Flashback Friday: come i nostri batteri intestinali possono usare le uova per accelerare il cancro

Il motivo per cui il consumo di uova è associato a un elevato rischio di cancro potrebbe essere il TMAO, considerato la “pistola fumante” delle interazioni microbioma-malattia.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Cosa ha fatto l'industria delle uova in risposta a queste informazioni? Distorcere il record scientifico. Vedi Egg Industry Response to Choline and TMAO (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/egg-industry-response-to-choline-and-tmao).

Questa non è la prima volta che l'industria delle uova viene colta in flagrante. Vedi, ad esempio:
• Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/who-says-eggs-arent-healthy-or-safe)<br/> • Le dimensioni del colesterolo contano? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-cholesterol-size-matter)
• Come l'Egg Board progetta studi fuorvianti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-the-egg-board-designs-misleading-studies/)
• Sfatare i miti dell'industria delle uova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/debunking-egg -miti-industriali)
• Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti (
• Uova e cancro al seno ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-breast-cancer/)

Per informazioni su TMAO, vedere la mia copertura originale in Carnitina, Colina, Cancro e Colesterolo: La connessione TMAO (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/carnitine-choline-cancer-and-cholesterol-the-tmao-connection) e poi scopri come ridurre i livelli di TMAO ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-reduce-your-tmao-levels/).

Tutto questo fa parte della rivoluzione del microbioma in medicina, il ruolo sottovalutato che la nostra flora intestinale gioca nella nostra salute. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere:
• pH delle feci e cancro al colon (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ feci-ph-and-cancro-del-colon)
• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato (
• Proteine ​​putrefattive ed enzimi “tossificanti” (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/putrefying-protein-and-toxifying-enzymes)
• Microbioma: The Inside Story (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/microbiome-the-inside-story)
• Prebiotici: curare il nostro giardino interno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden)
• Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-your-gut-microbiome-enterotype)
• Come cambiare il tuo enterotipo (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-change-your-enterotype)
• Paleopoo: cosa possiamo imparare dalle feci fossilizzate (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/paleopoo-what-we-can-learn-from-fossilized-feces)
• Disbiosi intestinale: morire di fame il nostro sé microbico (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/gut-dysbiosis-starving-microbial-self)
• L'obesità è infettiva? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-obesity-infectious)
• Come sviluppare un ecosistema di intestino sano (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-develop-a-healthy-gut-ecosystem)
• Come diventare un Super donatore di trapianto fecale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to- diventare-un-super-donatore-di-trapianto-fecale)
• Il ruolo del microbioma intestinale nell'autismo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-role-of-the-gut-microbiome-in-autism/)
• Microbioma: noi siamo quello che mangiano (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/microbiome-we-are-what-they-eat/)
• Microbioma intestinale: arricchiscilo con cereali integrali (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/gut-microbiome-strike-it-rich-with-whole-grains/)
• Effetto del sucralosio (Splenda) sul microbioma (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/effect-of- sucralose-splenda-on-the-microbiome/)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org /video/flashback-friday-how-our-gut-bacteria-can-use-eggs-to-accelerate-cancer e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in https://nutritionfacts.org/ video/flashback-venerdì-come-i- nostri-batteri-intestinali-possono-usare-le-uova-per-accelerare-il-cancro. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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68 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: come i nostri batteri intestinali possono usare le uova per accelerare il cancro”

  1. Just associations from epidemiology data. Please start to make videos on intervention studies (RCTs) to draw cause-effect conclusions – otherwise you are just misleading your audience.

  2. This shill ! dilliberatly left out MILK ! at 2;20 mark ! Just like when he talks about Nuts Studies !
    He leaves things out to Sell Books , He's A SELLOUT ! shame shame shame !

  3. Bullshit. As long as you don't overdo it and don't buy the cheapest eggs from caged animals you're golden.
    Go free range & organic. Like with everything else. Plus stop living in fear, your attitude matters more than you think, that is how the "placebo" effect works……
    You can make yourself sick if you believe you're doing so. Or heal yourself, you decide.

  4. Great video! Can you do a video about jar sprouting? I just started growing fenugreek sprouts, it seems like a fun/easy/nutritious way for people to get more fresh plant foods into their diet 🤙

  5. Search up "Is choline beneficial?"
    You get so many articles on how good it is
    ya can't count 'em.
    Even the phrase "choline supplement" comes up!
    If rocket science was where diet studies are now,
    we wouldn't even have fireworks!
    Yer all clueless.

  6. As a matter of fact raw egg yolk can be used immediately to make, Pregnenolone. Your number one master mother hormone of all hormones. Without cholesterol. You can't make this hormone. And you cannot make enough cholesterol, for as much cholesterol is needed in the body. Absolutely disgusting. Cancer feeds off of glucose and estrogen. We have a lot of xenoestrogens within our environment. Tons of soy. And you claim that cholesterol feeds cancer. Let me guess the AAA did a little study, to try and prove this. Hilarious don't believe this people. Get free range, pastor raised chicken and eggs and beef lamb etc. You need animals to survive. More than just being your friends.

  7. Eggs and meat ‘MAY’ cause… and grass fed pasture raised meats are not mentioned. Don’t know what kind of studies these are it’s not clear many studies are anecdotal etc.
    Not convincing

  8. Out of curiosity, about how long on a WFPB diet to switch over the gut biome? Also, too, what are the numbers of men >65 yo who have a high PSA on an anima;l protein diet vs those on a WFPB one?

  9. Broccoli is very high in choline too. Why is this not mentioned? As I understand it – choline can produce these dangerous byproducts when fermented in the large intestine – but not if our bodies absorb it prior to that. So the choline in eggs I'm assuming will be fat soluble and therefore digested BEFORE it has a chance of fermenting, but Broccoli will sit and ferment in our intestines. Why is this not all covered in the video?

  10. Dr Greger promotes (vegetarian) since he became vegetarian and sells books and promotes the vegan diet so its expected that some research be against non-vegan while Dr Eric Berg assures eggs are safe and he personally have been eating it for many years (well not only him, including me and rest of the world pretty much) so I won’t change my diet I will eat eggs, fish, and meat in moderation but I won’t be 100% vegan for the rest of my life. I give my full respect and appreciation to Dr Greger’s research but not all the research articles are perfect. I managed to lower my cholesterol when I used to eat a lot daily by switching to a strictly vegan diet for a week but in the long-run moderation dictates the most. we are mortal humans, we are not immortals, eventually we will die either by an ugly end, unexpected, or disease so moderation was my best answer + fasting + intermittent fasting. money, time, and location could influence and dictates our diet habits so it could be tough on some people in this life.

  11. Where does TMAO come from, and how do we stop it?

    One place is carnitine, which is in red meat. Another is choline, which is a product of lecithin in egg yolks Carnitine and choline are broken down by bacteria in our guts, which, we now know, turn them into TMAO.

  12. Eat whatever the hell you want, it’s God’s responsibility to defend animals and dish out justice, not mine. I’ll just help some.

  13. I was told by my mother, a nurse, 59 years ago I could quit eating eggs while I had infectious hepatitis. Everyone I met who had any kind of hepatitis told me they ate a lot of eggs.

  14. Thanks for the invaluable info, I'm from South Africa. I had a Polyp removed at the age of 30 and was also diagnosed with short segment Barrett's esophagus and told to take PPI's for the rest of my life. Used to eat 6 eggs in the morning because I was training with heavy weights and was told eggs are the best. Been plant-based for 4 years now and couldn't feel better.

  15. You guys all believe in evolution, right? So, for myriad of years people evolved eating plants only, and eggs would kill them?

  16. Every study I've been able to find references the Choline in eggs rather other sources. So is Phosphatydil Choline from lecithin or capsules going to have the same TMAO conversion or what? Every response I had to this question just involves speculation and unproved projection.

  17. I loved the content a lot. I have been trying to research for a YouTube video similar to yours that breaks down everything in this vid! 👏Your vid actually is like the channel of this insightful health enthusiast Dr. Ethan! Dr's demonstrations are totally useful and he helped me on my practice. He is a respected medical student.

    You should see his YT out and give Dr Ethan a subscribe over here! 👉 #DrEthanYouTube

  18. What about consuming eggs on a keto diet? When your body is in ketosis, your body should be running on fat and have little sugar available to feed cancer growth. My definition of the keto diet is a low carb whole food plant based diet with small amounts meat or eggs.

  19. this is BS based on inconsistant bad science. Please people, do your own research. There are many sources of high quality meats and eggs in ther market place.

  20. Eggs are some of the healthiest foods available, if you eat right, take the entire 90 essential vitamins and essential fatty acids along with taking care of your gut health and don't put garbage into your body like drugs and unhealthy foods and you're not overly stressed and avoid a lot of electromagnetic devices or use ways to reduce their effects, you won't have really any health issues unless its genetic and eating eggs are extremely healthy and anyone who says eating eggs isn't is someone i am extremely wary of.

  21. I think this is a straight out BS lie, some of the longest living people out there eat meat and eggs all the time and have clear arteries, if you take in oils from a bottle then you're likely to start having them clogged, you see this with vegetarians who die in their 50's from heart attacks because they fry their food in oils.
    Sometimes people sound like what they are saying is true, but its complete BS

  22. I seem to remember a NF video vehemently stating that there is no need for eating eggs because there are plant sources (was it spinach ???) that are way richer (or was it just rich enough?) in it. What about that?

  23. If eggs were a cause of increased risk of certain cancers, you'd expect to see a higher incidence of these cancers in long-term vegetarians, as compared to vegans, pescatarians and those who eat few animal products. But you don't.

  24. How immensely convenient it is to spew out lies about bird eggs
    During the restructuring and priorities of people's life styles in their backyard
    During the convid plandemic

  25. Thank you for the info! Have there been any videos specifically on eggshells? My partner has been advised to take collagen supplements for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, but I can't find any vegan options. The closest is a vegetarian collagen containing eggshell membranes and I'm wondering about the harms versus benefits.

  26. Yikes, someone alerted the keto crowd to come and defend 'their' eggs. l wonder why all the vegans and plant based dieters are not running to the keto pages… right, because we don't need to defend carbohydrates, lol.

  27. What’s the deal with grass fed pasture raised chickens producing eggs with its original powerhouse nutritional profile, omega 3 rich and vitamin d rich? Compared to the horrible eggs people ate for decades?

  28. Your videos on eggs are just killing me! I love them and years ago found a farm where the hens roam around, the eggs are delicious and I have been eating them daily. However…I am a very thin person with low blood pressure, all healthy markers except cholesterol of 250…So, I take this to heart since eggs are the only thing that could be doing this. I never buy commercially produced eggs only the best but!!!

  29. People like to Quote scientific evidence but for every scientific evidence against eggs there is more for eggs so really alot of these videos fail very hard.

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