Flashback Friday: i migliori alimenti per combattere l'autismo e l'infiammazione cerebrale

La dieta può essere una parte efficace del trattamento dell'autismo? Un alimento può essere in grado di combattere tutti e quattro i presunti fattori causali dell'autismo: disfunzione sinaptica, stress ossidativo, disfunzione mitocondriale e neuroinfiammazione. Il sulforafano trovato in cinque centesimi di germogli di broccoli ha dimostrato di avvantaggiare l'autismo in un modo che nessun farmaco ha mai fatto in uno studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo.

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Drammatico sollievo dal comportamento autistico durante la febbre? Guarda il video precedente, Benefici della febbre per l'autismo in un alimento (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fever-benefits-for-autism-in-a-food). <br/>
Cos'altro può fare la magia dei broccoli?
• Broccoli contro cellule staminali del cancro al seno (nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-versus- breast-cancer-stem-cells)
• La migliore disintossicazione (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-detox/)
• Sulforaphane: dai broccoli al seno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/sulforaphane -da-broccoli-a-seno/)
• Metastasi da cancro ai polmoni e broccoli (https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/lung-cancer-metastases-and-broccoli/)
• Miglioramento prolungato della funzione epatica da broccoli (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prolonged-liver-function-enhancement-from-broccoli/)
• Vegetale di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-vegetable/)
• Protezione del DNA dai broccoli (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dna-protection-from- broccoli/)

Il mio video Broccoli: Germogli vs Integratori (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-sprouts -vs-supplements/) sottolinea l'importanza delle piante rispetto alle pillole e Biggest Nutrition Bang for Your Buck ti dice come coltivare il tuo (https://nutritionfacts.org/videos/biggest-nutrition-bang-for-your-buck/).

Dopo aver prodotto la mia serie iniziale sull'autismo, ho realizzato ancora più video sull'argomento. Guardali tutti su

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56 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: i migliori alimenti per combattere l'autismo e l'infiammazione cerebrale”

  1. Nice content. Whoever is reading this keep a positive mindset no matter how bad things are in your life. Don't give into negative people. Focus on your goals, dreams and vision.

  2. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeease talk about the effect of gluten and dairy on people with autism (this is a dilema!!!!!). I already knew how good crusciferous vegetables can be good for autists and for everyone indeed, but only people with autism or related to them, know how difficult it is to make them eat something when they don't like the smell, taste or the texture of that food… They can be extremly picky. Please! help us please. Thanks.

  3. Dr Rhonda Patrick has been a Champ for Sulforaphane benefits & awareness. Sulforaphane has numerous health benefits as well. Broccoli sprouts have been shown to be the best source. Adding fresh mustard seed powder to cooked broccoli reactivates its bioavailability.

  4. I think u should just say PNAS not penis…watch dr rhonda patrick about sulphuraphane she is a researcher on it…she shows u how to grow and prepare broccoli sprouts correctly

  5. Have any studies been done on berries have similar effects? It’s a lot easier to feed sweet berries than it is to feed bitter/spicy vegetables.

  6. @11:25 Did they actually talk to any pregnant women? Based on my own experiences, I can see being able to eat broccoli or sprouts maybe in the third trimester, but not before. 🤢

  7. I’m not autistic but I do eat broccoli sprouts every day in my daily salad. I grow them myself in jars by the window. It’s very easy and takes very little time. I always have two jars going, staggered in time by a few days. Sulforaphane, yum! 😁

  8. 7:50 I'm sorry, but I still have the mind of a child. When he said "published in one of our most prestigious journals, PNAS" I burst out laughing. WHY WOULD THEY CHOOSE THAT NAME FOR THEMSELVES? lol

  9. SHAME ON YOU DR GREGOR!!! there is no cure for autism because its part of who you are and this wack ass "science" IS ACTIVELY DAMAGING THE AUTISTIC COMMUNITY. ask an #actuallyautistic person and you'll see the Neurodivergent community doesnt want a cure but ACCEPTANCE and therapies that arent traumatizing like ABA. shame on you for this, i can't support your work any longer if you spout eugenics nonsense

  10. ask yourself why you are advocating to prevent a condition that is not a disease. maybe its because you dont respect autistic people, get informed ask some #actuallyautistic people what they think. they arent gonna say we should eat more broccoli

  11. Dearest Dr. Michael Greger,
    You have become so much more mellifluous that I suspect your voice to have even greater potential to spread knowledge as your tribute to your grandmother as a labor of love. I am thoroughly enjoying listening to you narrate How Not To Diet, a title which is beautifully phonetically equivalent to "how not to die yet" with tongue in cheek. Your introductory music for the audiobook How Not To Diet is a delight.

    I hope you will upgrade the musical introduction to the videos from nutritionfacts.org: this brief audiovisual "fingerprint" is a chance to share wonderful compositions that could contain melodic components which separately harmoniously audiovisually combine to identify you, nutritionfacts.org, the date, and the individual topics. You could also revolutionize mass-media with this practice: I bet the practice would spread and thereby draw additional appreciation for the work of your message and, more importantly, I bet it would help the knowledge better spread.

    One idea is to crowd-source by vote the decision of which audiovisual element will be nutrutionfacts.org's theme then let fans donate pieces and collaborate on GitHub to extend everyones' works to serve as a pool of pieces which harmonize nicely with nutrititionfacts.org's theme to identify the topics and dates right in the media we could thus additionally love to receive. Dating videos and identifying topics audiovisually could be an accessible means of embedding versioning which is useful as the latest literature says evolving things.

    Duplication of information is in some ways pathological management of information. Wounding animals or humans can be considered pathological but it can also induce a healing growth or remove disease. Here you could not simply duplicate metadata's information of date and authority but rather embed an accessible and creative delight that characterizes content topically.

    This could help in navigating videos with reduced access to content or controls. Also, the current music is questionably bland and even annoying. Please give us a beautiful melody that sets the mood for receiving that which you consider the very best thing you have worked all your life to leave.

    Kyle Thomas

  12. I worked in a clinic as a therapist. Needless to say the diets of the children weren’t the best. I always wondered how the children’s behaviors would be had their parents sent them with a balanced diet.

  13. More vaccines and aluminium in the bloodstream seems to be the brain health plan post corona. Better diagnosis they say.

  14. Thank you so much dr Gregor and nutrition facts team. I was having a battle with inflammation and eczema in my feet and hands and tried everything from water fasting long periods at a time to changing my diet to no avail. I was a vegan for 3 years and went back to meat for 1 year (don’t ask me why). 2 days on a broccoli heavy diet with mustard seeds, 2 litres of water a day, intermittent fasting (eating whatever from 8am-1pm), flaxseed oats blueberry shake in the morning, a cup of mushrooms and beans a day. Now I’m back on a healthy vegan diet and my illnesses clearing up. Things that helped me stay healthy and transition back was japanese curry packs to make a vege packed curry and put that on the top of rice. Make sure the curry has beans so You get that rice and beans satisfaction

  15. sir please made a same video for muscular dystrophy and please suggest effective foods to control and reverse this life threatening disease..

  16. I have autism Asperger's syndrome and loved the videos about Caesin and wheat proteins and opiod like peptides exacerbating autism and by eating broccoli collards and cauliflower for breakfast for source of sulphurophane and I have low antioxidant response and love sulphurophane rich foods I've never felt better I get stressed so easily to sensations being over stimulated from Boise and sound. Love cruciferous vegetables restoring metabolic balance and double the growth of mitochondria in petri dish studies. N-f kappa beta causing inflammation and broccoli fights this too love it

  17. Whilst I'm sure broccoli does have a significant effect, I think it's harmful to frame it as a treatment for autism, which is not an illness. It's an entirely different neurotype that needs to be understood, not cured or treated. Instead of 'treating'' autism, we should focus on making our society a better place for autistic people by raising awareness. Please talk to autistic people about their thoughts on things like this before you make videos about them!!

  18. If the double blind, placebo controlled trial used sulphurophane in capsules derived from broccoli sprouts, why not give that to people with autism? I know the whole food is healthier and more beneficial for many reasons, but people with autism often have serious food aversions, and starting them out on a supplement, if possible, might be a stepping stone to eating the whole plant. Is the sulphurophane the researchers used available commercially?

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