Friday Favorites: Are There Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature?

Studies on green exercising, the value of greenspaces, or even just viewing trees outside the window on surgery recovery.

For more on air pollution, see Best Food to Counter the Effects of Air Pollution( and The Role of Pesticides & Pollution in Autism (

Of course there are benefits to any kind of exercise, indoors or out:
• Preventing Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress with Watercress (
• Enhanced Athletic Recovery Without Undermining Adaptation (<br />• How Much Exercise to Sustain Weight Loss? (
• Standing Up for Your Health (
• Longer Life Within Walking Distance (
• How Much Should You Exercise? (
• Slow Your Beating Heart: Beans vs. Exercise (
• Exercise vs. Drugs for Depression (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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34 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Are There Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature?”

  1. Question – are there health benefits of spending time in an astronaut space suit up in outer space, possibly spending months at a time in the International Space Station?

  2. I think 'normal' people are attracted to green environments because we came from them. I chose to go live in a 'green bubble' and appreciate it every day. So nice to be surrounded by trees everywhere we look.

  3. I didn't have a chance to ask questions in the last live videos, so I'm asking here. I'm planning on starting a vegan ketogenic diet soon to lose weight. Dr. Greger, is there any new data on vegan keto diets?

  4. This is the first time I’m really disappointed with the video from Dr Gregor.

    He didn’t mention research into chemicals called phytoncides, basically chemicals released as essential oils from trees that appear to have an effect on increasing natural killer cell production, i.e. enhancing our immune system and also lowering cortisol.

    I would have liked to see his take on the quality of the evidence that there are chemicals in forests that we inhale when exposed to forest or forest bathing, as it’s called, having an affect on human physiology.

    He didn’t even mention this, very disappointing, it seems the great doctor, Gregor is not infallible.

  5. Sadly not much nature is left in my country since we are the most livestock dense country and one of the most population dense.

  6. Well, my brain has the following conjecture – we know creatures evolve around their environment, and we know the body is biochemically efficient/lazy (however you wanna frame it). SO, it appears there are things in our environment our body has come to expect — fiber, sunlight, "natural environment", etc, etc. Probably lots of little things our modern living has "allowed us to leave behind". And, it is perhaps not so much that these various apparently small things promote health, as it is that WITHOUT them, our systems start to slowly erode and produce disease. Like I said, just a thought. One I will ponder behind my blue-light blocking shades at 6 pm this evening. 🙂

  7. I’d like to see you do a segment on Forest bathing since there is science based research behind it. Using blood testing.

  8. We are electric beings being over stimulated by traffic/technology. Like, how much evidence does there need to be, before people accept that vibrations are the key. Like, laugh at hippies all you want…they know "good vibrations" is where it's at. Water….releases vibrations, and so does leaves…. this is why people feel better outside of concrete spaces. The evidence….is outstanding.

  9. I bought 6 acres of forest and spend more and more time there. It feels indescribable and peaceful when I wake up there in the morning. It is where humans are meant to live.

  10. I spend at least an hour outside everyday, either at the beach or in the woods. I don’t have insomnia anymore since I’ve been doing this and my temper has calmed down too

  11. Have you looked at the research on Japanese Forest Bathing? I think I recall there were measured increases in NK cells after this activity.

  12. Been listening all day in the background to bamboo in nature with flowing water with piano so soothing

  13. Is this the fractal similar to the golden section the mathematical equation found in Pine cones to flowers to the galaxy and beyond

  14. There are a multitude of Shinrin-yoku studies on this subject in Japan. Where are they? People tell me that you cherry pick your research and I think I am beginning to understand their comments.

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