Preferiti del venerdì: benefici del lievito alimentare per il cancro

In che modo la fibra di beta glucano nel lievito di birra, fornaio e nutrizionale può migliorare la guarigione delle ferite e, potenzialmente, l'immunità antitumorale?

Se i beta glucani sono davvero così potenti, potrebbe esserci il timore che possano sovrastimolare il sistema immunitario in determinate condizioni autoimmuni? Sì. Vedi Il lievito alimentare scatena il morbo di Crohn? ( e il lievito alimentare è salutare per tutti ? ( per ulteriori informazioni.

E la fibra di beta glucano per combattere le infezioni comuni? Scopri:
• Preservare la funzione immunitaria negli atleti con lievito nutrizionale ( -atleti-con-lievito-nutrizionale/)<br/> • Il miglior cibo per prevenire le comuni infezioni infantili (
• Il miglior cibo per contrastare lo stress indotto Soppressione immunitaria (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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36 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: benefici del lievito alimentare per il cancro”

  1. I have loved Nutritional Yeast since I first tried it. I started taking it for the B12 but finding out about the additional benefits convinces me to have it every day on every savoury meal. What's the downside? Tastier rice?

  2. Do you have any testimony from one person at least who cure cancer with out doing chemotherapy and using just Nutritional yeast?
    Study after study but nothing realistic on those days

  3. Unfortunately, nutritional yeast absolutely wrecks me GI-wise — doubled over in pain with IBS/Chrohn's-like symptoms. Wasn't always like that, but started in my mid/late 30s and took a period of time to narrow down the offending ingredient. A very inconvenient ingredient to have to avoid while following a plant-based diet. It's in many vegan prepared foods, but silver-lining, it means I am consuming less processed stuff as a result.

  4. Thank you Dr. for all the wonderful info you give us, you are a big part of why I went vegan and I am truly grateful for your informative videos.

  5. Beta glucan aside, what's wrong with placebo? There's apparently quite a bit of research showing positive effects of placebo. And that doesn't include the placebo-controlled trials. Does "not better than placebo" speak ill of a drug, or good of placebo?

  6. Two of Coleys patient's died but the tumors did shrink, I can just imagine the look on the faces of the deceased relatives when he told them that.

  7. The network effects from this beneficial dissemination of information is incalculable. We are quite fortunate to live in age where this is possible with aid of a treasure of a human being – Dr. Greger.

  8. Dr. Greger, can you please recommend a cancer “boot camp” similar to the Longevity Center that your grandmother Frances went to for her heart disease? We have been mostly vegan for 7 years but my husband has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. With chemoradiation he is expected to survive past one year but 5 years is not in the cards. We’d like to improve his odds of survival and quality of life. It would be a bonus if it were located in the Pacific NW. Thanks so much..

  9. anthony williams is totally against it..but i don´t know if his opinion is valuable and right regarding nutritional yeast. Would be happy if Dr Greger consider this and give his opinion. unfortunately he never answers comments so..may be in a extra video or in a short?
    And does anybody else know?

  10. If nutritional yeast is just dead yeast (same type as in bread) than shouldn't eating in the form of bread (preferably whole grain) also work?

  11. Thank you, is this the same influence people are talking about when they say nutritional yeast is an excitotoxin? This video says somehow it boosts the number of white cells, is it because there's something in it the body does not like? It looks like it's handy against tumors but wondering if we should be eating it all the time

  12. PLEAS ! – talk again about new research in uterine fibroids ! Last video is 4 years old. Around 80% of women after 40 have them :/ Make new video pleas.

  13. Making a recommendation based on a paper you could not even find seems like a strange choice. I think I’ll wait for that follow up video to decide about the cancer effects.

    (I already consume nutritional yeast. So I am not questioning its edibility and high nutrient content; just this videos claim about its impact on cancer.)

  14. Interesting that it may boost the immune system. I too throw nooch in a variety of dishes. Maybe I better put a sprinkle on something every day. In these days of COVID anything to boost the immune system.

  15. I guess I must add a warning here for others – although there are benefits to consuming nutritional yeast, as with most things it is not wise to generalize and call it a miracle food and good for everything. For example, this same channel has a video "Is Nutritional Yeast Healthy for Everyone?" where it is discussed how immunity stimulating abilities of nutritional yeast can worsen symptoms of Crohn's disease – a disease where your immunity is hyperactive to begin with. Our immune system is in fine balance – sometimes you need it to be more active to fight diseases, but sometimes its too active and causes damage itself such as when people suffer from autoimmune diseases. So never assume and generalize – always check if someone has put it to the test, especially if you want to consume something in large doses.

  16. Finally i was able to shrinked my Breast Lump naturally with effective herbal remedy from DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME youtube channel naturally

  17. I'm so glad I've been introduced to nutritional yeast almost a year ago. Now I won't stop having it when I turn vegan in a few months 😊👍.

  18. I'm genuinely impressed with the volume, quality, consistency, and helpfulness of your work #dralika . It's seriously impressive and I actually pray to God regularly that you have a long prosperous and good life..

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