Friday Favorites: Hospitals Profit on Junk Food

Why is hospital food so unhealthy?

For more on how the profit motive is degrading America’s health, see:
• The Role of Personal Responsibility in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Corporate Influence in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of the Toxic Food Environment in the Obesity Epidemic (
• A Political Lesson on the Power of the Food Industry (<br />
You might also be interested in my video Just How Bad Is Hospital Food?

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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66 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Hospitals Profit on Junk Food”

  1. Patients are widely seen as profit making units for the healthcare system, particularly in the US, but increasingly worldwide in recent decades.

    Keeping people healthy makes no profit. It's obscene this kind of thinking, but it's commonplace in insurers and administrators.

    The system is corrupted. Try and keep out of it as a patient, wherever you can. Stick to whole food plant based, and other healthy lifestyle habits, to max your chances of staying out.

  2. I believe Hospital Food ( In Room Food ) is no different than School Food. More than likely subsidized by the USDA. Pizza, Fries, Burgers, you name it. I worked in a Hospital as a cook, I’ve also worked in a High School Cafeteria, not much difference! 😬

  3. Processed food is what the hospital wants. Les time to prepare, smaller staff, prepaid everything including peanut butter sandwiches on white bread with extra oils added! RUCK!

  4. Oh so true, Dr G! We had the 'war on terrorism', but we still face the centuries old 'war on hypocrisy'. Even the other day, I was reminded of Berthold Brecht's anti-war Drama set in the hundred years war, where Mother Courage was still peddling her war goods for profit, despite the fact that the war had killed three of her children. Jamie Oliver initially promoted healthy school foods menus, but even after he gained a masters degree in nutrition, he still went on peddling his own unhealthy cook book and menus, as he know that health not dot equate to profit, nor does ethics or the environment. I'm always promoting your channel elsewhere, as contradictory evidence again snakeskin oil peddlers. Keep up the good work!

  5. I spent ten days at Sunrise Hospital in Vegas with my daughter. The food was atrocious! Some of the entrees had so much salt I couldn’t eat it not to mention all the oil all over the veggies. The salad bar was dismal. They had a grill section, French fries and onion rings and not a single healthy item.
    But to their credit, the food they served my daughter was much healthier, low fat and unsalted.

  6. If it’s just a short hospital stay, the food doesn’t matter, and if they are terminally ill, let them enjoy whatever tastes good to them for the time that remains.

  7. during a recent hospital stay I found that insisting on vegan meals got me individually prepared healthy food. While everyone else was choking down reconstituted powdered mashed potatoes with ''''Swiss steak''' covered in canned gravy, a side of overcooked peas… I had a freshly made bowl of real brown rice, black beans and corn with a side of fresh vegetables. It was obvious that my meal was made with care and attention.

    To add to the "sins" tho, candy bars and sodas are offered free to the chemo patients every time you turn around. I always brought my own snacks and water or tea from home.

  8. ….after unexpected (out the blue) heart attack at 51, my family now "feeds itself"….cooking at home 95% of the time. We no longer participate in the (For profit corp) "HUNGER GAMES". And we definitely won't ever eat animal products again! Thank you Dr. Greger for helping contribute to prolonging my life and the health of my loved ones!

  9. I saw a friend through open heart surgery after he had a heart attack. The day after the surgery they handed him a menu to choose meals for the next day. Eggs, bacon, sausage were featured on the breakfast menu. Oatmeal was not even an option.

  10. Hospitals, doctors offices and schools should be places where good nutrition is taught and provided not places that contribute to disease and obesity. It is crazy the hospitals are feeding people the very food that caused the heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer that they are treating. Every person in the hospital should receive some nutrition education before being released. Every doctor visit should be an opportunity to educate patients about how food choices impacts their health outcomes. The fact that doctors do not get nutrition training as part of their training makes no sense. Medicare and Medicaid should require nutrition education as part of patient care. Focus should be on food choices. Fasting should be investigated as a treatment for disease.

  11. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  12. I can't understand why hospitals in Canada allow McDonald's on site and Tim Horton s and vending machines full of all kinds of poison on the children's Wards. I'm appalled. So what can be done?
    I learn so much from your podcasts.

  13. Thank you Dr. Greger, for being brave enough for this message. I've shared it far and wide. It is a SIN that such things exist that profit is a bigger concern that health anywhere, but we subsidize garbage in public schools and call it 'food' which gets the whole process started down the unhealthy path. Then we even give it to our veterans. Sinful.

  14. In the hospital my father passed away in, there was a Roy Rogers restaurant inside in addition to the hospital cafeteria. And across the street was a Wendy’s. In the acute care hospital my mother was in, there was a McDonald’s, a Subway, and a Wendy’s all within walking distance. Hospitals are competing with restaurants located outside around it. Many people working in the hospitals want to eat fast food or similar food. I’ve even seen staff ordering for pizza delivery. So hospital cafeterias also have that kind of food in order to compete and stop profits from going to restaurants conveniently and strategically located outside the hospital.

  15. Three years ago i had a total knee replacement. I was interviewed by the kitchen representative about food choices but my answer threw them for a loop. They only fed me salads for every meal. Not a bean in sight!!!

  16. I HAD TO CLAP ALL BY MYSELF FOR THIS MESSAGE FROM DR. GREGER! HOW WILL WE EVER CHANGE WHAT IS BEING DONE WRONG ALL ACROSS AMERICA??? HOSPITALS SHOULD BE ONE PLACE WHERE PEOPLE CAN *TRY OUT* HEALTHY FOOD, IN CASE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS! Please, let's all take the time to write letters to the hospital administrators in our communities to make healthy food in hospitals a reality; otherwise, 25 years from now JUNK FOOD will STILL be the only food available for patients and visitors alike!

  17. I am a vegan of over 10 years and a cardiac nurse in a top US heart hospital. I recover CABG and other valve replacement patients. Once they can tolerate solid food after surgery…. I am appalled by what is served to these people. High glycemic pancakes and syrup, especially for my diabetics. Eggs for every breakfast as if hypercholesterolemia didn't help land them there. Got to get in that cows milk too. And then dietary removes vegetables because god forbid they receive an actually healthy carbohydrate. Mystery loaf meat that my patients decline which I don't blame them. We need to do better for our American people in acute care settings, but as everyone knows, the only thing this boils down to is…..the almighty dollar, that will keep my job secure recovering heart patients. It's a business for the uppercrest and they're damn good at this revolving cycle.

  18. My hospital offers Subway so at least you can get something healthy if you want. But almost everything including machine “food” is garbage. I bring my own food.

  19. Not to mention if they fed everybody salad most people would be in a hurry to get better and leave. Thanks Doc and staff 🥦❤ * I refer of course to salad as made by people who are not whole plant foodies, which is a completely different definition than a proper salad built by a whole plant food loving vegan volume eater ❤🥦

  20. As a former diabetic who controls it with a WFPB diet, after just 2 days in hospital eating their crap food, they wanted to give me insulin… instead of decent food! Same with my ex. Ludicrous!

  21. I thought it was weird that hospitals didn’t serve healthy meals. I chalked it up to them wanting to comfort patients and families with other foods.

  22. The first mistake in this video is the underlying assumption hospitals should promote health. They never have and probably never will – they're places where sick people go to get less sick – not to get well. The second mistake is equating medical care with health. The two have been conflated for decades, but they are actually opposites. The third problem is the idea that medical journal publications decrying bad health practices will make any difference. They won't – the ability to publish one's work or opinion is to academics what treating disease is to clinicians: a way to profit. The only thing that will make a difference is suing the U.S. government for being complicit in the deaths of millions of Americans by allowing – even helping – food companies to poison the nation. Anyone want to be part of the biggest lawsuit since the tobacco settlement?

  23. My dad had congestive heart failure and diabetes. I kept his legs from swelling up (water retention) by making sure he didn't eat too much salt in the meals that we made at home. Even when we went out to eat, he didn't really have problems BECAUSE he ate low sodium the rest of the time.

    Whenever he went to the hospital or to a rehabilitation center (after he would be in the hospital, he would have to regain his strength at a rehab center), they would serve him lunch meat, salty soup, high carb meals, etc. His sugar level would sky rocket and we would have to remind them he was diabetic and needed a diabetic menu, and his legs would swell really bad. It got so bad one time, his legs looked triple the size they normally were. It made me so mad. I'm not an expert/nutritionist/doctor, but some how I did a better job than they did with his diet. Crazy and ridiculous.

  24. The profit from selling the junk food pales in comparison to the profit from treating the resulting diseases. If everyone ate better and made other good lifestyle choices the hospitals would go out of business.

    Junk food is good for business.

  25. Nutritional info is way too confusing. Take my low fat peanutbutter, 1 serving is 2 Tbsp, which is 2g saturated fat. This is 10% of the daily value. Does that mean I'm supposed to eat 18g more saturated fat to get 100% of the DV?

  26. Americans eat like crap so the hospitals serve crap. Another problem is patients are now clients and hospitals as well as doctors are rated based on patient, I mean client satisfaction. This is why there are TVs in the ICU and ER, why there’s an opiate epidemic, because hospitals and doctors get poor ratings from patients if they don’t get what they want. Sometimes the healthiest thing is not what you want.

  27. A comment on the inability to make comments on your website. Please reinstate them!! I enjoy reading them and seeing the opinions of different people!! Thanks!

  28. When my mother was hospitalized the menu was bacon, eggs, burgers, pork loins, fried chicken, ham…and a few canned peas or carrots. She was vegetarian so they gave her peanut butter and cottage cheese at every meal. She had paid her whole life to have great insurance but I had to cook and bring every meal to keep her from wasting away.

    My father was offered the same fare…after heart attacks and strokes!

    This is a national scandal.

  29. yes, I went to ER via ambulance last Dec. I was left in the emergency area for over 7.5 hrs. I asked for water and they said there are 7 soda machines. But I don't drink soda? Never got any dr to look at me and left after 8 hrs with my granddaughter. never got water

  30. After following your advice I now have a blood pressure and blood sugar to die for. Success. But I would like you to know that it's not only your work on nutrition and infectious disease that I value: your voice and positivity is a mood- lifter. Thank you

  31. Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, lived a man named Xavier. Xavier had always been plagued by health issues. His body seemed to be in constant turmoil, with ailments ranging from aching joints to digestive troubles. One day, as he sat in his humble cottage, he stumbled upon a peculiar scroll in his grandfather's dusty old chest.

    The scroll contained an ancient recipe for a transformative diet. It was said that if one were to eat only meat for 90 days, their body would undergo remarkable changes. Xavier, desperate for a cure, decided to embark on this unusual journey.

    For the first few days, Xavier's body protested vehemently. His stomach grumbled, and his taste buds longed for variety. But he persevered, convinced that this mysterious meat-only diet held the key to his well-being.

    Days turned into weeks, and something remarkable began to happen. Xavier's body started to change, letter by letter. His A for Appetite, which had always been fickle, now became more consistent. He no longer suffered from those intense B for Bloating episodes after meals.

    C for Constipation was a thing of the past, and his D for Digestion became smooth and effortless. His E for Energy levels soared, and F for Fatigue was banished from his life. Even his G for Glucose levels stabilized, much to his doctor's amazement.

    H for Headaches, which had plagued him for years, vanished, and his I for Immunity strengthened. Joint pain, represented by J, slowly eased away, and he felt like a new man.

    K for Kidneys and L for Liver function improved significantly, detoxifying his body more effectively. Xavier's M for Metabolism kicked into high gear, and he started shedding excess weight.

    N for Nausea, once a constant companion, disappeared, and O for Overall health improved dramatically. His P for Pancreas function normalized, regulating his blood sugar.

    Q for Quality of life was at an all-time high, and R for Resilience made him more robust. S for Skin became clearer and radiant, making him appear younger.

    T for Taste buds became more discerning, appreciating the nuances of different meats. U for Urination was more regular and less bothersome. V for Vision sharpened, and W for Weight loss continued steadily.

    Xavier's Y for Youthfulness was restored, and he found himself full of vitality. Z for Zeal for life returned, as he had never felt better.

    After 90 days of this meat-only diet, Xavier's body had undergone a complete transformation. He was a living testament to the power of this ancient recipe. His health issues, represented by each letter of the alphabet, had all improved. Xavier had found the key to his well-being, and he lived the rest of his days in health, happiness, and gratitude for the mysterious scroll that had changed his life.

  32. OK Dr. G you struck a cord with me. My opinion about hospital food service is based on 40 years of working in them including 19 years at a VA hospital. Back when I started, Dietitians ran the hospital food service departments. More of the food was cooked from scratch in the kitchens, and kitchens were big! Real estate in hospitals, especially in cities is in demand like elsewhere. Big kitchens have been replaced by "reheat" departments consisting of big freezer space and small area for heating food.(think TV dinners for patients). In some hospitals, the reheating is left up to nurses who make more money than Dietitians do. Nursing departments have a much bigger budget than nutrition departments while nurses have minimal nutrition education. (Don't get me started on what many nurses eat!)Dietitians staff has been reduced to as low as hospital joint commission will allow.(I personally think inspectors have been conditioned to think Dietitians are to blame for bad food and that "less is more") The "joke" back in the 80's was: "Every time a hospital wants a new piece of expensive equipment another Dietitian(s) has to go". It's not a joke. Food service management companies are businesses within hospitals and they are removed from patients in a corporate office many times in another state. All this is seen as progress. Why? They can trim the food budget down to what outside a hospital would be poverty level. Dietitians have largely been against that but get fired if they don't "embrace change". Teams of Dietitians get replaced by a few company Dietitians who are trained in the corporate doctrine. There are hospitals today where Dietitians never see patients they call them on the phone when there is a consult. Why? It's faster. And impersonal.And doesn't get much done. Burnout for Dietitians often times is related to frustration with getting proper food for patients on special diets from a food service department who's job it is to cut cost.
    And a big part of smaller hospital kitchen real estate is a smaller number of food items. The fresh food areas are minimal to reduce "waste". During my time at the VA where I was working a new beautiful hospital was built and only after they wanted to open it up did it dawn on management that there was no kitchen in this >500 bed facility. It hadn't crossed their mind.

  33. The hospital food in my area is so unhealthy. And the vegetable dishes that they have taste terrible. I'm a surgeon and just bring my own food .

  34. What kind of world do we live in where hospitals care more about money than human beings in a location where they are supposed to care about saving life. Narcissists seem to run the world and this is simply another manifestation of that. THEIR needs and the need for profit is more important to narcissists and they lack empathy. That is clearly evident here that the people who run hospitals have no empathy and that is the number one sign for someone being a narcissist. The UK is exactly the same.

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