Gli effetti degli avocado e del vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti

Fonti vegetali integrali di zuccheri e grassi possono migliorare parte dell'infiammazione postprandiale causata dal consumo di carboidrati raffinati e carne.

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Le proteine ​​della carne possono causare più picchi di insulina rispetto allo zucchero da tavola puro. Guarda i confronti nel mio video Le diete paleo possono negare i benefici dell'esercizio ( .

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Altri video sugli avocado in arrivo e altri sul vino rosso:
• Rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso contro vino bianco (
• Il resveratrolo compromette i benefici dell'esercizio (
• Come trattare l'ipertensione con la dieta ( /come-trattare-la-pressione-alta-con-la-dieta/)

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100 Risposte a “Gli effetti degli avocado e del vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti”

  1. I've gone vegan off and on for about a year now and I've had my farthest stretch of pure veganism for 2 months. It's been a bit of a tough road, but I think I'm finally making it happen. I don't crave beef tacos or chicken burritos anymore and my waistline shows it!

  2. Would you please advice on Curcummin's dose-dependent liver toxicity according to this study "Pharmacokinetics prediction and drugability assessment of diphenylheptanoids from turmeric (Curcuma longa L)."

  3. And yet there was nothing on the insulin sensitivity of protein without sugar, was there? We got to see what happens to insulin with refined carbs and animal protein with sugar together, but not animal protein alone. I wonder why? Eat your veggies. They are excellent for you, but you don't need potatoes and pasta if you have insulin problems. Don't avoid fats either. Your body needs them too. Eat real food, mostly veggies, some meat and healthy saturated fats. It's.not.complicated.

  4. I eat everything! I have never been obese, fat or else, I eat well and portion my food to my satisfaction but I think our bodies need a well balanced diet that includes fruits, veggies, meats and grains that provide good fats. Our minds are more dangerous to our bodies than our diets. If you eat to feel well and be healthy then you will be. Just be conscious of your choices.

  5. FALSE INFORMATION! The pancreas DOES NOT produce insulin when eating meat or eggs alone (protein). Insulin will be produced only when combining sugar with any other type of food, whether it is meat, cheese, dietary fiber and any type of carbohydrates. Meat and eggs (protein) ARE NOT BAD ! They do not contain glucose or carbohydrates in their composition, therefore, the pancreas will not secrete insulin. It`s just how the pancreas works, i`m not a doctor. STOP telling false facts aboyt how meat is bad! Don`t combine sugar with meat, and the pancreas will be fine.

  6. ALSO FALSE!!! (Burger + Avocado) The Glycemic Index of avocado is as low as 10 (this means is less sweet or sugary as a tomato). This means that the pancreas will secrete a very small quantity of insulin. The burger and it`s composition will force the pancreas to produce insulin because of the bun which is made out of flour and sugar! (White flour has an glycemic index of around 85 which means that the pancreas will produce more insulin than for sugar). If you don`t know what is Glycemic Index, what`s the purpose of this video ? Also, avocado is a fruit and combining fruit with any other types of food will disturb the entire digestion process. I`m looking forward for detailed explanation. Thank you! Nice video btw.

  7. Very interesting. I am hearing in many studies now that protein burns like sugar in the body, inflammation-wise it is better to eat smaller portions of protein, more veggies!

  8. Okay, this is great information and I eat berries every morning on my raw oatmeal. But some doctors would say that because I had high cholesterol and have one stent, now I am on statins and have low cholesterol, I should still eat no nuts or avocado. So which is it? Does avocado contribute to or reduce cholesterol. The problem I am finding on a whole plant food diet with no added fats or oil at all is that I have lost too much weight. Nuts and avocado would really help out here!

  9. Interesting. Some of this can probably be explained by the fact the body doesn't have a protein storage mechanism like is has a fat storage mechanism. Any protein consume beyond what the body needs gets converted to glucose via Gluconeogenesis . So rice and rice/small amount of chicken will have about the same insulin response since most of the protein in the chicken is used and a very small percentage is converted to glucose. Versus rice and a large amount of chicken will have a much higher response since most of the chicken will be converted to glucose.

  10. Hi, I'd really love if you could make a video covering the topic of asians coming to america and raising kids that grow tall on the standard american diet compared to their parents raised with a primarily plant diet ??? I'm vegan; have been for 3yrs, but my parents keep swinging that subject at me because I'm a teen & short, but the same height as my mom, but she still says I've stunted my growth… so I'd love to hear the facts!

  11. If I drink even two ounces of wine at night, my fasting blood sugar goes UP approx 20 points. How does that fit in with your study results?

  12. Hold up! Your titles state "adding protein", whereas your mouth states "adding animal protein." Now which is it? Simple question, should have a basically simple answer.

  13. This video contradicts what Dr Greger claimed in a previous video, I thought eating a lot of fat with carbohydrates "gummed up the lock" of the insulin receptors thus the body creates more and more insulin contributing to type 2 diabetes?

  14. In one study of 116 diabetic patients, 1 gram of berberine per day lowered fasting blood sugar by 20%, from 7.0 to 5.6 mmol/L (126 to 101 mg/dL), from diabetic to normal levels (13).

  15. I used to really enjoy avocados, but since I've gotten used to eating low fat, they are now too fatty for me. The thought of eating a whole avocado by myself makes me feel queasy. I'd have to share it, so it's not as much fat in a single meal.
    The other thing keeping me from eating them is that they are usually not ripe and it's hard to judge when they are ripe enough to eat and not miss the timing and have them go bad. And sometimes they get squished or something and they go bad before they are even properly ripe. You can't even really plan to buy avocados for a meal that way because you never know if you'll be able to get ripe ones at the store or how long they will take to ripen if they aren't ripe already.
    Avocados are one of the most frustrating fruit to buy.

  16. People need to stop getting triggered and do some research in Dr. Greger website before drawing conclusions. He has videos on EVERYTHING(almost), he has interpreted studies with your so holly "clean" diet of organic meat and broccoli, organic fish , organic chicken, all your concerns and "counterpoints" have been adressed in the past, it's just that, you are basing all Dr. Greger's work and experience in just one video out thousands that he has. Cheers

  17. Thousands of studies repeatedly attest to a lower glycemic response for all proteins, even meat, as lower than for potatoes and rice. Something is really wrong with these muddled "facts".

  18. How much protein did the research participants eat with the pasta? If you have more than 3-4 ounces of protein it will trigger an insulin response, but if it is lower the liver will break it down instead of the pancreas. This needs to be addressed in the research otherwise your results will be skewed.

  19. There's the good doctor once again cherry picking his data to conform to his absolutist extreme vegan diet fetish. Note at 4:44 he underlines the first sentence but ignores the next sentence that indicates that lean protein and fish oil also help post prandial dysmetabolism. It would be wonderful if he could just admit that some but not all evidence supports a plant-based diet. Since he won't do that my respect for his integrity is nil.

  20. dude you need to stop looking at things so simply…….there are other factors that affect health besides insulin, the body is a system and you need to look at it as such….insulin is but one part of the cog…….if insulin is so bad what about the health benefits of fish heavy diets….clearly the connections are more complex…the type of food matter too…and let's not forget that insulin is part of the pathway that signals cells to take up and use nutrients…

  21. Very interesting video and great point you make about adopting a healthy diet being the more logical choice than taking drugs to counter the effects of a bad diet. I have this discussion with people a lot. There are lots of things I don't eat, because I know what's in them and I want to avoid inflammatory foods. People at whose houses I can't eat anything often say to me that my diet sounds like not a lot of fun. Meanwhile, those same people have trouble keeping up with me and are always complaining about being tired, having headaches, etc. People will rather take Statins, than change their diet, let alone exercise (and you don't have to go to the gym 3 times a week, but go for a walk a few times a week, instead of driving everywhere, right?). And it's such a waste, because they'd be happier and healthier in so many ways.

  22. is the combination of sugar water and protein in sweetened soy milk similarly hazardous in terms of insulin boost, or does this only apply to animal protein? is drinking soy milk with potato's likewise a risk?

  23. Technically, bananas are a berry. Do they contain the same amount and potency of antioxidants as, say blueberries or strawberries?

  24. In each of the examples you are combining meat, fat with carbs. What about the meat or fat by itself? What is the effect on insulin? Please advise?

  25. So what happens to insulin response with wonderbread and jam? Surely insulin is increased by adding even wholefood jam. You didn't answer the naturally following question! Great video though I learnt new stuff, subbed

  26. i guess you are a veganist and i get that you wanna throw meat under the buss. BUT

    this is not surprising! if you know that insulin is also used to metabolize protein. fish is more protein rich than meats, usually. this is also the case when you eat protein from plants, but it has more fiber. the only answer is not to cut meat out.
    the answer is also to not eat sugar with protein, eat fiber with protein, and pre- and pro-biotics that deal with insulin. GENERALLY eat anti-inflammatory foods with flammatory foods.

    also you are pretty disingenious. talking about nuts lowering the insulin-response and then equating it to the oxidation response of the strawberry jam. why didnt we get to see the blood glucose levels of the jam? it probably spiked like hell. sadly, you embody much of the dumb person's scientist. i bet most of your subscribers are vegans who are emotionally invested in this to the degree that you intentionally fail to show the negative sides of the non-meat foods and the positives of meats and they don't notice. that is why i unsubbed after wathing a few videos after prematurely subbing.

  27. How can one doctor put out so much useful information in so little time, and speak slowly and take pauses in between points, no less? I feel like I just watched one of his one-hour lectures.

  28. But.. but why are most straight carnivores lean, smart and on top of the food chain but most herbivores are dumb, fat and/or vulnerable?

  29. He is so irresponsible, he is spreading lies. Fats and starchy carbs simply don’t mix. Your either a carnivore or a herbivore. He is manipulating the study and only showing one side. If you see the study without the carbs you will see that your insulin spike is even lower, then carbs alone. If you eat high fat moderate to low protein. Your insulin won’t spike. I tested myself seven times a day, when I was transitioning to keto. Blood sugar from the mid 300’s to low 80’s. I achieved this in 10 days. From a diet that supposedly spikes insulin.

  30. I don't understand.. what I need is a comparison with an addition of plant based protein, and how that is affecting the insulin spike.. cause I assume of course an addition of any sort of food will spike the insulin response, the question is which will spike it higher – the plant based or the animal protein.

  31. I do t buy this at all i was close to being a type 2 diabetic and had insulin problems and was over 400 pounds i am now 265 and live a keto lifestyle i eat once a day and have lots of animal proteins and heavy fats in my meal. I am no longer hungry can bike for an hour and stand and dont have pain in my joints in my legs and back etc i feel great. A vegan diet wasn't for me or a whole plant foods based diet* there is no one diet for all and if people realize that that would be great. Animal proteins and real foods and excerise is key to go health and i believe that its good and will stick to it.

  32. Isn't that a bit like comparing apples with oranges? As far as I know were the servings that led to the insulin index mentioned in the video, of the same caloric amount. Let's say they gave them 200g of white bread, meaning 500 Kcal. One egg weighing about 50g equals only 75 kcal. You would need 6.6 eggs to result in 31% of the insulin spike that our white bread evokes, means :
    You would need 21eggs to result in the insulin spike of 200g white bread. What a heavy breakfast!

    If You want to bring insulin levels down and thereby the risk of diabetes there's nothing better than keto diet and intermittent fasting.

  33. Please can someone translate in chinese, thrn I can send my friends, they do not speak good enough english. We must try that chinese people understand, that her meals with eggs, meat are very bad for the health!

  34. Gracias, desde hoy cero carne de animales muertos, solía comer salmón y pescado, pero hoy los elimino de mi dieta, Gracias por la información , saludos desde CDMX…..

  35. Amazing content doc. I really wanted to see a video talking about negative effects of whey protein, in case there is. Thank you and keep up with the great work. Cheers from Taiwan

  36. Why the addition of animal protein … why not the addition of anything that needs insulin to digest?

    You keep going on and on about the same things year in and year out, but there is no really good answer for understanding what is going on.

  37. Sorry, but sometimes I just hate this guy. I've been watching these videos for years and none of it adds up. On my own I eat mostly plant based now, but occasionally go off the path and havre a soda, or a drink, or cake or ice cream. I don't really know what this all means. Human brains are linear, and these things that he is talking about are multi-variable with a lot of complex interactions, yet he sounds confident like he understands what he is saying and it makes sense, but he never just says – eat this, don't eat that, or have this meal for dinner, etc. All these experiments do not add up. I don't think anyone understands how human digestion works, and we are all genetically a little different too.

  38. Perhaps off topic but bodybuilders exploit this protein + sugar insulin spike effect to stimulate muscle gain and maintain an anabolic state. Actually the crazy ones just inject insulin directly. But the eating method is to workout really hard and heavy, get the blood pumping and then have lots of sugar with your protein shakes immediately after the workout to spike insulin levels and force feed the activated muscles.

  39. I once was told by a raw fruitarian that fat and carbs should never be mixed. From this video, I can now add an extra layer of understanding to the equation: a fatty food that doesn't contain fiber makes us hit sugar spikes. Fatty and fibrous food can be mixed with carbs (to which Dr. Michael Greger would add 'complex carb'!).

  40. Uh… why didn't you show the insulin spike when you leave carbs out altogether and just eat meat? My guess: because you get no insulin spike at all… and the fatter, redder the meat the better. And since plants and nuts interfere with vitamin and mineral absorption, and since we can make all the glucose we need from fat and protein, what's the reason to eat any carbs or plants at all?

  41. Truly amazing information – highly increasing motivation to change toward whole food plant based and nuanced with this sophisticated knowledge of berries, nuts, avocados and non alcoholic red Wine

  42. In a new video this doctor says that avocado is bad for your health. I don't know if I must believe everything he says because the following year he says otherwise.

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