Friday Favorites: The Best Knee Replacement Alternative for Osteoarthritis Treatment

Is there a nonsurgical alternative to knee replacement surgery that instead treats the cause and offers only beneficial side effects?

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I continue the alphabet of obesity with the next few videos:
• The Effects of Obesity on Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Cancer, and Diabetes (
• The Effects of Obesity on Dementia, Brain Function, and Fertility (<br />• The Effects of Obesity on Gallstones, Acid Reflux, and Cardiovascular Disease (
• The Effects of Obesity on the Immune System, and Kidney and Liver Diseases (

I wrote an entire book on weight loss: How Not to Diet ( Its companion The How Not to Diet Cookbook, full of health-promoting, Green-Light recipes, was just released. Read more about it, and request it from your local library! (

For more on joint health, visit the topic page (

The original video aired on December 16, 2020

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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30 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: The Best Knee Replacement Alternative for Osteoarthritis Treatment”

  1. For those wondering how a person is more likely to die after joint replacement surgery, I found this study from The University of Bristol which concluded:

    Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the 90 days following total joint replacement, and there is an increase in postoperative deaths associated with digestive system-related disease following joint replacement. Interventions targeted at reducing these diseases may have the largest effect on mortality in total joint replacement patients.

  2. After retiring from a lifetime of work, my mother had recommended knee surgery. She spent the remainder of her life in a wheel chair. We soon discovered that: 1. Doctor "training" for knee surgery in the Province of Ontario is woefully inadequate (a few weeks) and, 2. It is virtually impossible to sue a surgeon in Canada. Doctors refuse to testify against one another and experts from other jurisdictions (i.e., the US) do not have standing in Canadian civil cases. None of this is necessary and is in no way the defining features of public health care. It's just the deal the doctors of this province were able to make with the government before agreeing to participating in the public health care program. It's also a feature of Canadian law where private citizens have access to the justice system based solely on how much money they have or their ability to organize a class action suit. If medicine were conducted on evidence based nutrition, I can't help but wonder how many brutally invasive procedures the public would have been spared over the years and maybe my Mom would have enjoyed walking for many years after her retirement.

  3. If ever cause was confounded with correlation, this is a great example. Obesity is merely an effect of all those factors which drive degenerative disease. How do we know that? Because obesity will correct itself in the process of making the proper dietary changes required to reverse degenerative disease.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this Dr.Greger I have severe osteoarthritis for many years now. And I am hopeful because I will never get knee replacement surgery especially after watching this.

  5. On a WFPBD here and over 60 YO. Knees as functional and painless as when I was 16. I credit it to regular exercise and my diet.

  6. Can you please do a video on Collagen Peptides? As I’m aging, I want to take Collagen, but I am worried about the effects since they are animal based and I don’t know what would be a good substitute. Thank you!!

  7. No-one within the medical community should have the right to decide whether to withhold relevant information from a patient. Especially information that involves mortality. Doing so should not only be subject to civil penalties, but very possibly criminal ones. Doctor’s should inform and advise Not act as if they are entitled to act as the informed brain of another. What is acceptable to one is often not acceptable to another.

  8. I don’t understand the mentality within the medical field, literally rationalizing not providing a patient with critical information because they think that it may stress them. It should be the patients right to have all of the pertinent information regarding a surgical procedure they are undergoing.

    What an arrogant, elitist mindset! No wonder our healthcare is in the shter! 🚽

  9. This is very interesting. However in to many cases fat people, chubby people and older people are often discriminated against when it comes to joint pain. Theres so many cases when they told 6 months or 1 year or more their joints are hurting for any other reason than the reason the patient gives, I've seen it myself when a person says only the knee that was broken hurts, it's not back to where it was before it was fractured and Health care practioners will still tell them it's arthritis and its common for people to get it as they get older. Even when the patients say, the other knee doesn't hurt it just the one that got broken, I've seen health care practioners insist its arthritis, this has many folks disliking and distrusting the health care they receive. Amd the news story a few years ago where a fat woman's conplaints of pain was told being fat was the reason she was in pain in her stomach and to lose weight and it would geet better then they turn her away over and over for years with no treatment or further exams, it got so extremely painful she went to the ER, they told her if she hadn't come to the ER she would've died, something had ruptured inside, it was something that happens to thin folks also ……. but she got told it was her weight by other health care practioners who refused to look at any other possibilities and it almost killed her.

  10. the surgen makes the choice of life for the patient. i think they are overthinking this issue to the point where percetpion lacks senseible reasoning

  11. Could you do a researched deep-dive in Chondroitin and Glucosamine please? There is so much controversy, even among "experts" – useless vs great vs placebo effect. I think the key question is – will ingesting the building blocks actually lead to rebuilding of worn meniscus or cartilage?

  12. My father, aunt and a friend have all had knee replacements, they chose this option over wight loss and changing their diet, it blows my mind. I also know of a man who died from a blood clot after knee surgery, most people it seems will go through anything including premature death to avoid not having to give up the foods that are killing them. I have been Whole Foods Plant-Based for over 5 years and it's the best life choice I ever made. Thank you Dr. Greger!!! You truly are one of my heroes!

  13. The fact that overweight people would rather get life-threatening surgery than to simply lose weight. Just goes to show how deranged people have become.

  14. I just KNEW it! My then physiotherapist told me he'd done all he could, that there was nothing left now, but for me to have the surgery! I rejected that notion out of hand and have been working on my physical health ever since. Good news Doc

  15. Doctors should be required to discuss the risks of medications and surgeries.
    Doctors should also be required to discuss the benefits of nutrition and weight loss.

  16. Until fruit cups like you Dr. Shits and Grins come to terms with the fact that 70% of calories in the typical American diet comes from Grain and seed oils and this is what is driving obesity you are part of the problem part of the solution.

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