Gli avocado fanno ingrassare?

Gli studi finanziati dall'Avocado Board suggeriscono che gli avocado possono facilitare la perdita di peso, ma rispetto a cosa?

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Notare questo in contrasto con gli studi sulle noci, un'altra fonte di grassi di cibi integrali sani, dove l'aggiunta di noci alla propria dieta in realtà non portare al previsto aumento di peso. Vedi Nuts & Obesity: The Weight of Evidence (

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• Gli effetti di avocado e vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti (
• Gli avocado sono sani? (
• Sono Gli avocado fanno bene al colesterolo? (
• Avocado Lower Small Dense Colesterolo LDL (

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100 Risposte a “Gli avocado fanno ingrassare?”

  1. Bottom line… include avocados in your diet if you enjoy them, if you're looking for a healthy fat source to make oil based vitamins and antioxidants more bioavailable in your salads and veggies. But don't add them, thinking they have some sort of magical nutritional power.

  2. i bet ALAs(/possibly some other omega-3s) r thinning – if not taken in excess
    it would be more interesting if they did the studies with flax/perilla/butternut squash seeds

  3. the crux of the issue is Americans have added 5lbs of avocados a year on top of our already excessive diets. I predict adipose needle biopsies would reveal we are collectively carrying around quite a few avos since their collective marketing agreement opened up Mexican avos to the US market and now what was nonexistant in the 80s is ubiquitos

  4. How can a food by itself make you fat or slim? goddamn it, it's the total calories. also your lifestyle, nutrition+exercise, are these fucking videos even necessary?

  5. What a BS video … a waste of time.  If you are such an expert that you can differentiate good studies from bad studies … then why subject us to all the bad studies, before you do not even make a case or answer the question.  Total waste of time.

  6. Does water kill? Yes, if you drink too much of it in one sitting. Stupid title, sorry Dr Greger. Without context, it has zero meaning one way or the other.

  7. Fascinating… Studies about how healthy avocados are were paid for by Hass, the Avocado Grower, and the study chose people who in general ate plant based to start with, so they would normally be thinner even without avocados.  Avocados are healthier than non plant based fats, BUT, it is still fattening, so eat sensible amounts according to yourfat and calorie intake for the day.  FYI  Some toxicity in relation to the liver was discovered.

  8. ANY food in the world can be fattening if you’re exceeding your daily caloric intake for weight maintenance, just like any food can make you lose weight if you’re in a caloric deficit. The question here is if people’s overall health improves when substituting butter, margarine, etc with avocado?.

  9. Avocados are very usefull when you are triying to isolate carbs in your diet and just eat fat, maintaining your hormonal balance low in insulin and high in glucagon and epinefrin. Its not just about caloric intake.

  10. Okay. So what's the conclusion?

    Sure, 6-minute bite-sized videos are handy. But leaving out the conclusion is a bit unsatisfying.

  11. I'm not sure of the point of this. Even with healthy food, adding calories to a diet will likely cause weight gain. If calories remain the same, I would expect no weight gain. Maybe it isn't always that simple, but it's often true

  12. Lol, this video made me laugh several times! Thank you doctor for presenting the available information!

    🙂 I like avocados and eat them often.

  13. are avocados healthier option for bulking up than using meats & dairies, if one wants to add more calories to add more weight to turn to more healthy muscles? Thought Dr. Greger's research team found avocados to have many benefits for the heart and against cancer cells

  14. I replace the oil I would have eaten on my food with avocado instead. It's a better alternative but I still eat them in moderation.

  15. Sooooo basically they are just as fattening as oil, butter and margarin. Since I don't eat butter oil or margarine , I guess I will continue to stay away from avocados as well.

  16. The verdict is in. Dr Gregor is is an idiot! And let’s face it, he’s not like a “real” doctor, but an outcast that makes glorious claims off of studies, and then he changes his mind on the studies as he sees fit!

    The avocado is one of the best foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet, and there are tons of studies that show a ketogenic diet can reverse metabolic syndromes, reverse diabetes, lower triglycerides, help people to lose weight when they couldn’t with a high carb low fat diet, adnauseum!

    Like I said… Dr Gregor needs to get a real “doctor” job, and give up the “nutritional” nonsense gig wherein he cherry picks his studies to tout his dietary choice.

  17. The only avocado I care for is in avocado rolls:) But no do not expect eating fat will help you lose weight! It's healthy otherwise!

  18. I eat a lot of Avocados regularly and I have not gained any fat since. I went from 16 to 10 % body fat a year ago while consuming avocados and nuts as my main fat sources daily and still do today with still maintaining 10% body fat. Sugar and low to no fiber Carbohydrates are the cause of you getting and maintaining fat in most people.

  19. The question is sort of retarded. Sort of shows lack of understanding of how food actually works.
    Most food is fattening. It's just a matter of whether your intake is greater than your expenditure when it comes to calories. There is no such thing as a fattening food, only fattening quantities over time. It's not the type of food that makes you fat, it's how much you consume compared to how much you burn over the same period.

  20. The question wether avocados are fattening still stands. I think the way to the study is to have two groups eating a salt, oil, sugar free whole plant diet one with avocado and other group without for a 30 day period. Anyone up for it?

  21. Experienced subjects on a whole-food, plant-based diet, (no sugar, oil, flour, or salt), who are  still overweight can trace extra pounds to nuts, seeds, & avocados. Anyone else eats many other foods more likely at fault.

  22. Can you go overboard with good fats? How much avocado/nuts can you safely consume each day? Is a half cup of walnuts, a handful of pecans, and a whole avocado too much?

  23. This video is a good example of how objective Dr. Greger is. He follows the evidence and does not cherry pick, despite claims by some vloggers.

  24. So I guess basically avocados are as just as fattening as oil and margarine and mayonnaise, so if you are trying to lose weight , stay away from them and substitute those avocado calories with a plant food that is not 75% fat. Did I understand the video about right?

  25. This is all very interesting, but it doesn't say much about the effect of avocados on people who eat a high carb low fat diet.

    If you add avocado it will increase the calories. If you replace some carbs with avocado,….. you'll eat more fat.

    On a high carb diet, these fats will just go to fat stores and you'll feel more hungry because you ate less carbs.

    Anyone have experience with either adding avocado or replacing some carbs with avocado?

  26. I like avocados. I am a bit suspicious though because I've seen information from bad to excellent.  The toxic leaves tea is a red flag.  The fact that avocado kills cancer cells with wild abandon is good.  The fact they kill all cells gives me pause.

  27. Can you just answer the question please? Come on man, where is the conclusion? We are not scientists or doctors to make up our own conclusions, just give us the answers.

  28. They sure taste like they must be fattening. I like to eat half an avocado out of the shell with a spoon, one like that after dinner for dessert

  29. I assume since the question wasn't directly answered,then it's fattening. With that being said, I want more of them because I want to gain weight

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