La regola delle 3.500 calorie per libbra è sbagliata

Quante calorie in meno devi mangiare ogni giorno per perdere mezzo chilo di grasso corporeo?

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Se se fosse solo una questione di stabilizzazione del tuo peso nel punto in cui il tuo ridotto apporto calorico corrisponde alla tua ridotta produzione calorica, ci sarebbero voluti anni prima che la tua perdita di peso raggiungesse l'equilibrio. Invece, accade spesso entro sei-otto mesi dall'inizio di una nuova dieta. Spiego perché nel mio prossimo video, The Reason Weight Loss Plateaus When You Diet ( sei a dieta). <br/>
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I prossimi di questa serie sono:
• La regola delle nuove calorie per libbra di perdita di peso? (
• I benefici della restrizione calorica per la longevità ( -restrizione-per-longevità)
• Potenziali insidie ​​della restrizione calorica (
https:/ /
• Benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova (
• Il digiuno fa dimagrire? (
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (

Alcuni altri video popolari sulla perdita di peso sono:
• Mangiare di più per pesare di meno (
• Sono Ci sono cibi con calorie negative? (
• Approccio denso di nutrienti alla gestione del peso ( approccio nutriente-denso-alla-gestione-del-peso/)
• Quanto esercizio per sostenere la perdita di peso (
• Mantieni la circonferenza della vita a meno della metà della tua altezza ( mantenere-la-circonferenza-vita-a-meno-della-metà-altezza/)
• L'aceto di mele aiuta a dimagrire? (
• L'obesità patologica può essere invertita attraverso la dieta? (
• Il programma dimagrante che è migliorato con il tempo (
• Le pillole dimagranti sono sicure? (
• Le pillole dimagranti sono efficaci? (

Di recente ho anche affrontato la dieta chetogenica, se qualcuno è interessato:
• Teoria della dieta chetogenica Metti alla prova ( messo alla prova)
• Risultati della dieta chetogenica per la perdita di peso (
• La perdita di peso con la chetosi è sostenibile? ( chetosi-sostenibile)
• Le diete chetologiche sono sicure? ( )
• Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea (

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100 Risposte a “La regola delle 3.500 calorie per libbra è sbagliata”

  1. Why is it an issue necessarily with the 3500 calories versus the amount of calories that would be exerted in similar activities among people of different weights?

  2. No, the formula remains the same. 3500 excess calories burned equates to 1lb body fat. Now I know that you skew the data I will never trust another proposal you make to support your hypothesis of a plant-based diet being superior.

  3. The rule is correct; 3500 calories is equal to 1 lb of body weight. You can't just assume that your basal metabolic rate is fixed. If you were able to always know how many calories you burned in a day, and you consumed 500 calories less than that each day, you would lose a lb of body weight (not just fat, but muscle too) at the end of the week. The rule is not incorrect, the way some may apply it may be incorrect.

  4. if you do a lot of cardio, this can actually work the other way around: the less you weigh, the easier it is to keep moving, the higher your metabolic throughput. imo this is the main trick to overcoming adaptation to lower weight: turn the principle on its head with exercise.

  5. I think you could say It is somewhat accurate, Its just losing the accuracy relative to length of time you calculate for. I lost weight about once a year, i'm very active with weights and cardiovascular training so i'm in a good shape generally but tend to accumulate about 20 pounds extra over the year over what I feel is optimal. I don't base my weight loss on the 3500 calorie rule but I do sort of casually do some maths and see if for ever 7000 calories I miss do I lose a killogram of fat and It's somewhat accurate for me, obviously I can't take a lot of factors in account tho but It's a valuable reference point if your into fitness and are trying to lose weight for a specific day/time of the year.

  6. But if they maintained a 500 calorie/day surplus/deficit based on their current bodyweight, they’d still gain or lose about 1 lb a week especially if NEAT was normalized

  7. It’s still 3500 calories in a pound of fat. Just because you’re burning less calories doesn’t change that. You can say it’s misleading, but you can’t say it isn’t true.

  8. "…only killing about 1 in 5,000 patients."
    Shame on you for presenting outdated information to scare people. That information is from a survey from 1994-1998. There's a more recent study using surveys done from 1998-2000 that showed fatality rates of 1/47,415, and that's still 19 years old.

    Furthermore the old study you cited did not ask about multiple surgeries at once, and specifically mentions that the major cause of death, pulmonary thromboembolism, is suspected to be due to high-dose lidocaine cardiotoxicity.

    I don't believe liposuction should be done at all, but using that outdated fatality rate is either poor research or deliberately misleading. Since the more recent study is using the same medical association for surveys, and is the first thing to pop up on a cursory search of clinical databases for lipoplasty mortality rates I suspect the latter.

    We should be using the best information we have to inform people, not cherry picking old research for frightening numbers. I also believe advocating for bariatric surgery instead of liposuction is essential because these are people who are looking for a surgical solution, telling them to eat less calories is not going to be effective, they've tried that and decided it isn't worthwhile or possible without help. It's much better to point them in the direction of a surgical option that will at least get them in the process of getting medical help for their weight.

  9. wait, a deficit means less than your current metabolic rate, so if someone is keeping a consistent deficit then they would continue to lose weight at that predictable rate, they just wouldn't continue to eat the same amount of food.

  10. Oprah admitted she had already fallen off her diet and was regaining weight, at the same time she wheeled out the glob of fat she had lost.

  11. A 500 calorie DEFICIT a day does work in losing a pound a day. The TDEE and BMR will change as you lose or gain weight, but deficit would stay at -500 calories a day for a 1 pound weight loss. The calories you consume need to be adjusted based on the changes in your TDEE

  12. I get the message this video wants to convey, however the amount of energy in a pound of fat does not change with anyones metabolic rate. Lower metabolic rate at lower weight just means that constant caloric deficit does not imply that ones diet will be constant in time energy-wise.

  13. Actually, not all weight loss tools are stuck at 3500 calories a pound. A weight management tool I use is an app called Lose It. (I am in no way associated with the company other than as a user of the app). If I lose weight, my daily calorie allotment decreases. If I gain weight, my calorie allotment increases. I always figured the reason was as you explained in this video. Now I have confirmation.

  14. Huge fan but I got to say this video and title is a bit misleading.

    At 165lbs, I burned 2200 cals a day on average. I was eating 1700 calories a day, and lost about a pound per week. I lost about 25 pounds, and then my weight loss began to plateau. I decided to take a 2-week diet break by eating the same amount of calories I burned a day on average. However, it's not 2200 calories anymore because I now weighed 25 lbs lighter. I estimated my new average calorie burn to about 2000. After the diet break, I dropped my calories to 1500 a day (to recreate the 500 cal deficit), and again I was losing about a pound per week.

    I know this is anecdotal, but the point is that this video didn't PROVE that the 3500 calories per pound is wrong. It just simply said that a 500 calorie deficit will not guarantee a pound per week loss over time, because a lighter body burns less. So what initially was a 500 calorie deficit will over time become a smaller deficit and thus result in less weight loss.

  15. It's 3500 calories relative to your current caloric maintenance. So once you lose weight, this number will need to be readjusted as your caloric maintenance changes. If 2000 calories is 500 calories under your maintenance, then one day your new maintenance will become 2000 calories, so your new -500 will be at 1500…and so on…until one day it's 0 calories and you in fact…vanish.

  16. Well done. Metabolic adaptation is something I wish I’d understood at a younger age. Being able to cut and bulk at will is very empowering. It’s an area where medical experts and exercise science experts can really help each other and help people take control of their physiology.

  17. Title is misleading.3500 kcal is still a pound of fat. You are spreding misinforrmstion! You just dont understand the energy equation. Metabolic adaptation has nothing to do with caloric content of adipose tissue. As a fellow healthcare provider and physicit I am disappointed that you failed to umderstand the energy equation.

  18. The next several in this series are:

    • The New Calories per Pound of Weight Loss Rule? (…)

    • The Benefits of Calorie Restriction for Longevity (…)

    • Potential Pitfalls of Calorie Restriction (…)

    • Benefits of Fasting for Weight Loss Put to the Test (…)

    • Is Fasting Beneficial for Weight Loss? (…)

    • Is Fasting for Weight Loss Safe? (…)

    These are going to be epic!

  19. FINALLY! Dr. Greger is critiquing weight loss by calorie restriction. I’m just one person, but I never counted calories to lose more than forty pounds. 😀

  20. I think this is the first video of Dr. Greger that is only partially correct. Reducing the calories by 500/day to lose a pound a week is not a stagnant thing as this video is trying to say it is. All of the calorie diets I know of include the fact that you have to figure you required calories needed and subtract the 500 calories from that total. They also tell you that you must adjust the original total to reflect weight loss. This video totally ignores this fact. First poor video of his I've seen so far.

  21. I fail to understand the goal of this video. Even if the weight loss is lower because of less body /energy expenditure, is it still 3500 cal to lose a lbs so it will just take more time?

  22. I use that stat, which I came up with myself just looking at the calories in a lb of butter, for people that think they lose 10 lbs in 3 days. It's obviously just a change in their water weight, or mostly. Weight loss gets harder the closer a person approaches bmi normal. I know that first hand.
    Diets do work if we stick with them. Best I've found is to remove all sugar and eat mostly whole foods. Stop drinking calories, and eat 3 meals a day, no snacks. I lost 60 lbs and have kept it off so far at 68 years old. Moderate exercise of walking and once a week calisthenics and light weights. All of it is pretty fun, and I hardly ever feel hungry. I just got used to eating a little less. I also don't waste a lot of time eating senseless calories. I can still sip on a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the day.

  23. C’mon Dr. Gregor, I love all your videos as they are extremely informative but this one isn’t up to the mark and is click baity. The 3500 calorie rule is almost always included with a description of TDEE and how that depends primarily on your body weight. Obviously your TDEE changes as you lose or gain weight and so the calorie deficit is calculated against your current TDEE. However, it should go without saying that maintaining a true 500 calorie deficit isn’t recommended once you are near a healthy weight as you would eventually starve and die. This is not to say that just eating less is better than eating a healthy diet.

  24. Correct me if I'm wrong, 3500 calorie will still be about a pound. How much effort you need to burn 3500 calories varies.

  25. If the metabolic rate decreases that will also decrease the net calory deficit, unless it is counteracted by more energy expenditure or less intake. So the rule is still correct (within reasonable degrees of accuracy). The people in your examples do not have a constant 500 calory / day deficit otherwise yes they would die eventually. But to keep having a 500 calory deficit while losing a ton of weight they would have to work out more and eat less to compensate and stay at -500cal/day. This whole video is devoid of logic!

  26. Makes sense! I’ve lost about 100 pounds so far on my diet/exercise journey and honestly was super easy in the beginning and gradually I required less calories and more exercise to get the same results.

  27. There is nothing wrong with the 3500 calorie/lb estimate the problem is your math. The 150-pound woman if sedentary needs 150 x 13 cal/lb/day to maintain her weight. 1950 cal/day If she wants to weigh 120 lbs she only needs 120x13cal/day/ib, 1560 cal/day. If she starts eating 1560 cal/day she will create a 390cal/day deficit. 3500/390 equals 8.97 or 9 days to lose the first pound. The next pound will take slightly longer because she now needs only 1937 calories to maintain her weight. If she contiues to eat what a 120 lb. person needs she will lose all her excess weight in 18 months.
    To say cut 500 calories /day means nothing if you don't know how much you are eating.
    There is nothing wrong with the math people simply have no idea how much they are eating, and how much they should eat.

  28. To loose weight, don't eat when you are not hungry. Wait until your stomach growls and your mouth waters.
    Don't eat when you are angry, sad, or bored.
    Don't eat while watching television.
    Don't eat just before bed.
    Eat with other people.
    Make food from scratch. Learn to cook.
    Take a walk after dinner.
    Don't drink soda.
    Eat food that is local to your area.
    Eat foods that are in season.

    Try foraging food that are considered weeds. Many plants that are considered "weeds" were actually medicinal plants our great, great grandparents planted when they got here, for medicine and food.

    Get 20 minutes of direct sunlight on your skin every day. No sunscreen. Don't wash your skin for 6 to 8 hours to let the vitamin D absorb into your body. Vitamin D helps your immune system, your bones, your sleep, and your moods. Try eating your lunch outside.

    Avoid high fructose corn syrup, which can have traces of mercury in it.
    Avoid processed vegetable oils which can have traces of hexane in it.
    Avoid trans fats, like hydrogenated fats.

    Avoid artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, and artificial flavorings like MSG, which are appetite stimulants.

    Avoid artificial food dyes like yellow dye #5, artificial preservatives, emulsifiers like guar gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan, and propolyne glycol, which is antifreeze. These are inflammatory and irritating and can trigger allergies.

    There are many food colorings you can make yourself with foods that already have lots of color in them, like beets, blueberries and turmeric, or saffron, for red, blue and yellow. Brown can be cinnamon in small amounts, chocolate, or coffee. For black, use activated charcoal. Just cook and dry them, and grind it up into a powder. This also works for makeup.

    Avoid pesticide residues in food by choosing organic, going to your local farmers market and asking for food not sprayed, and growing your own kitchen garden. Pesticides hurt the good bacteria in your gut, as well as the mitochondria in your cells. And glyphosate exposure, like in Roundup, is carcinogenic, can cause birth defects, and weaken your bones, like DDT. Don't use Roundup in your home or yard.

    It's easy and cheaper to kill weeds, by buying a gallon of cheap cleaning vinegar. Dilute it with water by half into a garden spray bottle. Spray where you want to kill growth of any plant.

    Avoid cooking, storing and serving food and drinks in plastic. Plastic has plasticizers in it, which are hormone disrupters. This can lead to estrogen dominance, and can trigger reproductive tissue cancers like breast and prostate. Too much estrogen or estrogen mimickers, can cause weight gain, and feminizing of males.

    Carry a non-plastic water bottle, slip some bamboo utensils and straw into your bag, and buy in bulk, or from farmers markets where you can bring your own packaging in the form of a cloth bag. When I am not having to go through security checkpoints, I carry actual fancy silverware I found at an antique store. Silver is antimicrobial and safe to use. I wrap it in a fancy embroidered cloth napkin, also from the antique store. This is great for when I go to certain restaurants that don't clean their silverware well enough.

    Avoid getting mercury (silver) fillings. The dentist calls them "silver" fillings, but there is no silver in them. If you have them, consider getting them removed by a holistic dentist who knows how to do it safely. Mercury, even in very small amounts, causes all kinds of metabolic and nervous system problems.

    Avoid cooking, storing, and serving food in aluminum. Aluminum is very toxic to the nervous system, and is implicated in dementia.
    Use glass, parchment paper, corningware, cast iron, canning jars to store and freeze food.

    Avoid drinking Fluoride. It's meant to be applied topically to the teeth with medical grade Fluoride. Drinking any Fluoride at all is toxic to bones, can cause bone cancer in teenage boys, and hurts your gut microbiome because it works like an antibiotic. The fluoride added to city water is never medical grade and is always contaminated with many other toxins like arsenic, cyanide and lead.

    Call or write to your favorite food manufacturers and ask for these changes. Usually you get a coupon for giving any feedback to them because they like knowing what people want. I've seen changes I've asked for in many products and stores. It might take a year, but it has happened.

  29. Is there a formula based on your BMI, height and weight to determine the calories needed for a person to maintain or gain weight then? If so, what is it?

  30. And this doesn’t even address the fact that weight loss via simply increasing exercise and reducing calories never works in the long-term. Why do they never have Biggest Loser reunion shows?

  31. It’s not wrong- 3,500 calorie deficit is still equal to a pound of fat. What this is saying is that you won’t burn 3,500 calories as fast at a lower BMR. Big deal. This is a reach.

  32. 3500 kcal per fat is = to 3500 kcal per fat… the metabolic adaptation is something else and I agree that this is a fact… but the other fact is those 3500 cal in 1 lbs per body fat…
    Losing fat is still = to losing 3500 kcal per 1 lbs body fat

  33. This video doesnt debunk 1 pound bodyfat being around 3500 calories. 1kg oil doesnt stop being 9000 calories because our metabolic rate changes with weight loss. The title is completely false. 1 pound bodyfat is still around 3500 calories, regardless of how your metabolic rate changes.

  34. any good dietitian knows about shifting baselines and any one who has ever cut weight would know. only a nob would think that it was static. I multiply my weight by 11 then go 500 cal under and reweigh and recalculate every two weeks. that's what works for me but everyone is different so your numbers will be slightly different. an old body building friend and myself figured this out years ago when we would cut weight for shows and summer.

  35. This doesn't apply to this video subject but the website suggested that I post my question here. This is probably a subject nobody wants to talk about or admit to but here is my question. Are we directly or indirectly responsible for our children's health issues including cancers because of the food we feed them? If so, why don't we use this as a means to get more people on a plant based diet? I know it's cruel to suggest that we are killing our children but I hate to see so many children suffer when it could have been prevented in the first place. Like I said this is a touchy subject but I think it needs to be addressed.

  36. that doesn't mean 3500 calorie per pound is wrong. it just means constant rate of calorie burning is wrong, assuming that the body loses or gains mass.

  37. This is for people that aren't good at math. Smaller people require fewer calories than larger people for the same activity level. As you become smaller you need to reduce your calories to maintain a deficit. Once you are at the weight you want to be at you need to maintain a lower calorie intake than you did at your old weight or you will just wind up back where you started.

  38. I think that to mitigate this, one should simply eat the calories required to maintain their target weight. This should theoretically work with both losing weight, as well as bulking.

  39. So basically, the 3500 calorie rule is right but expecting the same calorie requirement at 100 pounds as at 200 pounds is not. Duh.

  40. You haven't provided a single.piece of evidence here. When someone tells you to impliment a 500cal/day deficit to lose a lb a week they are correct, just as you are correct that the new baseline number from which to subtract from will change as body weight decreases. This isn't new. Followed by the fact one study was retracted and presto chango, everything we know is wrong. You offer no alternative. This is an underpants gnome argument. Step 1. Steal underpants. Step 2. ????? Step 3. Profit! Clickbait!!!!!

  41. calories in vs calories out is ridiculous because no one can actually track their caloric intake or output without an error of almost 50% due to the fact that nutrition information is just estimates and calories burned depends on SO MANY FACTORS none of which can be accurately tracked unless you are in a laboratory 24/7

  42. Have to agree that the title is not accurate, because the 3500 calorie per pound rule refers to 3500 calories above or below your maintenance calories. The rule does not say that maintenance calories are constant – if it did, then it could just be called the 2500 calories per day rule or whatever. Why make people do a calculation if it involves two constants?

  43. This is so misleading. The amount of calories you need to eat does drop as you lose weight, but the amount is almost unnoticeable.

    At 30lb heavier, I was eating roughly 2050 a day, and now at 30lb lighter, I eat roughly 1950 a day. That's a 100 calorie drop, it's not a lot, and if I wanted to lose weight again, I would set my calories to a certain amount below 1950, not 2050. Heres the thing though, as you lose weight your appetite changes. If you're genetically doing well (no diabetes, thyroid issues, etx), you don't want to eat more than maintenance. I don't miss eating 2050, I feel just as full at 1950. Some days I eat way over, yes, but then my body say woah your full, and I eat less the next day. At the end of the week, I'm back around 1950 calories on average and I'm not hungry when I go to bed.

    He makes it sound so much worse than it is.

  44. Isn't the error in this issue not with the 3500 calories, but with the amount we're told is naturally burned without exercise each day? I'm given the number of 2000 calories per day for my body size/shape and it seems that this number is too often seen as a constant for men. All of the issues cited in this video seem to point to the fact that this number needs to change, and not that the 3500 calories is inconstant. If I ate 1500 calories per day and my "natural" burn remained 2000, then the 1 lb. per week would make sense. But if I lost enough that my body only burns, without extra effort, 1500 calories, then there would be no weight loss at all. But that doesn't change the 3500 number.

  45. I think I get it. Would this be on par with why the average 2000 cal a day "guideline" isn't for everyone? I always thought it dumb that this figure was the "standard", when depending on age, size and activity level, it could be a lot more or less .

  46. but 1lb of fat is still composed of 3500 calories. You can't try to be a respected nutirition source and post dishonest clickbait at the same time…

  47. but 1lb of fat is still composed of 3500 calories. You can't try to be a respected nutirition source and post dishonest clickbait at the same time…

  48. I thought that the 3500 calories ruled meant that for every 3500 calories subtracted from baseline (baseline being where your weight stays the same) then one pound of weight is lost. So a subtraction of 3500 calories from your base line weight is impossible to measure precisely by diet alone because we all differ in metabolism, activity, health, and food composition. So the 3500 calorie rule is correct, but you can't measure it by food alone.

  49. Lol so you mean that everybody at the start to maintain their weight eat equal amount of food? Of course not, the rule which shows that your calorie intake is proportional to your weight is known everywhere, isn't it?

  50. You won’t gain a pound if you eat 3500 calories one day because your resting metabolic rate you burn calories doing nothing throughout the day

  51. That doesn’t make the rule wrong, lmao. You still need to burn 3,500 more calories than your maintenance calories in order to lose 1 pound of fat. It’s just that your maintenance calories goes down as you lose fat, but that’s common sense which I had thought everyone knew lmao

  52. This is possibly the most irritating voice I have ever heard. All the florid, tiny little grunts and growls and tone and tempo variations he deliberately inserts are like nails on a chalkboard. Wanker.

  53. The rule is NOT wrong. Eating 500 kcal below maintenance calories will result in 1 pound of weight loss per week over time. The fact that maintenance caloric need drops as body weight drops does NOT falsify the rule. If you go from 2500 to 2000 kcal and you lose at the expected rate, you need to keep nudging down the intake over time because metabolic rate drops over time as well, thermic effect of food drops and usually, activity also drops over time. However, a daily deficit of 500 kcal below maintenance will result in 1 lbs of fat loss in physiologal relevant settings of body fat between 10 and higher percentage for males and 18 or more for females. The video title is misleading and the author's interpretation of what the 3500 rule means is wrong.

  54. I'm not sure but ,if anyone else needs to find out about ultimate survival food p try Proutklarton Helping Firestarter Plan (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )?

    It is a good exclusive guide for learning how to get by in a disaster and create your own survival food minus the normal expense. Ive heard some super things about it and my colleague got great success with it.

  55. One thing you failed to mention is your TDEE..will also change…if you weigh 180 and your TDEE is 2300 you lose 1 lb a week for 4 weeks..yes your TDEE will drop..but you can do 500 pounds +/- a day at that new 3500 rule still apply..if I lose 50 pounds my TDEE will be of course less than when I started..but I can always subtract 500 from there.

  56. Terrible video saying 3500 rule is wrong, it is right. It just is often applied wrong by fat people who get lean and don’t recalculate their maintenance.

  57. But the quantity to create a deficit changes so you would still apply this rule. Just using a deficit generated from your current weight.

  58. The “rule” isn’t “wrong”. People just assume they don’t need to change anything. As long as you maintain a 3500 cal per week deficit (adjusting every so often for weight loss along the way) you’ll lose approximately 1lb of fat per week.

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