I preferiti del venerdì: il miglior integratore per le afte

Vitamina C, curcuma, fibre di beta-glucano e vitamina B000 vengono messi a dura prova per afte ricorrenti (afte).

Ecco il link al video sui notevoli risultati del miele che ho citato: miele topico per le afte.
Cos'altro si può fare per le afte? Check out:
• Il sodio lauril solfato è sicuro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-sodium-Lauryl-Sulfate-Safe)
• È CABP nel dentifricio senza SLS è meglio? (
• Il ruolo dei latticini e del glutine nelle afte (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Role-of-Dairy-and- Afte di glutine)<br/>
Scopri la vitamina B12 pagina tematica per tutti i miei B12 video. (

Il lievito alimentare è un'altra fonte di vitamina B12. Non conosci i suoi vantaggi? Vedi:
• Il miglior cibo per prevenire le comuni infezioni infantili (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-to-Prevent -Infezioni-comuni-infantili)
• Miglior cibo per contrastare l'immunosoppressione indotta dallo stress (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-to-Counter-stress-Induced-Immune-Suppression)
• Il miglior cibo per il fieno Febbre (allergie stagionali) (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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21 Risposte a “I preferiti del venerdì: il miglior integratore per le afte”

  1. Bee propolis helps my mom a lot. She just puts it in her mouth on the sore as a powder over night. Sadly, it's not strictly vegan…

  2. What I love about NF is how it clears up the nonsense regarding serious and common ailments with facts. Thanks for this video. I now know how to lessen canker sore suffering with confidence.

  3. Here is what cured my angular cheilitis, a severe version of cancor sore. B vitamin complex, particularly riboflavin. I never even get pealing lips in Midwest winters anymore. I was already taking B12 daily but B2 was what I needed. I now take both B12 and B complex.

  4. I have had recurring ulcers (2-4 mouth sores a month) since early childhood so I learnt to live with the pain. I'm not vegan, but I'll try the B12 supplement method first. I'm apprehensive about iron supplements since I saw another video about heme iron thing. Thanks for the video I learnt a lot!

  5. Chlorella and/or spirulina tablets are high in chlorophyll and lower acidity in mouth. Dissolving one of these tablets in my mouth has always helped.

  6. Some people, myself included, find that their recurrent canker sores stop after switching to a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulphate or similar foaming agents.

    For me, the change has been immediate, a 99% reduction. In the ~5 years since I switched toothpaste, I've maybe had 1 or 2 canker sores in total. Can't even remember when.

  7. Canker sores are a symptom of celiac disease and/or gluten intolerance. Not everyone with celiac has digestive problems (that are noticeable to them). And obviously it doesn’t mean if you get canker sores you have celiac, just an additional possibility to explore. My husband used to get canker sores and then he found out he had celiac disease. It went undiagnosed for years because he didn’t have the Classic gastrointestinal issues. (He did have minor gastrointestinal issues he just thought it was normal because he had always been like that so it wasn’t something he complained about to the doctor). Anyway, he went off gluten and never got one again. To be fair, he did start a lot of supplements at the same time, including B12. But celiac can cause a person not to be able to absorb nutrients well, so they will be deficient in a lot of things. Which maybe could be behind the canker sores in celiacs.

  8. Dr Gregor could you do a video about lyseine? I have read that it helps with cold sores and immunity in general. I’ve been taking an oral supplement for about 5 years and I haven’t had a cold sore since.

  9. Thanks for making this video, it's very hard to get clear information from doctors! I had very bad RAS for years, but I think it improved after I started supplementing b12.

  10. Fantastic! The channel is, at the time of posting this video, on 916K subscribers. Its adding more than 1,000 new subscribers ever week! What a tribute to Michael Greger and his team.

  11. Hi! Doc, can you make a vid about spices contamination by lead, chalk, paint and other harmful stuff? I recently found out about turmeric being often contaminated by lead and it now bugs me

  12. I had terrible canker sours as a child. Mouthfuls. It was awful. Especially when I had orthodontics. Not a lot of information or attention was given to this true suffering. On a plant based diet I have had no canker sores. Never have given this much thought.

  13. I used to be a vegan without B12 supplement. Canker sores occurred quite often, especially when I was under pressure from work.

    After I started to take B12 supplement around 1 year ago, it never happened again.

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