Il lievito alimentare scatena il morbo di Crohn?

La reazione esagerata di molti malati di Crohn al lievito di panettiere, birraio e nutrizionale è solo una conseguenza del loro intestino permeabile infiammato o potrebbe essere una concausa?

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Avvisato? Cosa, quindi è davvero un potenziale problema? Sì, e non solo per Crohn. Questo è il primo di una serie di video in quattro parti. Resta sintonizzato per:
• La sindrome di Candida è reale? (
• Il lievito alimentare è salutare per tutti? (
• Cura dietetica per l'idradenite suppurativa (

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87 Risposte a “Il lievito alimentare scatena il morbo di Crohn?”

  1. I always thought Crohn's was caused by gluten, but according to one of the graphs shown it must be the yeasts found and used in gluten rich products causing people symptoms since the wheat seemed fine. I'm not a huge fan of nooch myself, I've tried it on multiple occasions and woke up with red spots(not acne, just red spots) around my nose the next day, so I've stopped using it. I have read that poorly deactivated nutritional yeast can lead to candida, then again that may have been published by a producer of the stuff. Can't wait for the next episode…

  2. i fucking knew ud say candida

    all my food and other allergies went away after i went vegan (tho my skin became dryer and i got dandruff…strangely enough)
    except…if i eat stuff that contains yeast or yeast extract – my belly puffs up like a pufferfish

    there seems to be a whole of of things going on between candida and other things in the body
    like for example candida makes ur bowels sluggish and they ferment because of it which causes inflammation and thus weakens stomach acid which makes unproperly digested food get into deeper colon parts which causes leaky gut which causes candida and or adrenal fatigue

    i yet have to find a definite solution…once i went raw and it was gone away but right away as i changed back to normal veganism i developed the candida symptoms again….and now i apparently cant manage to change it back by going raw again D: and im super fatigued like 10/10

    docs think im either depressed or "just born that way"

    the problem is that medium-high carb diets seem to feed candida regardless but as a vegan how r u supposed to eat low carb low fat low protein? xD
    its like there is no solution – currently trying juice fasting


  3. Dr. Gregor, this kind of freaked me out, because I think I have had candida overgrowth for years and I don't want to end with Crohns Disease 🙁 🙁 I wish I had never seen this video.

  4. I've had crohn's for over two years now and no doctor I've ever visited even touched the topic of diet. No, for them it's drugs, drugs, and more drugs.

    Thank you, Dr. Gregor, for shedding light on the answers I so desperately need.

    EDIT: Thanks for the feedback everyone! Yes, I am Vegan (previously pescatarian and vegetarian for the last year)

    I never thought wheat might have something to do with it. I'll make sure to look more into that.

    I take fiber and B12 supplements in addition to flaxseed oil softgells (actual nuts and seeds make me flare up). I'll definitely look into vitamin C and D.

    As for mucusless diet, could you elaborate? Thank you!

  5. Oh man, I seriously CANNOT wait for the next video Dr. Greger!! I was just diagnosed with candida, leaky gut syndrome, and food allergies (navy/pinto beans, almonds, and soy). I'm currently supplementing to kill the candida, heal my intestinal walls, and have cut out my food allergens. I love my nooch, so I'm dying (hopefully not!) to find out if I need to ditch it.

  6. Wow, thank you! I bought some nutritional yeast but never used it. Now I think I'd better not. I had bad reactions to bread and beer in the past. Waiting until … your next video.

  7. I was waiting for this video!
    I heard you tell people with crohns not to consume nutrituonal yeast on one of your livestreams!
    This is very intresting!
    So should we stop all products with yeast in? Would that leaaon symptoms or get us in remission?

  8. Dr. Gregor! I have been feeding my one year old nutritional yeast on her foods…she loves it! I need to know if this is safe or not…now!!!!

  9. I respect this guy's approach to finding answers. Our food is no longer something we can just mindlessly eat, assume it is all good for us. We are sicker,fatter and eat thoughtlessly on the run. Is nutritional yeast good for us? It is fortified with vitamins like folic acid which is not as good as folate. Is non fortified n.y. Of any use to us as Dr. Berg suggests we use? Most "man"-ufactured foods are fortified with cheap, poorly assimilated chemical versions of nutrients. We are paying hard earned money for this and paying again with poor health outcomes. How. Any of us are walking around with leakey gut?

  10. YOU KNOW FUCK IT. I have given up cigarettes, meat, dairy, fast food, coconut oil. I'm not giving up my little nutritional yeast ;~;

  11. Interesting that yeast is put in vaccines to act as an irritant and impacts those with crohns. I would like more analysis of this. Statistics have shown they have a gut permeability issue that begins after MMR in autism.

  12. And coconut oil is the remedy. Kinda why you need to figure out when its safe to use coconut oil. That would in the absence of carbs.

  13. my favourite snack ever is popcorn with nutritional yeast and if I have to cut down I wll freaaaaaaaak out. *but thanks for the informative video as always!

  14. I wonder if the same relation would be found in asthmatics. I've learned that I'm allergic to yeast… Like go to the hospital if a teaspoon is ingested.

  15. Dear NF/ Dr. Gregor, please choose your words more correctly to reflect your stated mission to be science-based and not loony internet health guru-esque.  "Leaky gut" is not medically-recognized diagnosis.  Crohn's disease yes, but "leaky gut" no.  I'd be laughed out of the office if I try to bill a patient for "leaky gut".  In fact please find me actual recognized studies that validate "leaky gut" hypothesis.

    Supposedly, in leaky gut syndrome, bacteria and toxins enter the bloodstream by breaching defective barriers then proceed to create problems throughout the body, causing bloating, gas, cramps e.g. all the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in addition to fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, mood disorders, insomnia, autism, and skin disorders (mainly eczema and psoriasis).  However these claims are not validated by scientific studies.  NF is now on par with loony online health bloggers or iffy TV doctor attempting to diagnose and treat a pseudo-syndrome.   This is not something that an otherwise trusted physician would ever do.  Did Dr. Gregor approve of this?  If so then this is a disappointment.

  16. i know your work is all about nutrition but your narrative "how not to die" may advance through educating about radon gas, where it seems we get the most radiation (causing free radicals thus aging and cancer). it seems to reason that if we had no free radicals we would not age. mitigation through antioxidant foods passing these the electrons they are rampaging for is one of the ways you teach but how about reducing our number one contributor?

  17. By far my FAVORITE video yet, I'm pumped for the candida one! As a future RD, I LOVE gut health since I used to suffer with gastroparesis and have many food sensitivities.

  18. I read that nutritional yeast is a derivative of MSG which is a neurotoxin. And Crohns is caused by a virus so if that is true then the virus is feeding off the toxin and causing inflammation. Interesting food for thought.

  19. Thanks for covering Crohn's. I was able to put my Crohn's in remission by avoiding all dairy and (unfortunately) all beans, legumes and their derivatives. Brewer's yeast tasted great on my popcorn but I was able to rule it out as a safe food soon after ingestion :(.
    My former gastroenterologist (and most others) still incorrectly insist that diet has no effect on Crohn's and to continue eating the trigger foods. My advice to those with intestinal issues is to find and avoid the foods that make it worse by keeping a food journal and eliminating foods for weeks at a time to test their effects. Sadly a milkshake effects me for 4 days. The second recommendation is that they actively pursue probiotic sources, such as homemade sauerkraut.

  20. Dr. Greger, can you please do a video commenting on the latest study from McMaster University about high fat diets improving mortality rates when compared to diets high in carbs and low in fat? Headlines like this are popping up in Canadian newspapers "Reducing carbohydrates, not fat, should be focus of dietary guidelines, study says".

  21. Maybe its from unclean yeast and an acidic environment in the body? Maybe thats why fasting makes them get better a little, because their body is able to detox? Another commenter said his wife cleared up completely after eliminating dairy. Maybe that is the source? There is an awful amount of contaminants in dairy..just the normal constituents without the added chemicals probably arent the greatest…ive heard its mostly pus and bacteria.. bacterias we probably arent used to because theyre from cows not humans

  22. Just bought a crapton of Dr. McDougall's pre-made soups, most of which have yeast as an ingredient… and here I thought Drs. McDougall and Greger would be on board with each other… >_>

  23. I don't know why people keep insisting that nutritional yeast is the same as bread yeast or yeast used for brewing! It isn't!!! It is inactive is nothing like either bread or beer yeast and is not grown the same and don't even get me started on the difference in taste!!!!

  24. "This study demonstrates that GLIADIN exposure induces an increase in intestinal permeability in ALL INDIVIDUALS, regardless of whether or not they have celiac disease. The results of this study suggest that gluten exposure leads to altered barrier function in both ACD and GS, resulting in an exaggerated increase in intestinal permeability when compared to RCD."

    GLIADIN, is GLUTEN component, that cause a LEAKY GUTS syndrome. It "allows for the increased translocation of both microbial and dietary antigens to the periphery which can then interact with cells of the immune system. …… Not surprisingly, increased intestinal permeability has been associated with autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes [24], rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis [18], but also with diseases related to chronic inflammation like inflammatory bowel disease [18,25], asthma [26], chronic fatigue syndrome and depression."

  25. It is not as easy to deactivate yeast as people think. I find nutritional yeast cultures very easily when I do not want it to . If you drop it in a glass of water with broth and beans on the bottom it sends down long strings slowly to the beans… Which is how it eats. It can't eat if it isn't alive and activated. Put some in a baggie with food and leave it on a warm table top a few hours or a day, when you open it it will smell rank and be bubbly. Which is what happens when yeast begins to culture something into alcohol or something else. That is your deactivated nutritional yeast. I don't think we should go crazy and vilify yeast without reason like we have gluten, but that doesn't mean that it is what we think it is and that no caution need be shown.
    A word on gluten, an extraordinarily small part of the population has celiac disease and is legitimately allergic to gluten. The rest of us can sit down to 8 ounces of seitan of we want, which is pure concentrated wheat gluten, the protein part of the wheat. It's an excellent meat replacement and very nutritious. I could stuff seitan in my face like a box of Oreo cookies as the only thing that would happen is that I'd feel great physically and no animals would be killed for my preferred flavor profile. Which makes no sense if gluten is the bad part of wheat.
    However stick me in front of an entire bowl full of white noodles and I'm laying in bed an hour later with an auto immune disease flare. It turns out that our white flour is bleached with an afflatoxin… Which comes from mold, the same kind the government comes into your house with hazmat suits to assess and clean and sticks stickers and tape up saying no one can come in. Afflotoxin= mild neurotoxin and extreme allergen. Which might be why someone with an auto immune disease would find themselves feeling like death after ingesting some.
    The nice aflatoxin and the fact that 1/2 cup is probably a serving but we typically eat 4+ servings without knowing it at dinner and the resulting blood sugar punch to your system being another assault, is probably the real reason wheat might not be good for us. I can get a similar blood sugar reaction with other high starch food such as white potatos and white rice if eaten in abundance. But nothing does me in like a delicious bowl of ramen.
    However I can eat whole wheat bread all day, No bleach, lots of gluten. So I think we need to rethink gluten and evaluate what's really going on with our vilified pizza crusts. Since my immune system seem to react to so many foods I'm probably not a bad canary in the coal mine on this one.

  26. lol. fuck this shit. This is why I'm an ethical vegan. This is why everyone SHOULD be vegan. Its so sad how many vegans are food obsessed I'm starting to believe you all only do it for health which is retarded and pathetic as hell. We still need to enjoy life. I'll eat my vegan fast foods, use oils, salt and my yeast in moderation.

  27. In a word…NO…if nutritional yeast caused crohn's disease I'd have had it a long time ago, I eat a Tbs. of nut. yeast a day since the 1980s. I love the stuff. While dairy cheese caused me the worst case of IBS and constipation for years. Please stop scaring people about vegan foods with the clickbait titles, thanks 🙂

  28. I have celiac disease. Is nutritional yeast safe? It’s the only item I add to my veggies and potato (same lunch everyday) and it seems to bring on symptoms?

  29. All through my Life I have had a delicate digestive system (Father dies of Liver failure, but he drink), Boils and Hemorrhoids in my late teens. So as I am older eat better (quit booze) and take many supplements (too many) and 2 of which have destroyed me. Nutritional Yeast and Turmeric. Digestive so screwed-up now have a fissure which is misery. Would take 850 mg Turmeric and cracked pepper on my salad (2000% spike). So been taking Yeast for 2 years with no issue, but 8 months after starting Turmeric is when all went to Hell. Try talking nutrition with a Doctor is a waste of time, all she wanted to say is surgery. It took me some time (no doctors help obviously) to figure this out (many Thanks to your videos) End of Sept. it began, thought it was blood pressure, now on blood press med. That helped some, went to doctor (Late Nov.) and 2 antibiotics, did not help and maybe made worse. This is about time I discovered Turmeric + pepper, stopped that mid. Nov. So, now it has been only 5 days no nutritional yeast, I did quit the nutritional yeast for a short period when taking antibiotics, and thought antibiotics where helping because was feeling better (less pain) but……………no because started back taking nutritional yeast and right back to misery. In closing, from my experience, if you have a delicate digestive system…………….stay the Hell away from this.

  30. What about the studies that show ibd patients testing high in igg towards soy, egg, tomato, and a few other things. Those were done in the 80s too. How does that compare to the reaction of nutritional yeast? (I def react to nutritional yeast)

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