Friday Favorites: Does Sugar Lead to Weight Gain?

The sugar industry’s response to evidence implicating sweeteners in the obesity epidemic.

For more on the sugar industry’s influence, check out Sugar Industry Attempts to Manipulate the Science (

Here are my popular sugar videos for more:
• If Fructose Is Bad, What About Fruit? (
• How Much Fruit Is Too Much? (
• How Much Added Sugar Is Too Much? (<br />• Big Sugar Takes on the World Health Organization (
• Does Diet Soda Increase Stroke Risk as Much as Regular Soda? (
• How to Stop Tooth Decay (
• The Recommended Added Daily Sugar Intake (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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48 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Does Sugar Lead to Weight Gain?”

  1. However, “most” sweets are also high in oils…. We know that combination of oil and sugar is a fat pill. This is why fruits don’t make us fat. Sugar is fine, Dixie Crystals are probably bad

  2. I am missing references to studies that actually meassure body fat development rather than bodyweigth. There is a difference!
    I also miss studies from jurisdictions where the food industries’ use of sugar is not dominated by the worst kind of chemically altered sugar compounds such as high fructose corn sirup. It would be interesting to see results from Scandinavian countries or France where these things are regulated, places where contrary to the US, Asia, and Africa we enjoy relatively higher consumer protection laws and traditionally consume sugar in the form of …you guessed it, just sugar. A couple of studies examining how sugar consumption contributes to fat gain/loss in individuals who are otherwise metabolically healthy, follow a plant-based diet would also be interesting to read. E.g. Barnard conducted a study mny years ago that followed a low fat plant-based diet but did not restrict sugar. If you believe Barnard the study subjects did indeed find candy and junkfood, ate it all ad libitum and still lost a significant amount of weight incl fat nd managed to keep it all off.

  3. The Rice Diet consisted of white rice (starch that converts to sugar), fruit (high in sugar), fruit juice (so high in sugar they recommend limiting it for children, and table sugar. Among other benefits it is a weight LOSS diet. Explain please.

  4. Doctors would taste their patients urine to check for diabetes.
    So Sugar content in urine probably has more to do that there is access the body can't handle properly than the fact that they got fat.
    If you eat high fat in general and add sugar that is a bad idea.

  5. This needs a better practical explanation relating to weight gain. For example personally I can eat nothing but candy for days (sweet chocolates, skittles etc) and not see much or any weight gain but eat pizza for a day (starch, fat, protein) and see significant weight gain in that same week.

  6. Search for the following video on YouTube: "Overeating sugar doesn’t make you gain weight? | How hclf vegans stay skinny on 3000+ calories"

  7. Thanks for the info Doc, I switched to Erythritol 10 years ago & felt great, then you & others put out videos about heart & stroke risk, so I switched to Maltodextrin, which was worse, then back to table sugar, which was also worse & now I feel like crap all the time. Can you please provide more studies/data about this Erythritol scare? they're still selling it & I've yet to hear of 1 case where someone died due to Erythritol-related issues.

  8. The video needs more context and reads like a hit piece. The quote from Dr. Rippe is taken out of context, if you read the sentences before and after the quote. A few point things: What about fiber and sugar intake? Corn syrup is not the same as sugar. Isn't Ad Libitim reduction of dietary sugar also a reduction of fat and oils?

  9. Heart disease is the number one killer of people today and cancer is number two.
    Being over weight is the number one factor leading to an early death.
    People who are over weight have higher risks for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
    Even children today have signs of artery disease. Fast foods and sugary drinks have long term consequences.
    There is an obesity epidemic today where over 60% of the population is overweight or obese.
    What is common today and "NORMAL" is not healthy. The average person today is not healthy and is taking medications.
    Heart attacks were once only common in people over 65. Today people in their 40 are having heart attacks.
    Add more plants and vegetables to your diet and less junk and overly processed foods

  10. Would really appreciate it if you told people that fruit isn't in the same basket and as a whole food is beneficial because so many people are afraid of fruit, I spent most my life not eating fruit because of the sugar but now I've learnt that it's not the same as table sugar

  11. HFCS is NOT the same as cane sugar. HFCS is bad. Cane sugar is not. Seed oils are bad and in most candies and processed junk. I have been eating added cane sugar (up to 400 cals extra) to my diet for years for extra energy to burn while working out, on top of getting 1500 min cals a day from fruit and 500 more from starches/legumes, and I’m lean! Seed oils combined with HFCS and chronic calorie deficit to to dieting cause weight gain! So does high cortisol and nothing fixes high cortisol better than sugar. I literally drank oj with 50g added cane sugar before my blood work last May and my blood sugar was 82! Low fat diets can handle added sugar if you get adequate macros/micros it’s beneficial! Especially to mental health. Key is eat your fats at dinner and sugars, fruits and carbs during day for best insulin response.

  12. This is anti sugar propaganda! Cane sugar is not the problem. Get rid of the seed oils and HFCS! The only oils we should touch are olive, avocado, and coconut, and maybe palm but there is environmental reasons to avoid palm. All other oils are terrible for us! They were never considered quality food source and only pushed for us to buy products containing them when we had excess after Ww2!

  13. He talks a lot about waste circunference but if I've just eaten and am constipated my waste circunference could easily increase from like 24 to 28 inches, thats about 17% , certainly not half my height but I'd imagine it would cross the line for a lot of people.

  14. These sugar studies are giving the same vibe as the potato studies. What are the sugars being eaten with? Potatoes are pure starch, aka sugar, but are they deep fried eaten with meat or are they boiled and eaten with more vegetables? Are there any studies that look at types of sugar and their accompaniments similar to that potato study?

  15. If overweight means that your waist is more than half your height, then I’m not over weight. But by my BMI I am overweight. Actually Im definitely overweight and Im working on it with excercise and diet. But Im just pleasantly surprised that it’s not so bad in regards to my waist circumference.

  16. for living longer and cancer/heart is peanutbutter just as good as nuts??? A video from a year ago said peanutbutter did nothing but is there now other thoughts on this matter??? Can I eat 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter as my daily dozen nuts???

  17. Fat mixed with sugar is the problem .Sugar runs every cell in the body at an optimal level. Mix in fat though and that ps where insulin resistance occurs as the sugar cannot travel quickly to the cells because the fat blocks it.

  18. Agreed that there is no nutrition in simple sugars, but people are scared of fruit and carbs just as much. Anyone on a diet should be reducing their fat content, as we all know carbs is 4cal/g and fats are 9cal/g. If you're a fat, do you think anyone cares? If you tell them it's good fats 😂. People would be able to lose weight easily. If they cut out process junk foods, it should be obvious that lollies and soda is bad.

  19. I appreciate the way Dr. Greger exposes the organizations and doctors who have sold out the well being of those they are supposed to advocate for in exchange for $$$. It's a very important point to keep in mind because many people turn to these same sources for health advice. Thank you Dr. Greger for your tireless dedication and hard work.

  20. Clearly, excess dietary fat is a much bigger driver of obesity and disease than sugar. Dr Greger obviously knows this. If not he should re-watch his videos on the Kempner Rice diet. On a side note, I feel like everything went downhill with this channel when they added that convoluted introduction and stuck Dr. Greger in front of the camera.

  21. I am thinking of taking Ozempic to help my insulin resistance, I've read stats on pancreatic problems, I searched your videos and don't see a video on these kinds of drugs, are you planning to do one?

  22. Explore the path to heart health and happiness with our guide on 'Healthy Hearts, Happy Lives: Meet the Top 5+ Superfoods.' Discover the nutritional powerhouses that contribute to overall well-being and support cardiovascular health. In this comprehensive overview, we delve into the benefits of incorporating superfoods into your diet, providing insights into how these nutrient-rich choices can positively impact heart health.

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