Flashback Friday: tè all'ibisco contro dieta a base vegetale per l'ipertensione e quanto è troppo?

Come si confrontano gli effetti di riduzione della pressione sanguigna del tè all'ibisco con la dieta DASH, una dieta a base vegetale e una dieta a lunga distanza esercizio di resistenza? E tieni presente che l'impressionante contenuto di manganese del tè all'ibisco può essere il fattore limitante per i livelli di consumo giornalieri sicuri.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter ricevono sempre una regalo. Prendi il tuo qui:

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'ipertensione, vedere:
• I cereali integrali possono funzionare così come i farmaci (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/whole-grains-may-work-as-well-as-drugs/)
• Vita più lunga a poca distanza a piedi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/longer-life-within-walking-distance/)<br/> • I cuori non dovrebbero saltare una barbabietola (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/hearts-shouldnt-skip- a-beet/)
• Come non morire di pressione alta (https:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-high-blood-pressure/)
• L'ipertensione può essere una scelta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/high-blood-pressure-may-be-a-choice/)
• Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax-seeds-for-hypertension/)

Un d dare un'occhiata ai miei altri video sul tè all'ibisco:
• Aggiornamento sul tè alle erbe: Hibiscus (https://nutritionfacts.org/video /herbal-tea-update-hibiscus/)
• Meglio del tè verde? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/better-than-green-tea/)
• Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/protecting-teeth-from-hibiscus- tea)
• C'è troppo alluminio nel tè? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-there-toomuch-aluminum-in-tea)

Il limone può effettivamente aumentare il contenuto di antiossidanti del tè verde e bianco. Vedi Tè verde vs. bianco (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/green-tea-vs-white/). E per un confronto dei loro effetti antitumorali in vitro, Antimutagenic Activity of Green vs. White Tea (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/antimutagenic-activity-of-green-versus-white-tea/).

Per ulteriori informazioni sul effetto di assorbimento del ferro, guarda il mio video Rischi associati agli integratori di ferro (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/risk-associated- with-iron-supplements/)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-hibiscus-tea-vs -diete-vegetali-per-l'ipertensione-quanto-è-troppo- e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-hibiscus-tea-vs- diete-vegetali-per-l'ipertensione-quanto-è-troppo. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, temi di salute.

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39 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: tè all'ibisco contro dieta a base vegetale per l'ipertensione e quanto è troppo?”

  1. So a year ago I was 33 and had never had a filling. Then I went traveling through South America for a year and drank v. strong hibiscus tea at least 3 times a day- even drinking it last thing before sleep. Came home to find I needed 10+ fillings. The dumbest part is I think I'd even watched Dr G's warning video about it's acidity some time ago but completely forgot about it. That stuff isn't just a little bit acidic it's crazy acidic. Don't make my mistake- gargle with water after and even use a straw if you're making it strong.

  2. I'm vegan 80% unprocessed and I still have hypertension… my blood pressure got better but I cant get off my med or my bl shoots up… I've taken more steps I work out around 1hr 5xs a week more greens but I still have HBP

  3. I tried Hibiscus tea and although my heartburn has stopped since I went to a plant based lifestyle but this tea gives me heartburn. Would you know why it does that?

  4. I really appreciate this Flashback-Friday format of combining several older videos into one cohesive message. It’s getting to the point where there are simply too many videos to just revisit one every week. This is a very good solution. Thanks.👍

  5. We don't like the taste of hibiscus. Can we put some dried leaves in a capsule, and if so how much of the tea should we take?

  6. Wait, what about the arsenic problem with the hibiscus tea? Didn't you change your recommendations to 1-2 cups per day based on that problem?

  7. I know this is totally unrelated, but am commenting on this video in hopes that it will be seen. I was wondering if you could do any videos on eating disorders. I've been plant based most of my life and have found your videos illuminating and educational. I love your evidence based approach. I'm wondering what the research says about the causes and, more importantly, affective treatments are for anorexia, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorder. As someone who is currently suffering, I'd find it very helpful. Thanks!

  8. What is the best way to cleanse my high blood pressure issue naturally ? I read many good reviews on the net about how Hybetez Remedy can assist you cleanse your high blood pressure issue naturally . Has anyone tried using this high blood pressure treatment?

  9. Has anyone used the Hybetez Remedy to cleanse your high blood pressure issue naturally ? Simply just do a search engine search. On there you will discover a great guidelines about how exactly you can cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently . Why not give it a chance? perhaps it can work for you too.

  10. I contacted HIV in 2009, I was told by my doctor that there's no possible cure for HIV. I started taking my ARV's, My CD was 77 and viral load was 112,450. my cousin told me about this herbal  Dr. Ambala thats helping people get cured and i also saw a lot of testimonials about him on how he uses medicine to cure HIV. I contacted him and told him my problems, He sent me the herbal medicine and I took it for 14 days which was two weeks as he instruct me to take it, after then I went for test check-up and I was cured. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there's no special diet when taking the herbs medicine. He also cure HEPATITIS B, BREAST/LUNGS CANCER, HERPES, MISCARRIAGES,HBP, STROKE, FIBROIDS, INFERTILITY PROBLEMS, LOSING OF BELLE FAT, GENITAL WARTS and lots more with his spiritual power and nothing is Impossible in his shrine , just want to make sure that this disease never happen to anyone, that's why i will be dropping his contact email ; Dr.v.ambala @gmail.com You can Call/WhatsApp him via;  +2347041190299

  11. Has anyone used the Hybetez Remedy to treat your high blood pressure issue inherently ? Just simply do a google search. On there you will discover a great suggestions about how exactly you can treat your high blood pressure issue naturally . Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it'll work for you too.

  12. As specialist, I do think Hybetez Remedy is actually great way to cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently . Why don't you give it a chance? maybe it will work for you too.

  13. Has anyone used the Hybetez Remedy to fix your high blood pressure issue inherently ? Simply just do a search engine search. On there you'll discover a great suggestions about how you can fix your high blood pressure issue naturally . Why not give it a shot? perhaps it will work for you too.

  14. … Here's the deal… Go to Amazon and get a 1 pound bag of Davidson's hibiscus flowers…$17.66… and it is …beautiful thing… Either put them loose into your hot water or purchase the paper teabags at Amazon or whatever delivery method you want to use with loose tea… That's it… The zinger stuff will send you to the poor House… Stick with the Davidson's or whatever company you want to buy your hibiscus petals from… I also get my Chamomile from Davidson, another great deal for a 1 pound bag… There are others but I stick with Davidson… I make no profit from this advice…👍 to your health… Chin chin…
    God bless Dr Greger… God bless America …🇺🇸

  15. I think there's a flaw in your thinking here; athletes tend to have somewhat higher systolic blood pressures due to having a stronger heart, as well as having a lower resting heart rate. I'm not sure how that exactly translates to longevity, however.

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