Gli avocado fanno bene?

I benefici nutrizionali del guacamole vanno oltre i soli nutrienti contenuti negli avocado stessi.

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Questo fa parte della mia ultima serie di video sull'avocado. Per altre domande scottanti sul guac, vedere:
• Gli effetti degli avocado e del vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti ( Gli-effetti-degli-avocadi-e-l'infiammazione-indotta-da-vino-rosso-sul-pasto)
• Gli avocado sono sani? (<br/> • Sono gli avocado Buono per il tuo colesterolo? (
• Avocado Lower Small Dense Colesterolo LDL (
• Gli avocado fanno ingrassare? (

L'industria delle uova non si vanta di luteina e zeaxantina? Devi urlare! Guarda il mio video Punto cieco dell'industria delle uova.

Perché dovremmo preoccuparci dell'assorbimento del licopene? Guarda i miei video Integratori di licopene ( contro cancro alla prostata e salsa di pomodoro contro cancro alla prostata ( -cancer/).

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100 Risposte a “Gli avocado fanno bene?”

  1. Our team of translator volunteers captions our videos in several languages! To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then "Subtitles/CC." -NF Team

  2. Ok, who are the silly people who vote down Dr. Greger"s videos?? Granted, there aren't many, but why is there even one ?? Must be robots.

  3. Fat is an important part of your nutrition. It will work for you when you cut the sugar and carbs. The brain is made mostly of fat. Fat pulls toxins out of your bloodstream.

  4. what other foods except for avocado and walnuts will do too? what about other nuts for example, or seeds,, will they help with absorption?

  5. does it necessarily have to be eaten at the same meal to help the absorption? Could you say eat an avocado toast in the morning for breakfast at 10:00am then have ur smoothie with all your greens and veggies at 1:00pm and would the avocado fat still help with the absorption of nutrients of the smoothie eaven tho it was eaten 3 hours prior. I guess its prob easier to just save 1/4 the avocado and throw in smoothie but thought i'd ask since was curious if its a meal to meal thing or if theres a time limit for the affects.

  6. This is confusing, the quartering and peeling the skin away is always to leave the most bitter part under the skin and just have the best tasting part left.

  7. Refined sugar, refined flour (starches), refined fat = bad. Whole foods, whole fruits, whole starches, whole fats = good. Seems pretty simple really. I had someone act shocked and alarmed when I told her I avoided refined oils and she was someone just saying she doesn't eat refined flours or sugars. Funny how fats gets a pass. Avocado oil, no go, an avocado, yes please. We just have to be aware even in whole food form we're able to get so much more so much more easily than we would have in our evolutionary history.

  8. trees are the most efficient absorber's they take nutrients from the ground sustainable and energy from the sun a much superior life form to the over complexity of needs of the human body fail….

  9. Avocado gives me stomach ache sadly. I can use avocado oil for cooking though, so I wonder what's in them that disagrees with me.

  10. So, adding good fats helps absorption. yay.
    Does that mean if I add a little avocado OR coconut meat to my morning smoothie I will have optimum absorption???

  11. What’s so funny, is that Doctor flip-flop (Dr G), just recently posted a video on how avocados are bad for you! Make up your mind!!!! It’s like your old comments on how Omega 3’s are good for you, and then you throw that whole theory out with your Eskimo study paper!

    And the “Fruit Doctor” who thinks Dr G is a God of accurate advice, once posted a video on how avocados are bad for you!!! lol

    I so enjoy the double talk in the vegan community!

  12. Thank you for this video and thank for the translator vollunteers! So I can send it to different people, to show that plantbased Nutrition the best way is to healing

  13. 1/8 of an avocado?? There's pretty much no point in even adding that and the rest of the avo will go bad! I'm stopping food waste by eating the whole damn thing.

  14. I need to add more fats into my diet. Im thinking through walnuts – love them. But should i eat them before, during or after a meal. Does it matter?

  15. Why is it that eating fats with nutrient rich foods allows our body to uptake more nutrients? It's because fat is needed to permeate lipid-based cellular membranes and transport nutrients into the cells. So if you're eating fruitarian HCLF for detox then you're getting a great interstitial fluid detox done but at a cellular level, you're not actually getting into the cells and cleaning or fixing anything inside them, you're just cleaning the area around the cells and starving the cells while they are in a state of toxaemia.

  16. Dr Greger,
    I'm interested to hear your reaction to this video which says the healthiest among us shouldn't exceed 15% fruit in our diet, and in a disease state, particularly cancer (because fructose behaves like fat, reducing oxygen, which triggers cancer) that fruit should be avoided entirely.

  17. nick and peel?? cut it in half and use a table spoon and scrape it 'ALL' out! geeeeze don't make this crap difficult!! lol!

  18. Doctor Greger, you are my hero. I truly and sincerely admire your hard work, and your huge efforts to make everyone aware of how they can preserve their health and have a happy, plentiful life. I get emotional with your story. My case is similar to yours, my abuelita cured herself of terrible health thanks to a plant based diet. I am now a naturopath, trying to help people embrace a plant based diet, although my work is much more humble than yours. You are a star, and a well deserving one. I think you are an amazing, sweet person, who has probably saved many, many people's lives. I wish I could meet you in person one day and give you a big hug. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all you do, not only for people's health, but also for the animals, and the environment. I take my hat off to you. Warm greetings from Spain.

  19. Hmm, and when you have diabetics? Dr. Barnard say eat not nuts, avocados, because fat closed the door that clucose come in.the musclecells. And when you eat not lose bad fat inside your body and belly. What is tge right way? Sorry bad english, I hope someone can answer me.

  20. Foods for obtaining I'm going to say this because this seems to never get said at least not by you that's all fine and good but you keep leaving out important information like it's not what you eat it's what you digest so if your digestive system isn't working I don't care if you eat the peel all right? You're not going to get it everybody if you look around you is walking around with a pot belly that's inflammation of the gut or colan so many reasons let's fix that let's focus on that instead of all this trivia are you ever going to stop over dramatizing the videos cuz they make me sick I like literally have to eat ginger just to watch a video

  21. I had got word how carbohydrates were connected to weight gain and also generally to stay away from carbohydrates, but yet had by no means thought as using them to slim down. The fundamental idea behind the 4 cycle fat loss method is to actively train the body to melt fat for energy instead of just carbs. It’s built around scientific research into the very high carb eating habits of the Japanese and in addition their excellent long life expectancy. The conclusions suggest that it’s their higher than average carb-cycling dieting method that could help to remain healthy into old age with a lower than average body mass index (decreased incidence of overweight).Read even more here

  22. Greger has amazing ability to avoid reaching the punch line and answering the question presented. He does this consistently in video after video.

  23. Better oluves: same mix of the 3 fats and taste better. Avocados are too big that is why hungry vegetarians eats too much avocados and get heart attacks. Few olives healthy but a cup of olives or a glass of olives: not so.

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