Flashback Friday: la migliore fonte di resveratrolo

C'è qualche beneficio nel resveratrolo? In tal caso, dovremmo ottenerlo da vino, uva, arachidi o integratori?

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Gli integratori di resveratrolo possono fare più male che bene? Dai un'occhiata ai benefici dell'esercizio fisico. (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/resveratrol-impairs-exercise-benefits)

Il video originale è andato in onda il 2 aprile .

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31 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: la migliore fonte di resveratrolo”

  1. Can you make a video about omega-6? There was one panel in youtube where one doc claims that, omega-6 is the cause behind century's diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases etc, he backed his claims from few different studies and from some isolated tribes & their feeding habits, and their health check results.

  2. I managed to extract resveratrol from Japanese knotweed roots, I did use alcohol do to it, but they say there are more medicinal compounds in this weed. Thanks for the heads up anyway, doc!

  3. Why do researchers like Dr Longo suggest that it might be beneficial then? Are they just making PR money? It doesn’t make a lot of sense that this chemical has received so much media attention if it doesn’t do what’s being suggested. Thank you for doing these videos debunking the myth, Dr G.!

  4. I was LITERALLY looking up the effects of resveratrol last night as it popped up in a article I was reading. Halfway curious of its “benefits” I was looking into how much the supplement costs and fell asleep while searching. I wake up the next morning and see this video as the first recommendation in my YouTube feed. Thank you for being so thorough and quickly saving me $30-60 on an unnecessary supplement. You’re awesome!

  5. Has far as I am aware a glass of red wine with your meal breaks down the proteins and makes for far easier digestion. Another reason why southern Europeans also eat salads with dressing with their meals most of the time. Southern Europeans are big salad eaters and also big wine drinkers. They also tend to be healthier than their northern neighbours.

  6. I love how people try to defend their addiction to wine saying that it has health benefits. Even if they see the study don't accept.

    So, if you don't want to accept, please don't debate with someone who believes that hydroxychloroquine works, for example. Both of you uses selected points in the scientific literature.

  7. That was a no brainer. All of Nature's whole foods are better than a particular constituent they contain isolated in a laboratory by scientists and sold for consumption as a "natural" vitamin or mineral or food supplement…. because the WHOLE food contains all the buffers and other constituents bound to the particular isolate that creates a synergistic effect. It also doesn't hurt that the stomach actually recognizes the plant food in this case grapes or berries as FOOD and can therefore be digested, utilized and what isn't utilized eliminated. Whereas in this case the Resveratrol just stimulates but later enervates and is stored as a free radical. The same goes for Vitamin C, or ANY man-made vitamin or mineral supplement. The best way to get your Vitamin C is from FRUIT not from tablets or powders!

  8. No Dr Greger, it is not written "fish oil capsules" into the study, it is written "omega 3 fatty acids", like the DHA/EPA from algae oil that you recommend as a supplement.

  9. "60 Minutes?!" ah yes, mainstream media doing its thing for its chosen media darlings:-) so much of our SAD eating has much to do with marketing, media, and MO-ney!

  10. Noice 😎, this is why I prefer all the berries (in a decent amount, not too much), not for the compound discussed in the video, but the great flavor and how well it fits with my rolled oats.

  11. So should we be drinking red wine or no? I got the eat grapes message, but any grapes? You got the green one and the red one and the black one.

  12. I love grapes! Black or red ones especially. But I have heard so many good things about resveratrol supplements as well lately…so I take something called Resvera-Pro. Also high EPA fish oil that totally extinguishes inflammation in a palpably felt way, so what do I know? If it feels like it’s working it probably is.

  13. Have you looked at the cost of resveratrol in supplemental form? Last time I looked it was somewhere around $60 for a small bottle. This health rip-off game is very

  14. Just got my copy of your latest book, HOW TO SURVIVE A PANDEMIC with it's 343 pages of text and 225 pages of references in case anyone wants to check your research!😳
    Thank you for your tireless efforts, your work is so appreciated! Peace.💚

  15. I have read lots of Doctor on you tube about keto diet or keto lifestyle like Dr Berg , Dr Ford , Dr Jason fung, Dr berry,Dr ikberg…. they all emphasized on one factor low carb or high fat , zero carb … , Omad , intermittent fasting and tons of plus excersize …. ( goal is to low carb , low sugar and tons of greeen , healthy fats , if ) why ? They all saying is ( high carb diet increase insulin and insulin cause inflammation and every time you eat food with carb , it increase insulin .
    ( carb cause inflammation)
    My q to Dr Gregor is whole plant based diet has whole grain, veggies, whole
    fruit and no oil, animal fat or vegetable oil and basically you eat grain as base with beans and lentil plus veggies…which spike insulin , so does this insulin spike of wpbf matters or does it cause inflammation ? Please make video on high insulin and inflammation as there is lots of confusion around this issue.i am not interested in ppl whether they r vegan , keto, vegetarian or wpbf… what matters to me is , how to make ppl healthy and eat right diet.

  16. hey i’m checking in after being really into this guy 2-4 years ago. has his views changed at all or any interesting findings or videos since then?

  17. How can you make a video entitled "Best source of Resveratrol" and not mention Japanese Knotweed? It contains the highest levels in the known plant kingdom… and it is listed on your site as a source but not in this video.

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