lump biopsy done 22 years ago and have only had 1 mammogram done and never will again because found that experience traumatic too and read some medical reports that mammograms were not actually saving lives and now also hearing about over diagnoses too. Both radiation and chemo are also harmful. I understand that chemo can sometimes save a life but it can also kill too so why should women who may never have needed chemo being subjected to this unnecessarily? Not to mention the unnecessary trauma as well.

    There is way too much fear and anxiety generated with all these screening tests and to now discover that its not even saving lives is infuriating.

  40. After my first and only mammogram my breasts went from feeling like part of my body to feeling like weighted objects from the excess pressure they had experienced I was then called back for an ultrasound and had the choice of being monitored which means more mammograms or having a biopsy I opted for the biopsy I was told it was minimally invasive and there might be slight bruising 80 percent of my breast was deep purple my results came back benign which was my instinctive thought all along I will never go for another mammogram without due cause for concern I feel they treat womens breasts like her enemy and the process is not healthy in itself for breasts

  41. Additional comment: they described the biopsy as minimally invasive 8 good sized needles that left my breast very bruised is not in my opinion minimally invasive

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