Flashback Friday: come prevenire e curare i calcoli renali con la dieta

Studi interventistici supportano i dati della popolazione secondo cui il consumo di proteine ​​animali sembra aumentare notevolmente il rischio di calcoli renali. Una dieta con un ridotto apporto di proteine ​​animali e sodio sembra più efficace nel trattamento di ossalato di calcio e calcoli renali di acido urico (nefrolitiasi) rispetto a una restrizione di cibi ad alto contenuto di calcio o ossalato.

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Rendere la nostra urina più alcalina può aiutare a prevenire la formazione di calcoli renali (e anche sciogliere i calcoli di acido urico). Come puoi sapere il pH della tua urina? Guarda il mio video Testare la tua dieta con pipì e cavolo viola (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-your-diet-with-pee-purple-cabbage).<br/>
Qualcuno vuole provare a calcolare il proprio punteggio LAKE per la giornata? Basta moltiplicare il numero di porzioni che hai di ciascuno dei gruppi di alimenti nel grafico per il punteggio. Ieri ho preso -0002 per la mia dieta: battilo! 🙂

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla salute dei reni, vedere ad esempio:

-Prevenire l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-kidney-failure-through-diet)
-Trattare l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-kidney-failure-through-diet)
-Quale tipo di proteine ​​è migliore per i nostri reni? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-type-of-protein-is-better-for-our-kidneys)
-Trattare la malattia renale cronica con il cibo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-chronic-kidney- malattia-con-cibo)

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58 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: come prevenire e curare i calcoli renali con la dieta”

  1. …If fish might be worse than red meats for kidney stones, do Asian and other heavily fish-reliant cultures have more cases of kidney stones?

  2. I have had kidney stones since I was in my twenties. In my case, I was a mason who mainly worked on jobsites without running water and when I did drink something, 90+% of the time I drank soda for thirst. During the day I would sweat out whatever water was in me only to replace it with soda or coffee and my urine was super concentrated (4:08 of your video)and I had debilitating uric acid stones (5:30 of this video). The last one I had was the size of a 30 caliber bullet. I have cured my problem with a product from StoneLabs and drinking water all day long. I think the product is called stonebreaker by StoneLabs.

  3. i have high urinary oxalic acid levels and it's annoying that whenever i try to google about it all i get is results about kidney stones.. i don't have kidney stones.. though i can remember i had one when i was 6 or something.

  4. i'm a bit confused 🙁 dr, berg had such a video published yesterday and he said that parsley has a lot of oxalates. so you have to consume a lot of lemon juice to combat the risk of kidney stones. nothing is safe to eat. nothing except kale :))

  5. I am so confused! I have a friend that is and has been a vegetarian for over 20 years and she has kidney stones which she has been treated for with lithotripsy 4 times in the past two years. How should she be changing her diet? and if possible what should she be asking her urologist?

  6. I had to have emergency surgery when i was 18 because of kidney stones. I had two very large stones blocking both of my ureters and i could not pee.

    My first episode with stones started when i was only 14. I went to the ER, they told me it was a stone and it would pass. I obviously didn't know anything about kidney stones so every now and then when i would have pain, i didn't think i needed to go to the hospital since they didn't do anything for me the first time. I never knew that i didn't pass the stone. Nobody told me what to expect or that it might possibly not pass.

    Fast forward to when im 18, i had no idea that stone has been blocking my kidney for 4 years. And now the other side is blocked due to another massive stone.

    I have the surgery, and when i go back to see my dr. he tells me what a kidney stone is and that it's made of calcium. I asked him, "what does that mean? Am i not supposed to drink milk or something?" And he said, "oh no, no. It doesn't work that way. " he never gave me any kind of diet do's and don'ts. I went back for a check up six months later and had ANOTHER surgery because i was forming stones again. He said because of my bad history with stones, he recommended they be taken care of now. Having surgery six months apart is not normal at 18!

    And for YEARS i would try to Google it and figure out why i had stones. I didn't drink soda, i didn't drink coffee. It made no sense and I was WAY too young to be having those problems, especially to the degree that i had them! All i ever found was "don't eat spinach, don't eat rhubarb." Im sorry but who the heck has a problem eating too much rhubarb??? Who is that information even for?

    Thankfully, i made my way to vegetarianism for other reasons. And a few years after that i finally found something online about animal protein and uric acid (I think i was reading about gout). Finally, everything made sense! I googled animal protein and kidney stones and boom! There it was! All my answers! When i was younger i definitely ate too much meat. Chicken nuggets where my go to snack back then.

    Im happy to say, I've only passed one SMALL stone since then and that's probably because i switched back to eating chicken and fish for a short time. I rarely eat meat now and mostly eat vegetarian. Probably at least 98% vegetarian and i haven't had issues since!

  7. 6 "carnivore" diet cultists disliked this video already. Thanks for this refresher on what the actual science tells us, NF!

  8. My mom has suffered with kidney stones over the past few years. She’s been vegan for 2 years and has had 3 surgeries to remove them during this time period. We told her doctor about her diet, and he suggested against a vegan diet because nuts, dark greens, and soy contribute to the development of calcium stones.

  9. I've been vegan for four years and gluten free for sixteen years and at least 80% of our diet (if not more) is WFPB. I still developed a kidney stone while I was pregnant with my daughter this last year. There are other risk factors like hormones as well.

  10. I was vegan for 5 years, reintroduced meat, got recurring kidney stones for 5 years, and nobody NOBODY mentioned this to me. My urologist just told me I needed to drink less caffeine. I had lithotripsy on one side and a basket removal on the other, and had to have a stent placed following the surgery. The whole ordeal was literally the most painful experience of my life, and I’ve had two c-sections.

    Thank goodness I connected the dots on my own (finally), and went fully plant-based again. No more problems. I’m limiting super-high oxalate foods anyway , though I am not convinced, as some websites would recommend, that cutting them out ENTIRELY is necessary. I still drink some tea and eat some spinach, they’re just not staples.

  11. I have been plagued w/ kidney stones since I was 21 years old. I've had 10 episodes. My last one was 5 years ago. Each time I had one, I had to have it surgically removed. Sadly another one has recently appeared. It is small and the doctor thinks I can pass it on my own, ( I hope so). But I do have a question, can apple cider vinegar help in the treatment and elimination of kidney stones? Thanks for the video, good timing.

  12. One day, I commented that alkaline food can prevent and cure renal stone. I got so harsh reply that I am an idiot and supported by many. Hopefully, they saw this video to recognise who is the real genuine idiot now.

  13. I have been eating meat my entire life,tho i balance it out with vegetables,i am 28 and i never had any problems,should i worry or not,is it random or are there any tells?
    ok now that i finished the vid i think i am fine since i eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and i drink huge amounts of water daily..

  14. I call BS on Dr Greger on this. Uric acid stones are caused by high protein diet. Calcium oxalate stones are caused by high oxalates and too little calcium. I was on a whole food plant based diet for 2 1/2 years, following Nutrition Facts protocols, and guess what? I developed, in a relatively short period, a 1 cm calcium oxalate stone. The foods I were consuming are the highest oxalate containing foods: spinach, beets, lentils, beans, nuts, etc. So, it wasn’t caused by eating a diet high in animal protein. Just the opposite. I am no longer vegan, and I avoid those high oxalate foods.

  15. Can you please make a video about the weight loss treatment „Keto Pure and apple cider vinegar „ ? It is all over the internet and I am constantly seeing contrary opinions on it.

  16. Dr., your ethos and presentation of nutrition based disease prophylaxis is extremely welcomed. So much alternative information out there is akin to pseudoscience, "Bro Science", supplementation quackery (i.e., colloidal silver and "leaky gut" nonsense), heck "Flat Earth" science too, why not. It's refreshing to see your evidence-based-knowledge about dietary habits and its impact on health and longevity. Many of us are avid subscribers, and I'm sure we all share your own personal goal of health preservation and life extension in kind. Thank you. BTW: Perhaps a video on gallstones, food types and weight loss associated risk factors?

  17. Vegan for 14 years after Vegetarian for 25 years prior to that. I have had two episodes of stones. this most recent, I have two. one is a 5.3mm and the other a 1 mm stone and they are stuck. they won't pass.
    I drink plenty of water

    this makes no sense why.

  18. Thanks for doing the research and [re]posting! Avoiding excruciating pain…yet 1 more reason to eat only plants!!

  19. I had a kidney stone several years ago. Ungodly painful! After researching it, and the causes, I figured it was caused by all the high oxalate foods I was eating at the time, like spinach, beet greens, Swiss chard, peanuts, and 100% cacao. Changed some of the food for lower oxalate ones, plus also started drinking lemon water and supplementing with both potassium and magnesium citrates. Also drinking a lot more water to flush things out. Haven't had a problem since. Whew!

  20. If you've had kidney stones…You are more likely to develop Gout (Uric Acid) Fresh Lemon Water (I drink 1x week) Breaks Up the stones and keeps things in check. Cutting down on Meats…can only help your body. Alcohol is the biggest factor…Raises your Uric Acid.

  21. Can you talk about restless leg syndrome. It's something I've had for around 20yrs and it's gotten worse over the yrs.

  22. I have been vegan for 8 years. I'm 38 years old. I had 2 kidney stones in the past 3 years. about 50% of what I eat is whole food and I drink the recommended amount of water. What more can I do?

  23. Please people, help me comment about the relation between a diet high in animal protein and kidney stones on the video 'the most painful thing a human can experience?? Kidney stones'. The maker of the video talks about avoiding beans and spinach and does not talk about animal protein, so help me get this on people's radar.

  24. I find it strange that animal protein does not contain oxalates, but lots of veggies do. I was vegan for 18 months, eating what I considered healthy and guilt free. I still ended up with surgery for a calcium oxalate stone, after 3 months pissing without warning (urgency/frequency) due to having a stent put in to bypass the stone. It is not all about cutting out animal proteins in my opinion.
    Drink plenty of water and get some lemon juice in you. Don't eat ANY high oxalate veggies!!

  25. How do you explain someone who has been a long time vegan get a kidney stone? I'm a vegan and I recently got one kidney stone. It was the most painful experiences I've ever gone thru

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