Miglior metodo di cottura

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DESCRIZIONE: Quali sono i metodi di cottura più delicati per preservare i nutrienti e quali verdure hanno più antiossidanti cotte che crude. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su
e cercherò di rispondere! Per un po' di contesto, controlla anche i miei post sul blog associati Cellule staminali del cancro al seno contro Broccoli ( http://nutritionfacts.org/2012/04/19/beast-cancer-stem-cells-vs-broccoli/) e The Best Foods: testa le tue conoscenze nutrizionali (http://nutritionfacts.org/2011/11/06/il-test-dei-cibi-migliori- la tua-conoscenza-nutrizionale/)

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100 Risposte a “Miglior metodo di cottura”

  1. what about steaming Doc? and really? microwaving is better than boiling? i thought microwave like gives you cancer or something

  2. Microwave ovens produce radiolytic compounds, which was shown to be dangerous. A woman in OK is suing after a bd blood transfusion in which the blood was altered. These devices are known to leak are in generally just not a good method to cooking food. However our good Dr. here is only looking at the nutrition aspect and perhaps missing the bigger picture. 

  3. Hey, Doc! It may be a rather frequently asked Q, but what is your overall opinion on the low fat high carb raw vegan lifestyle?

  4. I steam my vegetables, and then use the water to soak & cook my navy beans. No nutrients lost, just deferred to the beans. And no waste of flavorful water.

  5. Good to know that boiling, apparently the 'worst' method, only reduced the antioxidant content by a small amount. Much smaller than I thought. I happen to save and eat the veggie broth alongside my vegetables when I cook them, so with the water sapping up those lost antioxidants, I feel less bad about boiling. 🙂

  6. When I boil my veggies is always for soup. I always use that water due to the nutrient loss. I also love to steam my food. Thank you for sharing this useful information, Dr. Greger! It's good to know.

  7. The study doesn't include sous vide– and since it is a 'dry' and air-tight method with the most accurate and reliable cooking times; wouldn't it be a better method than microwaving?

  8. You need to compare a pressure cooking (and consuming the liquids in it) vs. the others. Yes, of course, if you just remove the vegetables out of the liquid, then nutrients will be lost. But the whole point of the pressure cooker is to prevent anything coming out of it, losing nutrients to vapor as well, and keep it together. With all of that, if you consume everything in it, including the liquids, your going to retain more nutrients that if you pull the vegetables out of water.

    Yah, if I microwave vegetables in water, and then take the vegetables out of the water and eat it, I'm going to loose nutrients too…

  9. Dr. Greger, if you "steam" your vegetables in a pressure cooker (ie, veggies not soaked in boiling water), wouldn't that retain most of the nutrients like microwaving does? I would imagine that steaming veggies in a pressure cooker would be healthier than microwaving since microwaves are notorious at producing microscopic burnt spots on foods, whereas steaming in a pressure cooker creates no such phenomenon.

  10. Microwaving! I guessed it right and yet I never thought of doing that myself. I only use the thing when heating stuff from earlier xD

  11. Everybody's said steaming already about 2 billion times but I still feel the need to mention it again. How could that be overlooked? Really expected better, considering what channel this is.

  12. I honestly listen to Dr. Greger daily. What began with 'species equality' has morphed nto veganism. (I didn't eat an apricot until I was 35). Now, 30 years later, I have become familiar with the 'secrets' of plant based nutrition. I can only hope that these 'secrets' will go mainstream. Not because of the animals….well, maybe for the human animal.Thank you, NutritionFacts.org!


  14. Dr. Greger, would u kindly update this video by including steaming in your study. According to recent laboratory results, steaming method retains the highest level of nutrients in most vegetables.

  15. are you seriously telling people to cook there meals in a microwave? unsubscribing to your Chanel I know!! hahah enjoy radiation poisoning

  16. Where's steaming? Why would they not study this. Also what is in the cooking water??? If making a soup or stew do the antioxidants transfer to the water??

  17. Pressure cooking. Cooks fastest, shortest time. Preserves most nutritons. Reason why japanese/korean are so healthy because they eat a lot of soy, sea vegetables and pressure cook almost everything.

  18. I do not watch liers!!! I know what is truth to bad so many people are believeing of a lie? It's about money that's the bottom line here!

  19. I wonder if you could include dehydrating in this comparison, and also compare levels of some dietarily significant enzymes as well as the antioxidant levels. I heard pressure cooking reduces anti nutrients in beans. But rinsing and soaking overnight probably is enough.

  20. Thank you for the video. Very informative and concise. I try to eat capsicum raw because I know vitamin C doesn't like heat. Now I will ALWAYS eat it raw.

  21. How can nuking food be the best way to preserve antioxidants? That makes no chemistry sense. You are changing the molecular structure of the molecules. Something as simple as isomerism renders a drug inneffective!

  22. I heard when you microwave you Change the molecular structure of the food thereby damaging the mineral and vitamin content? True or untrue?

  23. I was in the Kitchen Nutrition Business for over 10 years and although this is a more complicated topic if you are going to include enzymes which start to be destroyed around 49C the biggest enemies are too much Air , Heat and Water. Microwaves, pressure cookers and even ovens use high heat and some of the other enemies. The best to preserve nutrition is waterless vacuum cooking with some sort of temperature control to keep it under 87C where most of the nutrition is lost. There are cookware out there that do this if you search. Also stay away from teflon and Aluminum. I explain why here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW84QPJ–bk&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1NPahvQxXybSBYnxAGTrE_5CCoWFLqmlg9gM4CpzkVAHg5NWBBI9np3hg

  24. But microwave can form cancer causing cells, maybe, I don't know.

    What if boil and then also consume the water we boil it in.

  25. There is no such thing as "Nuking" . They are Waves, like Radio waves, only larger (Should be called MACRO-Waves) causes Friction, producing Heat…(Like rubbing your hands together.)
    > {I suppose if it were a more complicated process (As can be found on the internet) it might seem more "Scientific"…but it is just this simple.}

  26. Is there a full list of veggies together with the suggested best methods of food preparation with respect to retaining (or increasing) their nutritional profile?

  27. I boil veg and keep the water. This water is the vegetable broth eye use for many things, such as miso soup. Matzoh ball soup, gnocchi in brodo, kasha, etc. sometimes I will drink the cooled veg water. Never throw it away.

  28. Why is the amount of antioxidants preserved the parameter to measure the best method? Aren't there other nutrients that are also affected by the cooking method?

  29. Come on doc, raw Brussels Sprouts can be delicious ,,, you just gotta shave them super thin, and then use some kind of acid (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) in the dressing,,,
    try me out

  30. Whau very helpfull and interesting info – and fun the the fastest and easiest way to cook also is the best for the antioxident nutrience –

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