Friday Favorites: Is the Obesity Paradox Real or a Myth?

How do we explain studies that suggest overweight individuals live longer?

If you missed my other videos in this series on the ABCs of obesity, see:
• The Best Knee Replacement Alternative for Osteoarthritis Treatment (
• The Effects of Obesity on Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Cancer, and Diabetes (
• The Effects of Obesity on Dementia, Brain Function, and Fertility (
• The Effects of Obesity on Gallstones, Acid Reflux, and Cardiovascular Disease (<br />• The Effects of Obesity on the Immune System and Kidney and Liver Diseases (
• What’s the Ideal BMI? (
• What’s the Ideal Waist Size? (

I cover all of this and more at length in my book How Not to Diet ( Its companion—the How Not to Diet Cookbook (—has more than 100 delicious Green-Light recipes that incorporate some of my 21 Tweaks ( for the acceleration of body fat loss.

Why are people obese in the first place? I have a whole series of videos on that topic, including:
• The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest (
• Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods (
• The Role of Processed Foods in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Taxpayer Subsidies in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Marketing in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Food Advertisements in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Personal Responsibility in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Corporate Influence in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of the Toxic Food Environment in the Obesity Epidemic (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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27 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Is the Obesity Paradox Real or a Myth?”

  1. I'm glad you figure all this stuff out for us. I'm glad my overweight friend didn't see that article. She seizes any excuse. Well, I have learned to talk about other things with her. 🕊️

  2. Saying, obesity causes all these problems is like saying, skid marks cause accidents. There are always skid marks at an accident site so it must be the cause; right?! Obesity is just one more result, along with all the other health problems, of poor food choices. If you eat animal fat and protein, you will get most of these, self inflicted, lifestyle conditions.

  3. The oldest region in the world is located in Spain. In some rural regions in the interior of Orense, northern Spain, the number of centenarians triples that of Okinawa. According to a study by the University of Washington published in The Lancet in 2018, by 2040, projections place the life expectancy of Spaniards at 85.8 years. And there is no need to travel to the future: the centenarians of the small region of Ourense surpass the Japanese. “There are rates similar to those in Japan, or even higher, in the Galician city of Ourense,” says Ortega. The elderly people from Orense who blow out the candles with three figures on their cake have been increasing for more than five years. Last year, according to figures from the National Statistics Institute (INE), centenarians in Galicia amounted to 1,823, more than 340 in Orense. This translates into a rate of 75 centenarians per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the Galician Institute of Statistics. In some regions, such as Tierra de Celanova, the numbers shoot up to seven times the Spanish average: 252 centenarians per 100,000 people. Their main and usual diet is based on octopus, seafood, pork, wine, legumes and some garden vegetables. ATLANTIC OMNIVORE DIET

  4. I think a few extra pounds is helpful for older women because they are not as likely to have osteoporosis which can be a killer if the woman breaks her hip. Again a few extra pounds is helpful if she becomes ill with say a virus that prevents eating for several weeks, and she loses 20 lbs she's not dangerously thin. I am saying a few extra pounds (10 to 20) not 100.

  5. I’m almost down to normal weight eating WFPB. However, it has involved a lot of going hungry. It is just not true that it can be done without counting and restricting calories. I did everything he said in HOW NOT TO DIET and GAINED WEIGHT. I’m still doing everything he says, EXCEPT, I count, restrict and go hungry. I really wish people would recognize there are people like me. I exist. All these doctors saying, if only those people ate like THIS (insert their favourite diet here), they wouldn’t have a problem with excess appetite, just pisses me off. My blood work looks very healthy, my weight is good and I’M HUNGRY.

  6. It has to be a u shaped curve. There is such a thing as undernutrition of course, just like there is a over nutrition. Also one factor is that body fat stores toxins, pesticides etc, which cause lots of problems. So being rather thin is probably optimal and being skinny probably not. The diet would have to be really well thought out and organic on a low calorie diet, and not many people check in detail what they eat.

  7. Google can the human body digest plant cellulose?

    Even Google knows the answer is no because globalist want you to be stupid and eat plants plants are only good for losing weight and dropping trans fatty acids but since most vegan and vegetarian diets are full of seed oils most people die from heart attacks more so than cholesterol cause cholesterol has been demonized.

    Follow God's food laws in Leviticus 11 for the clean and unclean animals and don't follow man's teachings and traditions they will lead you straight to unhealthy bodies and sickness

  8. I've been saying this observational fact since the late 80's: There's no obese people over 70. And most people over 80 are really thin.
    PS: Just a month ago I reported on another Blue-zoner who turned 100

  9. Another factor to throw in the mix is people with a higher BMI due to weight-bearing or other exercise giving them bigger muscles, which weigh a lot and cause higher BMI. Very healthy individuals with a high ("bad") BMI can just be muscular, not overweight. BMI by itself is actually not always a very good proxy for being overweight.

  10. So the Harvard public health guy was right: the study was rubbish, as were all the other studies, because they didn't control for confounding factors.

    As for the overweight who exercise, they're still less healthy than the sendentary healthy-weight – there was a meta-study on this that showed it, I can't find the URL just now, assuming YouTube would let me even post it.

  11. I am disappointed that Dr Gregor used the mean average of lifespan in an earlier era which includes the data of people who died in childhood in the years before antibiotics and vaccines against the common fatal childhood illnesses. Calculations of this sort falsely claim that people died by age 40 "on average." If you look only at average adult lifespan of survivors of childhood diseases, then you see that lifespan was longer and heart disease and the other modern killers of Americans were scarcely in evidence, yet. Eradication of childhood killers has come a long way, not adult lifespan. Adult longevity in America is steadily declining from a previous high before commercial food processing.

  12. The US Government wants people to die younger so that it will not have to pay so much Social Security benefits and reduce medicare-medicaid funding. That's why it actively supports and subsidizes meat, dairy and Egg industries to FATTEN us so that we die younger.

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