Qual è il conteggio ideale dei globuli bianchi?

Dato che la conta dei globuli bianchi è un forte predittore della durata della vita, a cosa dovremmo mirare e come arrivarci?

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Per informazioni dettagliate su cosa sono esattamente i globuli bianchi e perché noi medici li contiamo, guarda il mio ultimo video, What Does a Low White Media della conta dei globuli rossi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/What-Does-a-Low-White-Blood-Cell-Count-Mean)

Credo di toccare la salute di quegli africani rurali nel mio video How Not to Die by Heart Disease ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-heart-disease).<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sulla lotta all'infiammazione qui:
• Dieta antinfiammatoria per la depressione (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/anti-infiammatorio- dieta per la depressione)
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-spices-fight-inflammation)
• Trattamento dietetico per periodi mestruali dolorosi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dietary-treatment-for-painful-menstrual-periods)
• Raggiungere la remissione della malattia di Crohn (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/achieving-remission -of-crohns-disease)

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100 Risposte a “Qual è il conteggio ideale dei globuli bianchi?”

  1. Agreed with the entire video up until the end. It is not used in diagnosis and prognosis of CHD because it isn't specific enough. Someone can get an infection from staying in a hospital and their WBC would go way up. Markers like CRP and Troponin I will always be better because they are much more specific. -Vegan MLS(ASCP)

  2. Hmmm… I had a well paying corporate job maintaining equipment for the sterilization of newly manufactured medical equipment. The work wasn't too demanding, physically.

    Part of working there was receiving a thorough physical… and I was told I had a high white count.

    I was eating mostly vegan, and working out regularly. The only problem I could see was that I'm a night owl, and was working a day shift, starting at 6am. I was constantly sleep deprived.

    I was dismissed within 2 weeks of being notified of my high numbers.

    I always have been a health nut, taking well researched supplements, working out, eating good food…

    Although the job paid well, I didn't like it… but this WBC stuff was weird… I wonder if it was their way of getting rid of me with a fabrication… Meh… life goes on… NEXT!

    I'm looking forward to the next blood test.

  3. Guys, I'm talking to vegans here and other generally health-oriented people, are you pissed off at other people who smoke, drink too much, eat shit food, etc and never exercise? How do feel/what do you think when you see all this toxicity in front of you?

  4. Mine is 2.98 in my last Easter exam…never known it were such an important data…interesting enough, the reference range is considered 4 to 11 !

  5. 99.9% of people people never put the most significant dietary change to the test and thus will forever be confused about how to completely control their short term and long term health. I refer to a REAL dietary test not some short lived, short sighted so called "healthy diet" fad or craze.

  6. great video. Any suggestions what screening blood work a person should get for cardiovascular screening if we are pretty healthy/ Is C-reactive Protein, homocysteine and WBC counts enough, just as a general screen?

  7. Bad joke [6:06]: "Bone marrow of those eating traditional plant-based diet has the capacity to create as many white [blood] cells as needed but suffers from understimulation. They're just not smoking enough cigarettes and (Hah) eating… as many inflammatory foods." —Michael Greger.

  8. What about high CRP levels? I am concerned as I was told this is a sign of heart disease. I have very high CRP and would love to get it to the normal range. Any information about CRP what it is, what it means, how can it be lowered would be appreciated.

  9. Right after I went vegan, about two years ago my WBC was at 4.0 & a few months ago it was 3.1. I've been vegan for two years and before that vegetarian. Don't smoke, don't drink and my vit B12 is normal range. This last time my doctor referred me to a hematologist and the hematologist found nothing wrong. They tested my WBC three weeks later and it jumped to 4.2! The only change in my life style was that I added an additional 80g of fat per day into my diet at the time (since I was doing a raw vegan cleanse) and needed A LOT of fat in my diet to make it sustainable for me. Before that I followed a HCLF diet. It's interesting now knowing what I've experienced and seeing the correlation between fat, inflammation and WBC. Dr. G keep up the good work!

  10. My recent blood test came back with a WBC of 4.1. Honestly a bit surprising to me, considering I'm asthmatic and suffering from allergies quite a bit in the summer. Also I suffer from anxiety causing me stress, which can raise WBC.
    So I have pretty much constant low grade inflammation, but according to my lab results a WBC on the lower end of the normal range (they noted normal range as 4.0-10.0). Not quite sure how that works.

  11. Huh, I am always getting flagged for low WBC on my blood work. I was sent to hematologist for dropping under 4 several times. Not a vegan though, I just don't eat much processed food. Looks like nothing to worry about. In fact quite the opposite.

  12. My wbc count varies from 14,000 to 19,000 most recent 17,500 and no one can find a reason. I’m a smoker but I doubt it raises it that high

  13. Cold water exposure and winter swimming is supposed to be healthy. But it also increases white blood cell count. How do the two things go together and would you recommend the practice based on these findings? Is a high white blood cell count maybe only a marker of unhealthy inflammation when it comes from a bad diet? And if it is caused by another natural stress-factor like cold it is no unhealthy?

  14. I eat low carb high fat (every meal is fatty meat + veggies) and my wbc count always sits between 3.6-3.8. I would assume what we LCHF and vegetarians/vegans have in common is that we all are health focused so we eliminate processed foods, exercise, don't smoke, etc.

  15. Just had my checked two weeks ago 3.4 I'm an extremely healthy vegan, very disciplined…No dairy/sugar 10-years/ no meats/oils and eggs 4-years. I'm also a certified nutritional consultant so my diet is on point!!! Yay Veganism…..!

  16. I just got my blood test today and my WBC is 3.5. is it really bad? my doctor told me that I should wear mask all the time to cover my mouth. should I worry about that?? anyone please share your experience with me.

  17. My wbc is always between 3.7 – 4.0 and I don’t remember the last time I got sick. Also, I’ve been eating meat my whole life and I eat a lot of junk food as well. I think it’s just hereditary.

  18. I was recently sent to a blood specialist to run further tests because they were alarmed with my low white blood cell count. I was freaking out because I was in a waiting room with a lot of cancer patients, too many to count. They asked me all these cancer related questions…
    I conclude that I am Vegan and simply healthy 😊

  19. The results in this study have more to do with caloric restriction then having a so called plant base diet. I my self got an even lower WBC of 2.6 with a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting.

  20. I’ve been in the 3.0 to 3.7 range my whole life and I eat meat but I also excersise 6 days a week and I hardly eat any processed foods. Plus I don’t drink or smoke. The average American does not fall into that category, thus the range of 4.5-10

  21. I'm at 3.11 (10E9/L) Reference range in SWE (3.5 – 8.8)

    So im at the lowest of the "new" ref range according to greger. No meat, alcohol or smoking in 6 years.

  22. My dads cell count,white, went from 11000 to 12000 to 13000 all the way to 19000 and this is the last I’ve heard at this moment,how high can it go idk?

  23. Thanks, vegan pal, I'm on keto and IF, I dropped 15 kg and I wonder what is going on with my WBCs. Best wishes.

  24. My numbers are 3.5. Hey all my life I'm lookin to work out and train hard eat cleaner as time goes on and my Doc says I'm conderned cause I noticed your WBC has gone down over the past few years… Whaaaat! I'm thinkin that's supposed to be a good thing right!.. Cummon

  25. My WBC count is slightly lower then average, I have no infection, no issues, have not missed work for the last 10 years. The Dr seemed to suggest this is an issue, Thanks for being a educator and providing this. (but I do eat organic eggs, and organic , raw cheese but moderately and eat mostly vegetables, olives, olive oil, berries and that is about it.

  26. So Im pregnant and this are my last week results👇
    Your Value 11.3 Thousand/uLStandard
    Range3.8 – 10.8 Thousand/uL
    Flag H

    My doctor call me saying that that if I feel like Im having a fever that I need to go to the ER.

  27. Mine was 6.5 but I use to smoke a lot and was not fasting at the time plus I use to eat a lot of junk food. Maybe now it’s a lot lower. Plus I had tonsillitis and I just got them removed 3 weeks ago. Yeah and now I’m full whole food vegan diet I’m going to have my test done next week.

  28. I used to smoke, drink and eat trash food in the university about 5 years ago. Then a friend got cancer and I decided this was not the way I wanted to go I did hours of research on the internet on how to prevent cancer and heart disease from a young age hoping to undo some of the damage I did to my body. My first ever blood work at 22 Yo had a WBC of 8.2.
    I stumbled upon Dr Greger's site about 3 years ago started following a plant based diet quit many bad habits smoking and drinking… I just turned 27 and went for a full blood work test… WBC is 5.02 everything else on optimal or close to optimal levels. Glad to see my body was able to heal… feeling better than ever. Thanks to Dr Grege for this very valuable videos.

  29. OMG i almost cry reading my lab result for the 3rd time my wbc is always so low around 3. Im so afraid that i hv cancer of something but then i read comments here, thank you guys!!!!! I fee better

  30. Checked my bloodwork May 2020, my wbc was 3.2, down from 3.4 in Dec 2019. I used to be around 5, 2 years ago but whe I switched to a whole food plant based diet my numbers went down to the low 3s. I didn't know that switching to WFPB diet would lower my wbc because I was concerned. (I'm also fighting with IBS or some sort of gut issue that causes me fatigue) so I thought my wbc being in the low range could be the cause of my fatigue but it's not.

  31. I was worried about mine. Been dropping for a year at least. Been 7 months on plant based diet. Do have fatigue. Think it's more hormonal. Thank you for this video.

  32. Got my blood work results today and made me worried as it is below the lower band of the normal range. I have always been at the borderline of the lower band. Now, it makes more sense. I have been eating more plant-based food and exercised more (reduced waist size, lower body fat). However, less meat probably means lower intake of iron.

  33. So interesting! My friend just finished chemo a few months ago and went fully vegan and doctors say her WBC is too low. Is this still a good sign or is it different after chemo?

  34. This video has me relieved, wow! I had a WBC count of 3.95 and the doctor had me so worried. This is my healthiest year so far, with no medication at all, not even simple painkillers, yet the doctor thinks I have a problem. I've never done the test before so I can't tell if it has changed or not. I feel good.

  35. Wow. Seems everyone here is in the same boat. I am at 3.2 but i feel just fine. I have been wracking my head for months trying to figure this out.

  36. I smoke, hardly exercise, eat meat all though not a lot or often and my wbc was still 3.5. Now I’m scared I stop smoking and it goes down even more

  37. I just watching this after my doctor was so concern about my WBC dropping down every year since I did start eating a whole food plant based diet. My WBC values came from 8,.5 to 3.5 now. I never had been sick since start eating plant based food

  38. Mine is 2.6. My oncologist is concerned it’s too low. Thanks to this video I’m not worried. I do suffer from an autoimmune disease called NMO Neuromyelitis optica. But try to eat a good diet.

  39. Wooooooahhhh, DR GREGER THANK YOU. When I got my test results back saying I had a WBC count of 3.35, I freaked out and thought I was sick with something. Now I know that’s a good thing! I’m gonna keep doing what I’m doing.

  40. I've always had a low wbc in last 7 years since getting into my nutrition. My housemate had more transmissible covid variant. I never got it and don't often get ill. Hoping it's just my baseline but it is concerning

  41. Haha! I got 4.0 (4.0-10.0) – The minimum that is still in the normal range. I have been vegan (healthy, wfpb) for many many years and I’m very happy with that.

  42. My most recent WBCs were at 4,000. They've been a little lower before, and the doctor had me all panicked, but I rarely get sick and feel like I have a pretty robust immune system.

  43. Thank you so much for this video. I have been researching this for a while and I wanted to confirm what I understood. This video made it clear. Also, to answer your question I think it is a little too inexpensive in my opinion haha. I am learning on the importance of WBC after noticing I went from 6.3 and 6.7 in 2019/2020 and getting now in 4…this year. I was in shock and thought I was maybe getting sick. I mean I was in the normal before things are changing. But, since the bottom of the range is better I can only attribute it to my fast and reducing my meat intake. I do both water and dry fasting. This is helping my food intolerances in a big way.

  44. I am dealing with low wbc 2.8uL however it's my low absolute neutrophil count (1032uL) in combination that is concerning. This number was higher 3 months ago at 1551 uL. My primary doctor ignored it for months only focusing on raising my Vitamin D levels. I am grateful as I was deficient but now those numbers are healthy and despite my concerns over my WBC (and now with the ANC having dropped) I am switching doctors and deepening my research as well as upleveling my preventative care including focusing on my diet (as always). Any informed input on this matter is greatly appreciated, please. Thank you!

  45. I REALLY wish physicians were given nutritional studies…so many are so quick to run test test test and NEVER ask about lifestyle! My WBC for the past 3 years have been hovering btwn 2.7-2.8. NO ONE asked me about my diet! Thank you so much!!

  46. Wow! This is a life changing information seriously. My husband's doctor said his white blood cell count is at a lower side so she is worried and got us worried so much. I have not seen any information like this anywhere. I feel so relieved and at the same time, so disappointed at how most of doctors have no idea about what is going on. Thank you so much Dr. Michael!

  47. Companies that produce unhealthy foods should be declared criminal and penalize them. Theres no excuse now for them. They must provide better options for the health of the people.

  48. Perhaps a plant based diet is not so necessary….
    As a healthy 63 yr old, eating clean keto/carnivore diet for years,
    my WBC count has ranged between 2.9 and 4.6.
    22 years of data.

  49. This answered my question. I gave up meat,dairy and sweets( occasionally indulging some bites here and there) Doctor told me my WBC was less then 4.0. I said well I gave up meat and dairy and was told that has nothing to do with it. Well yes it does.

  50. my question is this, is the low wbc count okay enough to fight off infections as low as they are or do they need to be at a certain rate to be able to fight off infections? i went vegan and my dr called and said re-test becoz my wbc are low, im also dealing with thyroid issues, im trying to eat more so i can have a pregnancy.

  51. Wow, thank you for this video. I just got blood work done and it was 3.8 and immediately got anxiety and thought I had cancer. This reassures me because I recently switched to a whole food diet about two months ago. I do eat meat but only lean cuts and I add saturated fats (for good skin health) by using refined coconut oil for cooking. It's crazy because I actually dropped quite a lot lower then all those studies. I was at 7 November of last year and now I'm half that. Whole food diet is the way to go….

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