Friday Favorites: The Recommended Daily Added Sugar Intake

Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake.

I spoke at a hearing of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Committee. Watch the highlights and my speech here: Highlights from the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Hearing (

The sugar industry keeps pretty busy, as you’ll see from my recent videos: Are Fortified Kids’ Breakfast Cereals Healthy or Just Candy? ( and Sugar Industry Attempts to Manipulate the Science (<br />
My other popular videos on sugar are:
• If Fructose Is Bad, What About Fruit? (
• How Much Fruit Is Too Much? (
• How Much Added Sugar Is Too Much? (
• Big Sugar Takes on the World Health Organization (
• Does Diet Soda Increase Stroke Risk as Much as Regular Soda? (
• How to Stop Tooth Decay (
• Does Sugar Lead to Weight Gain? (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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37 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: The Recommended Daily Added Sugar Intake”

  1. Doc!! I've seen your 2020 testimony before the USDA multiple times. I am always taken with how some members of the audience realize in real time that the speaker packs quite an informational and narrative punch! Side note, I get 95% of my sugar from blueberries, bananas and dates. Thanks again for all that you do!😊💚🙏

  2. Don't forget the UK's much debated sugar tax! I've cut sugar out of my life as much as possible. I learned from your channel which foods also convert into sugar, so they have been eradicated too. Never thought that I would so drastically reduce my intake.

  3. Aside from an excess of calorie consumption and the trade off of eating something else that could provide nutrition, what are the actual health consequences of consuming sugar? Blood sugar and insulin spikes definitely seem to be problematic. Are there other physiological concerns?

  4. OK, the current “authority” for issuing guidelines on diet, is clearly not doing its job. We need another committee, with the remit of not being influenced by commercial interests and lobbyists, but only by disinterested scientific studies.

  5. SOS – Reduce added salt, oils and sugar. They are in all processed foods.
    Even children today have signs of artery disease. Fast foods and sugary drinks have long term consequences.
    There is an obesity epidemic today where over 60% of the population is overweight or obese.
    What is common today and "NORMAL" is not healthy. The average person today is not healthy and is taking medications.
    Heart attacks were once only common in people over 65. Today people in their 40 are having heart attacks.
    Add more plants and vegetables to your diet and less junk and overly processed foods

  6. The WHO is exclusively concerned with health? You mean the Woke Hack Organization that pushes the lies about Chinese viruses. That WHO?

  7. I'll take sugar association studies into consideration when they distinguish between sugar added to a bowl of oatmeal or a fruit smoothie and sugar in soft-drinks consumed with bacon cheese burgers. After all, doesn't the work of Kempner, Sweeney … establish that sugar by itself improves insulin sensitivity? If this is valid, how can we deduce that sugar causes diabetes from mere associations with sugar and diabetes?

    I interpret the anti-sugar sugar craze mostly as a low-carb talking point. Those who believe in low-carb can't point out that high fat foods cause insulin resistance and heart disease so they must blame something else — sugar.

    I'm not saying sugar is a health food. It lacks fiber and micronutrients found in high carb whole plant foods, but isn't it clear that processed sugar by itself — not in soft-drinks with bacon cheese burger meals — does not cause diabetes?

  8. Disagree that the WHO's general concern is people's health. However, people can have enough common sense to know that any added sugar is unhealthy and can be left with their own decisions about how much sugar they want to add to their diets.

  9. I don’t see why added sugar is important compared to just total sugar. I can see consuming raw sugar by itself being problematic, but if it’s mixed in with food, why not just look at total sugar?

  10. ehhhhhhh…. not sure I'm buying that about the WHO these days. They seem to be corrupted by who's giving them the most $ just the same…

  11. Thank you so much. In 2005 (tada) my whole medical clinic group made NO mention of refined sugar. From 2005 to 2015, no progress whatever on obesity. Eliminate added sugar, instant progress on HDL and triglycerides. They were parroting the gagged government output.

  12. You Vegans fail to recognize that processed grain and high starch vegetables like potatoes and fruit like mangos are higher glycemic than even table sugar and honey has the same ratio of sucrose to fructose and so in the body it is processed as pure fuel sugar and is just as detrimental naked and in excess as regular sugar. Its why you need a tooth brush and none of the rest of the animals on the planet do.

    Sources of Calories in the American Diet

    Plant Based
    Nuts 72
    Fruit 81
    Vegetables 126
    Grains 581
    Added Plant Based Fat and Oil 518
    Added Sweeteners and Sugar 369

    Animal based Sources
    Meat Poultry and Fish 416
    Eggs 37
    Dairy 234
    Added Animal Based Fats 44

    So your whole theory that animal products are the largest percent of calories and the cause of metabolic dysfunction and disease are blatantly false. Its from to many processed calories from grain, seed oils, sugar.

  13. WHO is controlled by CCP, and wants to control the USA and other democracies with it COVID and other restrictions.

  14. Dr. Gregor: Can u please do a video for our veterans on what they can do to get better from traumatic brain injury. I just watched the vid on fasting & a plant based diet for those w/ tbi. But is there any particular food that would help with their healing? What supplements are the best? Taking care of someone who has had their head smashed on several occasions is quite a challenge.

  15. Do these recommendations really matter? I never pay attention to them, I don't know anybody who does. I am surprised that consumption of sugar is that high.

  16. Blown away by how deep the confusion and conviction runs as evidenced by the comments here. Folks really really don't understand any more. Industry has done a real bang-up job of convincing the sheeple that they can eat it all and be happy and healthy. Such malarky. I've been off sugar for 8 years now. I'm the only person I know not on Rx drugs at my age–VERY low processed sugar intake is one aspect of my life that leads to my good health.

    NOTE: If anyone here wants to read some comments from folks with a lot more nutritional research, understanding, and often medical practice in their backgrounds-go to NF.O and read the comments under the videos in THAT format, not this one. One can have a discussion there amongst more like-minded individuals–those interested in health rather than those interested in defending their SAD ways.

  17. Don't 'forget that he's talking about "added" or processed sugars not the natural sugars in fruits and other natural food.

  18. Any "authority" saying I should have ANY added sugars is one I'll just ignore. For more than 8 years I've reject foods with added sugars more than zero, my diet has been affordable, and my weight has been stable and healthy. The voice implying humans require that sugars be added is protecting industry not the consuming public. Don't look at credentials. Credentialed people gave me advice 9 years ago that was bogus. Repeat, you do NOT need any added sugars at all.

  19. Is there also a maximum recommended amount for natural sugars, like that come from fruit and vegetables? I eat mostly wholefoods. I'm aware processed foods and added sugar is crap. But was wondering about the natural sugar recommendation

  20. Stopped buying sugar years ago. Get all the sweetness I want from dates, prunes and raisins. Love my vegan food. Read your first two books from cover to cover at least twice. My mother was a Gaylord Hauser follower and she passed her nutrition interest to me. Don't want to know someone's daft opinion when I can have scientific facts. Thanks for your efforts!

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