Trattare l'asma con frutta e verdura

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DESCRIZIONE: L'aumento del consumo di frutta e verdura a sette porzioni al giorno sembra ridurre della metà i tassi di esacerbazione dell'asma, mentre limitare il consumo ai livelli della dieta americana standard porta a un peggioramento significativo della funzione polmonare e del controllo dell'asma.

Per ulteriori informazioni su quello studio su un milione di bambini, guarda il mio ultimo video Prevenire l'asma con frutta e verdura ( /video/prevenire-l'asma-con-frutta-e-verdura). <br/> Se manipolare l'assunzione di antiossidanti aumentando l'assunzione di frutta e verdura può ridurre così potentemente i tassi di esacerbazione dell'asma, perché non assumere invece pillole antiossidanti? Ne parlerò nel mio prossimo video Trattare l'asma con piante e integratori? (

E se qualche porzione extra di frutta e verdura può fare questo tipo di differenza, che ne dici di un'intera dieta composta da piante? Chiudo questa serie di video in 4 parti con Trattare l'asma e l'eczema con diete a base vegetale ( -con-diete-vegetali).

Cos'altro potrebbero aiutare le diete ricche di antiossidanti? Vedi:
• Antiossidanti alimentari e cancro (
• Antiossidanti alimentari, ictus e malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/food-antioxidants-stroke-and-heart-disease)
• Trattare la BPCO con la dieta (

Quanti antiossidanti dovremmo cercare? Si veda:
• “Indennità giornaliera consigliata” minima di antiossidanti ( -dose-giornaliera-raccomandata-di-antiossidanti/)
• Come raggiungere l'antiossidante “RDA” (
• Cibi ricchi di antiossidanti ad ogni pasto ( )
Dove si trovano di più gli antiossidanti?
• Un migliore Colazione (
• Antiossidanti in un pizzico ( -pinch/) • Potere antiossidante degli alimenti vegetali rispetto agli alimenti animali (

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su verdure/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Baylor Health Care System tramite Flickr.
https://NutritionFacts. org
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32 Risposte a “Trattare l'asma con frutta e verdura”

  1. Dr. Greger I would love if you could do a video on the best fruits and veggies for asthma, I've been following a vegan diet for a half a year now, but still find myself struggling somewhat and I would like to know exactly what I can eat in order to control my asthma. 

  2. I new that diet and asthma – allergies are very connected, but until now I didn't know why or have the evidence to support that claim. Thank you Dr. Greger for this video, its in my "Favorites" list. 

  3. Would be interesting to see the results for not only increasing fruits and vegetables amount in the diet, but also remove meat completely (and than the diary products). I was heavily allergic to some trees for couple of years, than turned vegetarian and after 2 years the allergy was gone. May have something to do with the lung thing, explained in the video.

  4. I guess I need to eat more fruits and veggies. I have been doing a McDougall style starch based diet. However my intake of fruits and veggies is lower than it should be. I guess more juices and smoothies are in order. If I can get off my asthma medication that would be great. But even lowering my medication needs is something. Even if it does nothing for my asthma, more fruits and veggies will make me healthier. So there is no good reason not to try it.

  5. I was an asthmatic all my life until about 18 months ago, which I just so happened to take an interest in diet and its effect on health, welbeing, and the prevention of illness and disease. The hard part for me was really breaking away from adopted 'tradition' or dietary practices within my family, and also' 'treatment' based solutions and medical practices that did little to address the underlying cause which was apparently diet.
    There is too much focus on medication, caloric control, alternative medicine what I see now as an inherently superficial picture of what was going on.
    Here's the thing: I still eat meat, fish, dairy and eggs. But that's not the whole picture.
    Instead of drinking cows milk, I now drink soy milk made from WHOLE soy beans;
    instead of eating white bread and rice, I now only eat wholegrain bread;
    I watch my sugar intake, and opt for whole plant-based/unrefined foods, especially for breakfast;
    (before I would have cornflakes and milk, now it's largely oats, ground/whole nuts and seeds, dried and/or fresh fruit, and maybe some cocoa);
    I eat a tonne of plant-based foods, and opt to eat locally, and simply;
    I now only eat meat no more than twice a week, and when I do, I ensure I look to the animal's welfare, the environmental impact, and eat only a very small portion.
    I do not eat processed meat any longer;
    I only consume mouthful of anything dairy such as if a cake was offered, I would happily have a very small piece, or if yogurt was to accompany an Indian dish.

    I've also learnt how to cook rather well, and in a rather diverse way.

    I believe the best practice is to take things with a less 'extreme' approach, and to try and lead by example. Veganism in its philosophy has the tendency to polarise people; and to encourage a significant reduction of meat/fish in one's diet rather than eliminating it completely may be the best approach. I know many who have gone to veganism, and then reverted back to a more extreme version of a meat/animal-based diet, and then begin to talk about the adverse reactions to their poorly planed, but vegan diet.

  6. What do I do I have 6 illnesses and I'm on a ton of medicine. I've been on a vegan diet and have junk food minimally. What am I doing wrong dr Gregor?

  7. There are a few things for lessening asthma
    Know Your Triggers.
    Check Air Quality Reports.
    Clear the Smoke.
    (I read these and why they work on Laken Chest Remedy site )

  8. Sugar is bad doesn't matter where it comes from fruit or candy so I don't think it's the greatest idea to be consuming a lot of fruit or really any fruit for that matter unless you consume it's extract

  9. I eat a strict plant-based diet but still have bad asthma if I don't use my steroid inhaler. Do you know why that might be? I've been strict for about 2 months, and vegan for 6 months.

  10. 7 servings of fruits? How much fructose is that?
    Is there a safer way of getting enough of the same antioxidants?
    Can somebody put that to the test?

  11. Getting off of dairy is so important as dairy created thick phlegm whereas the plant-based diet has a watery phlegm instead, and this does not clog the lungs nor the nose. My husband and I both noticed this and as he was always far worse than I had asthma, the change in him was most dramatic: no more pocket hand-held pump inhalers, and no nighttime routine of the nebulizer. Wow, he can actually hear his TV program now!

    Moreover we have not gotten sick with colds or flu since going vegan so hay fever from allergies does not aggravate airways as before. On really bad days of pollen as we live among fields of crops, an over the counter allergy medicine works enough and only have to use them once or twice a years for a few days. Still no pumps or nebulizer for either of us.

    I have not had a flu or a cold for 10 years! My husband has not been plant-based as long, he is 3 years and counting and no flu or colds either.

  12. Dr oiwoh on YouTube has really been a great impact to my health life and I'm forever grateful to God for directing me to him I recommend him,now the way to perfect healing is right in your hands🙂..

  13. I always have a positive taught towards dr oiwoh on YouTube herbal remedies and it worked for me I conquered asthma at last all thanks to you doc.

  14. I always have a positive taught towards dr oiwoh on YouTube herbal remedies and it worked for me I conquered asthma at last all thanks to you doc.

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