Flashback Friday: aumentare il grasso bruno attraverso la dieta

Le proprietà brucia grassi del tessuto adiposo bruno possono essere potenziate dall'esposizione al freddo, da alcune molecole aromatiche e da cibi ricchi di arginina.

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Cos'è il tessuto adiposo bruno? Guarda il mio video “prequel”: Brown Fat: Perdere peso attraverso la termogenesi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/brown-fat-losing-weight-through-thermogenesis)

Per saperne di più sulla storia dell'arginina, vedi Bruciare i grassi con l'arginina ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fat-burning-via-arginine/). L'arginina può anche svolgere un ruolo negli effetti che le noci possono avere sul flusso sanguigno del pene (Pistacchi Nuts for Erectile Dysfunction: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/pistachio-nuts -per-disfunzione-erettile/).<br/>
Il cibo piccante può anche aiutare con i disturbi digestivi (peperoncino di Cayenna per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile e indigestione cronica:
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cayenne-pepper-for-irritable-bowel-syndrome-and-chronic-indigestion/) e il composto di peperoncino può essere un vero toccasana per chi soffre di cefalea a grappolo (Salsa piccante nel naso per cefalea a grappolo? https://nutritionfacts .org/video/hot-sauce-in-the-nose-for-cluster-headaches/).

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40 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: aumentare il grasso bruno attraverso la dieta”

  1. I’m white myself, and I’ve always thought people were joking when they’d say that spicy foods “burn your butthole.” I seriously thought that was just some ignorant excuse not to eat spicy foods, because personally I love peppers, and always get complaints that the food I make is too spicy. Thank you Dr. Greger for confirming this unfortunate stereotype with studies! I had no idea that was legitimate until this morning! Still weirded out by that… Maybe it’s an allergic reaction?

  2. I have several varieties of hot peppers growing in the yard…. eating them always releases endorphins.. after the burn. Also getting plenty of nuts and seeds but no soy unless organic fermented.

  3. I always put Jalapenos on my bunless Bacon Cheeseburgers and I always sprinke my eggs with Cayenne pepper. Yeah, Baby!
    Anyway, adults naturally have very little brown fat… we simply don't need it for heat generation like infants do.

  4. Interesting. A 92 yr. old friend of the family eats ultra hot peppers every day. He is thin and has been for the 40 years I’ve known him.

    Eating more soy foods….NO. Too much estrogen and glyphosphate.

  5. Stop putting flashback friday in the title it makes it seem less important! The rest of the title is great! I want you to have more viewers so people can get healthier.

  6. The hot spicy pepper diet! I could go for that, to a point. At least we know peppers are very healthy for other reasons too. Especially jalapeños, loaded in vitamin C and everything. Now I know why everybody that eating super hot spicy food is dripping sweat while eating. But, I am definitely going to increase how many peppers I eat each day. I’ll stick with extra seeds, nuts and legumes as well. They didn’t include Mexicans in that comparison study? I know a few that can eat a lot of hot peppery food.

  7. Dr Greger, I love your videos but why do you look so unhealthy skinny? My 9 year old sister looks stronger than you.

  8. I put chillies in just everything. Even my tea, my chutney, icicles.
    I'm super obsessed with it. I even keep some leaves of Bhut Jholokia near my bed to ward of any mosquitoes and even provide warmth in very cold winters. 😅

  9. I love your videos! Thanks for going through all the difficult research and educating all of us in a simple and understandable way! There is a lot of conflicting information out there and it's easy to get lost!

  10. Сука, блядь, русские субтитры нереально успеть прочесть, я пиздец нахуй в гневе

  11. That is bad news for me. I am skinny and have problem gaining weight, i am not underweight but skinny. I go outside in a T-Shirt at below 10°C, without having cold, and i like to eat all this food. I don't want to stop eating my food nor use a jacket when it is cold.
    Is there a other way to reduce the production of brown fat while still eating healthy?

  12. I eat my peanuts with a LOT of cayenne pepper. BEWARE if you want to pick in my peanuts !! Some time, I even add my own recepices of hot pepper powder in it (trinidad, carolina repear, ghost pepper). Noboby want to mess with my peanuts lol
    I think I have an capseisin adiction… and the more I eat, the more I need. Is this a drug ? I use hot pepper in almost everything that I eat.

  13. So glad the last part about eating seeds nuts and bean s works too cause I dont think I could do a tablespoon of cayenne pepper on my food daily…lol

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