Friday Favorites: Coconut Water for Athletic Performance vs. Sports Drinks

Coconut water is tested head-to-head against plain water and sports drinks in athletes.

I alluded to these videos about coconut oil: Coconut Oil and the Boost in HDL “Good” Cholesterol ( What About Coconuts, Coconut Milk, and Coconut Oil MCTs? (

My other videos on coconut oil include:
• Does Coconut Oil Cure Alzheimer’s? (
• Does Coconut Oil Clog Arteries? (<br />• Coconut Oil and Abdominal Fat (

What if you just put it on your skin? See Eczema Treatment with Coconut Oil, Mineral Oil vs. Vaseline (

How Much Should You Exercise? ( Great question! Watch the video and find out.

How Many Glasses of Water Should We Drink a Day? ( Got one on that, too.

Are Sports Drinks Safe and Effective? ( You guessed it. Check out the video to learn more.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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28 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Coconut Water for Athletic Performance vs. Sports Drinks”

  1. Coconut and anything related to it is just a trend same as another trends out there, when something go comercial they do pay money to publish health studies to increase their sales, but in the end of the day no one care about your health at all, it's all about money only. Remember fish oil products, they spend a lot of money in paid rearches to increase their sales despite the fact the humans since the beginning lived till now without any of such products. It's a fact that a lot of peoples don't live near sea or oceans but they're alive and healthy without fish or anything related to seafood. Same goes with a lot of stuff in the market, it's all about ripping off your money for stuff you actually don't need.

  2. Most people are deficient in potassium. Coconut water can help. It would be hard to get 4500 mg rda of potassium drinking coconut water. You would have to drink a ton just to get the rda.

    The electrolyte ratio of coconut water is almost identical to human blood plasma. Coconut water has been successfully used as an iv drip for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. God didn't make a mistake when he made coconut water. It's been put to the test on dying injured people.

  3. Well… not everybody is interested in coconut water for athletic performance cuz we're not all athletes – What about the health benefits of coconut water over regular water..??

  4. The ONLY thing that works to revive me when working in the 90+ degree Florida summers is watermelon 🍉. I even juice the rind for less sugar & more nutrients, including citrulline (arginine, nitric oxide). Tried all the rest, including the unhealthy sports drinks, water, and coconut water. Nothing else came close.

  5. A glass of coconut water can get me through my workouts. Its just amazing. Also beetroot juice works as well.

  6. I'd predict that sports water, with the synthetic sweeteners, are actually far worse for our health, than just plain clean water. Plus all the micro plastics in the bottles.

  7. The only time I've ever notice a performance difference between drinking and not drinking anything is when I drink the excess water left after I cook my vegetables.

  8. The title was so absurd I had to click. I had never heard of coconut water being used for anything, let alone athletic performance, and reading it I couldn't fathom it could have any other impact than make you feel and thus perform worse, not better. Seems my intuition lined up with the conclusion.

  9. Tender coconut water (TCW) can aid towards hepatic function. Study reference title Tender coconut water suppresses hepatic inflammation by activating AKT and JNK signaling pathways in an in vitro model of sepsis.

  10. Unfortunately, the science in this video is so poor quality it is basically meaningless. As is the case with pretty much all nutritionfacts videos….Please change the title of the channel to "Nutrition Theories And Opinions"…

  11. I just don’t understand how it is harmful that coconut water is rich in potassium. According to nutritional label, one cup of it has as much potassium as is in some fruits. And most of the people are deficient in potassium. Did I hear it right that dr Greger was talking about the adverse effects if drunk in quarts (4cups)?

  12. The issue is all (bottled) coconut water is (heat-treated) so although it still has electrolytes and nutrients and still 100x better than artificial drinks like powerade, gatorade ect.. There are no Enzymes thus some of the most Vital elements in the water/fruit are destroyed by heat/processing. This is why Raw "living" food is superior to "cooked" in almost every way. Enzymes are some of the Key players in Human Health and Energy expenditure and only RAW (fresh) coconuts have Active enzymes. Bottled or packaged stuff, water, food, plant-milks and almost everything at the supermarket have to be (heat-treated) or they go off relatively quickly. Luckily you can find fresh coconuts in most fridge sections.

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