Fitati per la prevenzione dell'osteoporosi

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DESCRIZIONE: Donne che consumano i cibi più ricchi di fitati (cereali integrali, fagioli e noci) sembrano avere una migliore densità ossea.

Mangiare sano può aiutarci a evitare anche altri farmaci. Vedi, ad esempio:
• Dì no alla droga dicendo sì a più piante (http: //<br/> • Intero I cereali possono funzionare così come le droghe (
• Tossicità muscolare delle statine ( )
Diete alcaline, proteine ​​animali e perdita di calcio ( è un altro video sorprendente sulla salute delle ossa.
Come si potrebbero contrastare alcuni degli effetti di blocco dei minerali? Vedi nuovi potenziatori di assorbimento minerale trovati (

I fagioli potrebbero non solo aiutare il nostro scheletro a durare più a lungo, ma anche il resto di noi. Vedere Aumento della durata della vita dai fagioli ( .
Ho un sacco di altri video in arrivo sui sorprendenti benefici dei fitati: restate sintonizzati!

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Immagine di credito: Cookbookman17 tramite flickr e John W. Hellstein, University of Iowa College of Dentistry e Hardin MD, University of Iowa.
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34 Risposte a “Fitati per la prevenzione dell'osteoporosi”

  1. Very very interesting!!! Funny how low carber or paleo dieters argue about phytates being bad for you and stuff… while eating all that meat & dairy LOL

  2. The question is: how were the phytates in the mentioned studies administered? isolated or in form of a natural plant? If the ladder is the case I wouldn't see the benefits coming from the phytate itself but from other plant compounds as nuts, tubers and legumes are nutrient dense foods.
    Biochemically it makes no sense that phytates shouldn't bond to minerals as tightly in our digestive system as in other species'.

  3. stay away from kidney beans and wheat…both contains a carbohydrate binding protein(lectin) that reeks havoc on the gut microvilli of most individuals

  4. This may sound stupid, but could you please do a video about what to feed a dog who has cancer? My dog has cancer that is eating his facial tissue and I've heard that bitter melon juice can help…

  5. Phytates in food are already bound to minerals. That is very different than taking pure inositol hexaphosphate as a supplement. Also, foods high in IP-6 are also high in other things e.g. magnesium. I wouldn't recommend taking supplemental IP-6 without first doing more research.

  6. I would like a video about hairloss and baldness for men. I have a feeling constipation has something to do with it. Thk you Dr Greger.

  7. well. u must walk. or such, steroids for such and such.. or whatnot. well.. bones recquire load wich cause fractures microfractures in it so the sharp fractures stimulate some cell lines inside to maintain bone density. if u dont have laod at all then bone is lost gradually, to some basal level of bone breakdown and rebuilding, but i think building bones is costly so perhaps no high basal level of bone building. never the less need material.. only it might not be the problem (phosphates, proteins, calcium, magnesium zink vitamin D, are the things i know of recuired by bonegrowth.

  8. Question on Phytates: If I soak nuts such as almonds or Brazil nuts will I destroy the phytates? Same with soaking beans before cooking them.  Or do the phytates remain in the nuts and beans?

  9. There is a study that shows how whole weats bread & some phytates are so bad and are all Gmos. The world is infected just live life doctor

  10. My mother is 50 and has been a vegan for about 8 years and she recently found out that she has osteopenia. Over the past 6 years her bone density has steadily declined. During this time she has consistently taken calcium and vitamin D supplements. Her doctor is recommending she start taking either Boniva or Fosamax in addition to supplements to slow down or improve her bone density and avoid osteoporosis. Do you recommend this if she already has dental problems? Is the chance of her getting jaw osteonecrosis worth it? And if not, is it possible to improve her bone density through diet alone? Thank you for your time.

  11. Isn't the issue with phytates in the digestive system rather than in the blood? The issues I'd heard is that phytates can interfere with calcium absorption when a high phytate source and high calcium source are consumed together. Similarly oxalates can do the same thing.

  12. WOW!! flat out lying and cherry picking to get your agenda done!!! Who owns you?? Monsanto??? My children and i consumed a high phytate diet for years, due to lack of income, and no not burgers, whole foods, rice, beans etc. Our teeth you can see through and we are always sick, weak and tired. I found the Weston A Price foundation who has literally mountains of historical factual evidence to blow your crap out of the water!! For thousands of years cultures who consumed grains/seeds soaked, fermented and consumed tons of probiotics just to digest them. The coincidence of Americans consuming more non-soaked/fermented phytates than other parts of the world and chronic disease is out for all to see. You should be sued and prosecuted for spreading flat out lies that will literally kill people!!

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