Flashback Friday: effetti cancerogeni bloccanti della curcuma

Meno di un cucchiaino al giorno di curcuma sembra ridurre significativamente la capacità di mutare il DNA delle sostanze cancerogene.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questa è la seconda di una serie di video in tre parti sulla curcumina e la sua relazione con il cancro. Per saperne di più, dai un'occhiata al prequel, Back to Our Roots: Curry & Cancer (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/back-to-our-roots-curry- and-cancer), e l'ultimo video della serie, Curcumin Curcumin Reprogramming Cancer Cell Death (https://nutritionfacts.org/ video/curcuma-curcumina-riprogrammazione-cancer-cell-death/).<br/>
I fumatori sono soggetti di ricerca comuni per gli studi sugli agenti cancerogeni . Ad esempio, vedi cosa succede ai livelli di cancerogeno quando chi mangia carne lavorata inizia a mangiare vegetariano in ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e creatina? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/heterocyclic-amines-in-eggs-cheese-and-creatine/)

Altri alimenti che possono proteggere il DNA includono i kiwi (vedi Kiwifruit & DNA Repair: https://nutritionfacts. org/video/kiwifruit-and-dna-repair/), verdure crocifere (vedi Protezione del DNA dai broccoli: https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/dna-protection-from-broccoli/), verdure a foglia (vedi Mangiare verde per prevenire il cancro: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/eating-green-to-prevent-cancer/), aglio (vedi Cancro, interrotto: aglio e flavonoidi:

35 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: effetti cancerogeni bloccanti della curcuma”

  1. Turmeric is such an anti-cancer powerhouse and a great aid to exercise recovery for me. I grabbed a tonne of fresh turmeric at my local Asian supermarket earlier today as it goes! 🌱💪👊💥

  2. Turmeric is not only anti-cancer it's also anti-inflammatory and immune boosting! I have been juicing it lately in the Lemon Ginger Blast I make every morning now 😀🌿👍

  3. One more trick to enhance its bioavailability.
    Soak 6-8 seeds of Fenugreek seeds overnight in just a teaspoon of water and have it with your Turmeric.
    The galactomannans (sugars) in it binds to Curcumins.

    I consume Waigon Turmeric for a month and then Lakadong Turmeric, both have the highest Curcumin content by adding
    Turmeric + Long Pepper (sometimes Black Pepper) and some Flaxseed oil with a few soaked Fenugreek seeds in the morning.

    Long Pepper has a compound Piperlongumine that has been studied as a longevity compound, so I keep switching it with Black Pepper. But it's taste is even more intense than Black Pepper. So, I I'd not suggest anyone to do that but think and do your research on it.


  4. Wait a minute…turmeric DOESN’T HELP YOU at all if you’re a non-smoker?! Then why am I grating turmeric root on my salad every day? I quit smoking in 1985.

  5. Hey Dr McGregor, What is your advice to guys who are taking propecia/ regaine, for male hairloss? Are these safe? Is there vegan organic alternatives?

    Turmeric tea is also delicious. Teaspoon, boiled water, almond milk, (teaspoon of agave syrup as sweetner). Except: your tongue will look orange for AGES. Best to drink before sleep and brush your teeth 😅

  6. I'm only 26. I chop garlic put natural natural honey on it and eat it !! After that I make my turmeric and ginger tea with a pinch of black pepper !! Stay healthy and boost your immune system 🤗

  7. But what about Supplements with Curcumin Extract ? Curcumin is the good Stuff we are looking for. They are less concentrated in the normal Turmeric. Does anyone has an Opinion about that ? Thx

  8. This channel sells veganism in the most capatilustic sense. It would be easier to sell such snake oil if thhey didn't show what vegans actually look like. This comes from a marketing standpoint alone

  9. Dude you're going to have to turn up your record volume I've got my record volume turned all the way up and can't understand one single solitary word

  10. Buyer beware…this guy has openly supported B. Gates for years. Maybe got funding??? Decide for yourself. I got suspicious when in one of his q&a's when he said he got experimental flu shots all the time. He plugs B. and Manlinda all the time.

    .B.G. Is funding Impossible Meat that has heme iron. That does not exist in plants. Only in animals and humans, things that have blood. Just look that up. And also look up SENOMYX https://m.facebook.com/notes/killuminati-soldiers/comprehensive-list-of-companies-that-use-aborted-fetal-cells-as-flavour/1017438608355030/ It's a flavoring that has human tissue. Why didn't he tell you about that??

    Also B.Gates farther ran Planned Parenthood which now makes a profit selling aborted babies, some that survived as well. This 4 part documentary will explain. https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/2015/07/human-capital-episode-1/

    On one of the Dr's pages it has the all seeing eye behind a magnifying glass. Creepy.

    Anyway do you're own research. My opinion is he has sold his soul to B.G. or whatever, and kind of disappeared. Like now when people need advice????

    Used to love the guy but he is corrupted. Like a lot of them…sorry but do your homework. We've been played.

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