Fragole contro cancro esofageo

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DESCRIZIONE: Uno studio clinico randomizzato di fase 2 sulla capacità delle fragole di invertire la progressione verso l'esofago cancro.
Questo è uno dei giornali più importanti che ho visto di recente. Perché questa notizia non è da prima pagina? Se invece esistesse qualche nuovo farmaco che inverte la progressione del cancro, puoi scommettere che sarebbe ovunque. Ma chi trarrà profitto dalle rivelazioni sui frutti di bosco? Oltre, ovviamente, ai milioni di persone a rischio di questo cancro devastante. Se apprezzi questo sito web, per favore considera di fare una donazione deducibile dalle tasse ( per sostenere il mio lavoro .<br/> Lo studio Ornish a cui ho fatto riferimento è Cancer Reversal Through Diet? ( Questa linea di lavoro è stata continuata dal Pritikin Fondazione in un'elegante serie di esperimenti che inizia con Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( -bioassay/) (insieme al “prequel” Engineering a Cure -cure/).
Ho toccato in precedenza il cancro esofageo in Bacon e Botulismo ( e Pollame e cancro al pene (

Altro sulle fragole in Cancer Fighting Berries ( ) e Maxing Out on Antioxidants ( anti ossidanti/). Il mio modo preferito di mangiarli? La mia ricetta del gelato al cioccolato (

Se ti sei perso gli ultimi due video di questa serie, dai un'occhiata a Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? ( e Cranberries versus Cancer ( Successivamente, continuiamo il tema e chiudiamo con Black Raspberries contro Oral Cancer ( raspberries-versus-oral-cancer/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!
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60 Risposte a “Fragole contro cancro esofageo”

  1. I'm not a Dr., but I listen to this one. Losing both parents to cancer and being a former smoker myself and after reversing Barrett's Esophagus from less stress, and quitting smoking, and quit excessive Alcohol and eating more healthier I feel confident that following studies like these and presented so we laymen can understand them that I will always be a step ahead of cancer. Thank You

  2. Superb video. Thank you so much for putting these out into the public domain in such an easy to understand format. Fantastic and inspirational.

  3. You videos present scientific case after scientific case for the adoption of a plant based diet. I have a feeling we'll look back in disgust at some of the things we ate. Should we be surprised that the most ethical option is also the most healthy?

  4. She had a mutated gene + a family history of breast cancer and the experts pegged her chances of getting it at 87%. I doubt very much that she would risk getting cancer to test out a new diet.

    She made a good move, no matter how people might feel about the loss of HER breasts.

  5. First off, I don't take personal anecdotes as hard science… Ruth was lucky.

    Random breast cancer isn't what we are talking about in Angelina's case – she had an 87% chance of developing cancer in the future because of a mutated gene and family history. That's at best. It's not "clearly" a lifestyle issue for her. For the rest of us, a clean, healthy diet will likely reduce our chances.

  6. My guess is it would enhance effectiveness. Fruits and vegetables have a cell wall and in raw form this cell wall is tough. Cooking breaks it down and enhances our ability to extract the vitamins and nutrients contained within. For those eating a raw diet I certainly hope they are blending everything. This can also help to break down that cell wall in order to maximize our ability to get at those nutrients.

  7. A whole foods plant based diet is the easiest change I have ever made in my life. All nutrition originally comes from plants so it makes sense. Why we ever started processing nutrition out of food is beyond me – white sugar has no nutrition but sugar cane is packed with nutrition. The same can be said for so many foods that we eat. I never realized this until I started taking nutrition courses at RIT. The switch to eating straight from the source came naturally after that.

  8. Cancer is big business. I received a tweet about this video and why it's not headline news. I repeat . . . cancer is big business.

  9. The rabbit hole is very deep. I completely agree with your points. However the publicising of Angelina Jolie and her subsequent health decision is to promote the cut, burn, poison 'treatments' offered by big pharma. I'm not stretching the realms of credibility to say that these 'celebrities' are nothing but pawns of the powers that be. Afterall what celebrities do, public follow, it's 'trendy'.

  10. "If there was instead some new drug that reversed cancer progression, you can bet it would be all over the place. But who's going to profit from revelations about berries?"

    Drug = Money, that is the sad truth about several ~ most people in this Earth. Several ~ most humans desire more money than helping innocent people.

    But Dr. Greger is different and good, please donate to this genius and kind human, he truly deserves it.

    Thanks a million.

  11. Yep, it IS big business…sadly in our break room today I see a big American Cancer Society sign inviting everyone to some big birthday celebration for the ACS…publicizing "fun foods and drinks for everyone"…no mention of healthy foods for anyone, just fun foods…can't even remember what restaurant it's being held in…ugh…you *KNOW* it will be fried and sweet foods and alcoholic beverages, plus tons of Diet Coke. sick sick sick.

  12. "She had a mutated gene." No, she had the potential for gene mutation given certain promoting factors. I am so sick of doctors–DOCTORS–witholding this information from patients and making the possible expression of a cancer-promoting gene equivalent to a death sentence. It's outrageously unethical. What Jolie decided to do is her business, but Western oncology doesn't even entertain the possibility that disease-promoting diet and lifestyles are as inherited as genes, and ameliorable.

  13. That's not what she said. She had genetic testing done and the BRCA1 gene she had was defective or "faulty" as the media puts it. That in combination of her family history pretty much guaranteed she would get breast cancer. She did the responsible thing, considering she is responsible for many kids.

    I wholeheartedly agree that we should find other ways to prevent breast cancer, but for her it was inevitable.

  14. I used to think a vegan diet was extreme…..until I became one. Now any other diet is extreme to me. I eat mostly fruit and vegetables and will never look back!

  15. So…I will keep eating strawberries, marionberries, blueberries and raspberries, fresh and frozen, since surely a strawberry based drug will surely be expensive? Beside, a pill is not as good in a vegan shortcake!

  16. It is amazing how berries cure cancer, all these videos from Nutrition facts are amazing. Thank you so much for all the information.

  17. Very interesting. I'd like to know how to feed dried strawberries to people who are having difficulties in their swallowing. Most specifically, how to feed berries to a person with a G tube? Is that possible to use fresh berries or just the freeze-dried ones? Thanks.

  18. Cracks me up that instead of coming to the conclusion to eat more strawberries to help prevent or fight esophageal cancer… the researchers focused on finding the exact healing property of strawberries for pharmaceutical exploitation.

  19. Place where I live there r no strawberries produced so how can I add strawberries to the diet. Any suggestions please. Its urgent..

  20. Is a lot of the anti-cancer effect due to the cancer cells being in direct contact with the strawberry (powder)?
    Also do raspberries give the same benefits as strawberries?

  21. This is very interesting news re the strawberry powder and esophageal cancer. I consider myself at high risk.
    I have purchased freeze drid strawberry powder and calculated how much I need to consume each day to get 60 grams. Obviously 60 grams :), but what does it come to in fluid ounces? Sixty grams equals approx. 2.12 ounces by weight which is about 6 oz fluid oz. I weighed out 60 grams (2.25 oz) and then put it in a measuring bowl to come up with the 6 oz figure. It is a lot and it is expensive. Don't mean that as a deal breaker, but just be aware. I am going to do this for 6 months. Thus I am working now to find the best way to consume 6 oz/day. Wish me luck.

  22. Hello again. I commented yesterday I had calculated that 60 grams of freeze dried powder is equivalent to 2.11 oz by weight and ~6 oz by volume. Looking for the best way to consume this much powder, I obtained the paper Dr. Gerger cited in his video and looked at how the powder was consumed in the study. In the study, whether 30 g or 60 g "dose" the powder was taken twice daily, half at a time mixed in 240 ml (~8 oz) of water. The 30 g group mixed 15 g in 8 ounces of water twice daily. The 60 g group mixed 30 g in 8 ounces of water (a slurry in their words) twice a day. Haven't tried it yet, but will let you know.

  23. Dr. Greger, Why does it have to be freeze dried strawberries and not fresh strawberries? Thank you for your answer.

  24. Interesting that the concentrates helped. I have wondered if people who are juicing are in some way giving themselves a turboinjection of something they have gotten too little of for years.

  25. I have a question: If berry-powder consumed in mass quantities can reverse cancerous cells, can it reverse "invisible" damage? From my understanding, at age 20 the cells are at stage A, at age 30, B, at age 40, C, then, at age 70, you suddenly may have cancer. In other words, if a 50 year-old were to drink the berries, as recommended, won't his cells just go right on back to what they were at age 40, or 30, or maybe, even back to what they may've been like at age 20?

    If so, the NIH ought to give biopsies of the mouth, throat, food-pipe, stomach and colon of volunteers to see if the strawberry-powder will do just that. And, if so, if everybody were to drink it, as recommend, then everybody would delay when they finally incurred one of those cancers. And, too, the berry industry could make a fortune advertising this fact on TV. Maybe you guys can pitch this here idea to the berry industry.

    If it's proven that I, at age 50 (and as somebody who smoked for 30 years and drank heavily) can even reverse "inviable" damage to the cells, I'd buy it in large quantities tomorrow—not just when it's revealed that I have visible cancerous cells. Does this make sense? Do you think I should buy it and drink it as recommended even though I may not, right now, have any visible signs of cancerous cells? Yeah, I heavily drank and smoked for years.
    Thank You

  26. According to another Nutrition Facts video the Dog Rose Berry has the most micronutrients. If so, I'd buy it to get a better bang for the buck, but does anybody know if strawberries have in them a specific nutrient that Dog Rose berries don't have? After all, I don't want to buy the wrong berry extract powder to reverse pre-cancerous cells.
    Thank You

  27. Please Dr. Reply that strawberry can be directly eaten and its juice ?? Which more effective?? Raw or juice?? Plz reply.. My mother have advance breast cancer please reply god will bless you 🙏🏻

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