Fukushima e la radioattività nei frutti di mare

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DESCRIZIONE: La maggior parte delle ricadute radioattive della tragedia della centrale nucleare di Fukushima è stata assorbita dall'Oceano Pacifico. Cosa significa per la sicurezza dei frutti di mare?
Sfortunatamente i nostri oceani sono diventati le fogne dell'umanità; tutto alla fine scorre in mare. Ciò ha implicazioni per altri aspetti della sicurezza dei prodotti ittici:
<br/> • Fonti alimentari di perfluorochimici (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/food-sources-of-perfluorochemicals/) • Fonti alimentari di sostanze chimiche ritardanti di fiamma (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/food-sources-of-flame-retardant-chemicals/)
• Test sui capelli per Mercurio prima di considerare la gravidanza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/hair-testing-for-mercury-before-considering-pregnancy/)
• Inquinanti che causano obesità negli alimenti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/obesity-causing-pollutants -in-food/)
• Un bel bollitore di fluoxetina (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/a-fine-kettle-of-fluoxetine/)
• Diossine nell'approvvigionamento alimentare (

Maggiori informazioni sull'infertilità in:

• X enoestrogeni e conta spermatica (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/xenoestrogens-sperm-counts/)
• Ormoni della carne e infertilità femminile (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/meat-hormones-female-infertility /)
• Ormoni di soia e infertilità maschile (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/soy-hormones-male-infertility/)

Protezione dei produttori di sigarette azionisti rispetto al pubblico non è unico per quel settore. Altri dirottamenti del settore in:
• Uova contro sigarette nell'aterosclerosi (
• Integratore alimentare Snake Oil (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dietary-supplement-snake-oil/)
• Linee guida dietetiche: respingimento dalle industrie dello zucchero, del sale e della carne (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/dietary-guidelines-pushback-from-the-sugar-salt-and-meat-industries/)
• Industria alimentare “Finanziamenti Effect” (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/food-industry-funding-effect/)
• Punto cieco dell'industria delle uova (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/egg-industry-blind-spot/)

Il maggior rischio di esposizione alle radiazioni non deriva da Fukishima fallout o il polonio che si trova naturalmente nei frutti di mare, ma dai medici. Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video, Cancer Risk from CT Scan Radiation (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer -risk-from-ct-scan-radiation/). Se ti iscrivi (http://nutritionfacts.us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=c1bae 6687e1e6ab40fb580&id=f9e497d1) per aggiornamenti giornalieri, settimanali o mensili, invierò un'e-mail quando verranno rilasciati nuovi video.

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/fukushima-and-radioactivity-in-seafood/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: FukushimaWatch.

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40 Risposte a “Fukushima e la radioattività nei frutti di mare”

  1. Humans have allowed for absolutely deplorable conditions to come about on this planet here we call earth.

    As long as central banks can print fake money and everyone can have the latest iphone or gizmo…no one seems to care about anything, except for instant gratification…of course.

    Nice world eh?

    If this does not change soon…rather NOW…or we are truly on dark path to screwing ourselves…out of existence.

  2. Google 15 blue fish tuna caught off the coast of San Diego Ca in August 2010 ….it took a whole year before the NEWS spoke about it in June 2011.

  3. Radiation is accumulative ….any consumption is gonna hurt you in the end – the half live of cesium 131 is 30 years! All those tuna's caught were radio-active!

  4. When people ask me about eating fish, I tell them that, "Even the critters that live in the ocean are trying to get out…..so no, I wouldn't eat it."

  5. I love seafood. I'm angry that stupid humans are contaminating the oceans, rivers, and lakes . No wonder the whales and dolphins want to get out of the water and die on the beach. Their habitat is polluted and toxic. We need clean water and clean air to survive. Why we still using nuclear energy? It's obsolete. The world is using modern energy like solar power from the sun now.

  6. Farmed seafood has the same issues as farmed land animals. They are drugged and are unhealthy and sick. And contain pathogens (mercury for instance). From a moral standpoint, they are also kept in the same empty living situation where their thoughts, pain and behavioral needs are not even close to being met.

  7. Yeah im aware of the mass commercialized production of meat products and such, but would it not be safer to eat them farmed than eating something from a radio active uncontrolled lake/ocean environment, these days anyway?

    Or at least if there was proper farming was applied?

  8. 90% of soybeans are Genetically Modified by Monsanto who also made Agent Orange/Dioxin which kills all life.
    Fish fertilizer is so already biodegradable you can grow plants really easily from it. Both Facts, so you are so so wrong. fish can grow soybeans.

  9. ☢ Japan Needs Worldwide Help NOW! ☢
    ☢ Fukushima Petitions to Sign & Share! ☢

    tinyurl DOT com/FixFuku

    ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢

  10. I would not be eating any seafood after fukushima has turned the Ocean into a nuclear waste dump. Unless you're taking enough iodine to protect your thyroid gland. Are you? 

    Never before has America been so screwed up. The answer is in the word Kakistocracy.
    government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

  12. For those of you telling everyone to go vegan. Most of us are not good enough cooks to make a veggie diet be palatable enough or have that comfortable mouth feel we are used to with animal products , that would make us want to stick with a veggie diet.

    It's not just, "Better go Veggie."  It's a huge thing to ask of most people and it's a huge change. I went pescetarian 2 years ago. Now because of the elite and their destructive ways, pescetarian isn't enough and isn't healthy anymore.

  13. For more facts about radioactivity, swimming pool, nutrition and not to forget to mention about day in life for those of olympian athlete that live close by Fukushima. The effected carcinogen contributes zero cracked of their global economic power. Typical the athletes that know this headline news living on the other islands the chlorine, salinity and acid level from the swim pool and aquarium tanks never seems to get the problems from this issue. It still in great shape in terms of service quality to leisure goers. The agriculture and aquaculture still raise to some questions for the environmental politican. I would take great measures from nutritionist scientist and experts advice for the actual expectations contribution to the community. The citizens who lives there make sure the sushi and other seafood are prepared in proper health to feed. Quite often it may sometimes would not cross contaminated to address this problems, because of its productivity and some other protected subsidized private areas. This would allow Fukushima to regain agriculture service business from Osaka or Hiroshima of any cities. Fortunately, it would be great way to start fertilize the ocean with iron that are once being damaged in the offshore waters.     

  14. What a load of bullshit. Fuck you for being yet another asshole snake oil shit head who makes money off of people's fear. I don't know what is worse – that you're either a liar, or that you're too lazy to do your research, or the long list of people here who Just Believe what ever you say without bothering to check if you're full of shit or not. But you are full of shit, and fuck you for lying to people so you can make money.

  15. What a load of bullshit. Fuck you for being yet another asshole snake oil shit head who makes money off of people's fear. I don't know what is worse – that you're either a liar, or that you're too lazy to do your research, or the long list of people here who Just Believe what ever you say without bothering to check if you're full of shit or not. But you are full of shit, and fuck you for lying to people so you can make money.

  16. Hey kids, it's pretty much a given – youtube pages or websites with titles like nutrition facts, or natural health news, or whatever – are snake oil BS.
    Lots of good science out there for those who care to look. But most of you who come here won't. Too lazy. You've got that confirmation bias you need to support.

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