Friday Favorites: Do Apricot Seeds Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure?

Do those who choose alternative cancer treatments live longer?

This reminds me of my video Black Salve as an Alternative Cancer Cure (, though sometimes I’m surprised like in Can Aloe Cure Cancer? (

Check out the next video: Does Laetrile (Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17) Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure? (<br />
I’ve got tons of videos on cancer. Here’s an intro one to get started: How Not to Die from Cancer (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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41 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Do Apricot Seeds Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure?”

  1. She talks about building a Metro map to attack cancer based on scientific research, low-dose chemo with things like repurposed drugs like Metformin from the Care Oncology Clinic in London and now the US, supplements like Berberine to name one, high dose intravenous Vitamin C, now offers a course on how to go about this One problem is that most Oncologists will not agree to low dose chemo. She wrote the book How To Starve Cancer which is very informative and inspiring

  2. The bitter apricot kernels sold in Europe are in fact very low in amygdalin (as low as sweet apricot almonds). I've been eating 24 seeds per day for 10 days so far and I'm not writing from the Other Side! You'll get more amygdalin from Golden apple seeds.

  3. Cashew almond prunes quinoa millet carrot barley leaves euulcalyptus leaves and much more thing contain amygdalin we eat in terms of daily habit but there is rare chance ww add vit b12 and also on tje internet having lots of k owledge whicj triger our intutive nature or.natural understanding of eating ..thatals why people may bw cam eat 50 60 seed or aprikot which may be toxic ..

  4. Those with cancer whom I have known personally over the last 60 years and have chosen alternative treatments of every imaginable sort have fared poorly—that statistical outcome doesn’t surprise me at all. Even in the public sphere, cases like Steve McQueen’s were notorious that way, and just in the last couple of months, a woman I was acquainted with spent lots of money and time in Mexico chasing promises of treatments and cures for what her US oncologists had told her was incurable. The insubstantial claims are endless, including in (mostly foreign) peer-reviewed literature.

  5. It's a useful topic as cancer is now apparently increasing as of 2021, according to a leading British oncologist. He said he's seen a sharp rise after a specific treatment was widely administered. Hopefully he is mistaken.

  6. Mild doses of some toxins can heave health benefits. Amygdalin is a toxin found in many seeds. It is likely there to protect the seed from fungi and other microbes in the soil. Our bodies have many dormant viruses and other pathogens. Nanobacteria are believed responsible for many effects of aging and disease. Penicillin is a natural toxin. A healthy lawn requires weed and feed to supply both nutrients for the grass and toxins to kill the weeds. The benefits of mild toxins in health has not been studied. Chemotherapy is a toxic treatment. Hormesis is an organism's beneficial response to stress, including low levels of toxins. Many phytonutrients may actually be mild toxins. Grapes, chocolate, and garlic are toxic to dogs, yet have health benefits to humans, the benefit comes from the toxins, not any vitamins within them. Many of the health conditions in modern society are not because of a lack of nutrients, but because of a lack of toxins that exist in a diet of natural foods.

  7. I admit i bought them. I dont have cancer, i heard they helped with cancer and thought it may help with some cell dysplasia. Now I'm rethinking eating them. I'll stick with AHCC.

  8. Some guy came to my college to give a presentation to a class one day, and talked about the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" like it was some great informative book, so I bought it on Amazon.

    I started reading it, and… I soon had a strong sensation that it was complete BS, so I googled the author to see if he had written any other books. Yeah, he also wrote "World without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17". After a quick search on "Vitamin B17", I put the book away and never read another word.

  9. Spicy food definitely kills cancer and so I'm adding 4 red hot peppers (blended with water in a high-speed blender) to rice & beans and I will feel my cancer just melt away.

  10. I eat raw almond bitter kernels for years have no any bad feeling about it. My wife did that too never had any problems. I don't trust some sort of articles. There are Asian nations were raw apricot kernels are used broadly and they don't have any problems. If you have an article this doesn't mean you have to trust it or it is truth written there.

  11. Apricot seed consumption probably came from the diet of the Hunza people, who mostly live longer than a 100 years and look fabulous doing it. I wonder if it is the combination of modern environment plus apricot seed consumption, which leads to detrimental effects? Those Hunza people live in a pretty primitive environment, and therefore eat B12 in its natural form (from the surface of their food). So, maybe, if a person can emulate as much of a B12-rich environment for apricot kernel consumption, it can become safe(r) to consume?

  12. My friend in high school tried this “therapy” in the 60s . You had to go to Mexico. at that time. Everyone wanted her to live so much. I can’t believe they would bring this back and take advantage of someone in this position.

  13. This makes us so sad, people are looking for genuine solutions and hope, and instead are making themselves sicker.
    We do believe there is merit to some CAM treatments – this type of utilization certainly should give us pause.

  14. Still sold in every nuts store in Bulgaria (at least) – I have been eating packs of 50 or 100g at a time. Roasted and salted.
    Not sure if they are different by the level of the cyanide – for sure taste different than the ones I have trie din the USA

  15. Im sure you can't find this information on a google search but finding out what year cancer spiked in the United States would be helpful for the argument. Sorghum used to be a staple in the diet of people in the United States. Sorghum contains amygdalin which is also found in other things like seeds and grasses. Sorghum was replaced with wheat in the 1940s. So people in the 1940s stopped getting amygdalin in their diets and it is said that this is when cancer spiked up. My experience with eating raw bitter apricot seeds that contain amygdalin are decreased lower back pain and a higher metabolism at 52 years old. I eat about 10 seeds a day. On a side note scientist in the 1940s realized our food didn't contain iodine because of using fertilizer and not rotating the soil. They had it put in bread so people could get this essential nutrient. The sugar companies weasel their way in and got the iodine thrown out and the sugar put in. It is very obvious today we have a high rate of people with mental issues and a high cancer rate. Put two and two together.

  16. I've been eating apricot seeds for 7 years. I've never felt better in my life with zero side effects. That lady was probably allergic. Fasting also helps with fighting cancer cells. None of this will cure cancer but it will prevent it. Remember it's illegal to say anything can cure or even prevent cancer in the US and big pharma makes billions off of people having cancer which is probably why America has the worst FDA in the entire world. Why is it that cancer has skyrocketed in the past 80 years? Just a coincidence im sure. They can't make money if your healthy and these are the same people who say humans are a plight on the earth and we are overpopulated. If you trust the medical field today you will end up in an early grave. I only go to the doctor when I need stitches or have a broken bone.

  17. Why say “we will cover next” be then the video ends and part two is not linked to part one. I see this a lot. It is a broken way to promote video.

  18. Look at the Gina people and learn
    Lots of documentary’s on it!
    They use every part of the apricots especially the seeds and they sell the produce coming from it!

  19. Thank You Dr Greger, you teached me so much about nutrients, health and skincare and back it with science all the time.
    Can you talk about 3 supplements that are related to connective tissue health?
    Glucosamine, Methyl Sulphonyl Methane and Chondroitin
    I asked AI does those supplements could also affect skin, and it said there is a related benefits of those, because they boost collagen and hyaluronic acid production in the body. Im curious what You think about it.
    I found those 3 together in a single supplement that isnt expensive.

  20. I will not encourage any person to eat Apricot seeds, because every person have diffirent reactions, but I do, for a very long time now, but it is true you have to be carefull about your intake, I cut the seed in four pieces and then eat a very small piece of the seed, once every second or third day. I do not overdo it.

  21. I used to put a few of them in my smoothies. One day a few more than usual were used. My heart rate shot up and stayed up! Ended up in accident and emergency department. Heart rhythm was fine just beating faster. Sent home, told to get some rest, don’t do anything stressful or strenuous. Was ok by next day. NEVER AGAIN!

  22. Alternative medicines users have died in higher number because they start to use it when too late and exhausted all the conventional treatments options. Practically only as a last desperate act before kicking the bucket.

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