I migliori alimenti per la sindrome dell'ovaio policistico (PCOS)

Quali cibi e metodi di cottura scegliere ed evitare dato il ruolo che i prodotti finali della glicazione avanzata (glicotossine) possono svolgere nella sindrome dell'ovaio policistico.

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Ho toccato marginalmente la maggiorana per la sindrome dell'ovaio policistico (PCOS) (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/marjoram-for-polycystic-ovary-syndrome-PCOS) e tè alla menta per PCOS nel mio video Enhancing Athletic Performance with Peppermint (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/enhancing-athletic-performance-with-peppermint/) , ma questa è davvero la mia prima immersione profonda. Scusa mi ci è voluto così tanto tempo! Recentemente ho affrontato un altro problema ginecologico gravemente poco riconosciuto in How to Treat Endometriosis with Seaweed ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-endometriosis- with-seaweed) con altri in arrivo.

A causa dell'ETÀ non tosto più le mie nocciole né compro burri di noci tostate. Un vero peccato perché hanno un sapore molto migliore, ma come ama dire il dottor McDougall, niente ha un sapore buono come una sensazione salutare. Per ulteriori informazioni sul motivo per cui è importante ridurre al minimo la nostra esposizione a questi composti tossici, vedere:
• Glicotossine (http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/glycotoxins/)
• Evitare una tomba zuccherina (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/avoiding-a-sugary-grave/)
• Ridurre l'assunzione di glicotossina per prevenire l'Alzheimer (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-glycotoxin-intake-to-prevent-alzheimers/)
• Perché è la carne un fattore di rischio per il diabete? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-is-meat-a-risk-factor-for-diabetes/)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-for-polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche usato in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-for-polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos. Troverai anche una trascrizione del video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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49 Risposte a “I migliori alimenti per la sindrome dell'ovaio policistico (PCOS)”

  1. I'm 19 years old and have PCOS. I've been (a healthy) vegan for the past 2 years and my ovaries haven't improved. I stoped taking the pill 1 year ago and I haven't had my period since then.
    My hair is falling a lot and eventhough I'm lean I'm starting to gain weight rapidly. My skin is also starting to break out really bad.
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore and I'm desperate. I don't want to go back to the pill… I would really apreciate some advice…

  2. I have for the past few years been having a very low AGE diet. I eat a plant based diet, vegetarian, and focus on high intake of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. Despite my average weight ( I lost 120lbs in the course of 3 years), I have been experiencing no menstrual cycles to date (it's been 4 years by now). I have done all kinds of labs with my endocrinologist and was told that I may have ovarian regularities. If I have one takeaway message to elucidate out if my experience, I attribute my last consumption of Splenda to the contributing factor of ovarian irregularities.

  3. So besides there just being that healthy glow one gets from eating carotenoids, there's also an unhealthy glow caused by AGEs, fascinating. Who knows the next generation smart phones could tell one what to eat depending on one's prefered glow….

  4. Dr.Greger, may I request to please look into the topic of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. I suspect I may have this despite my plant based lifestyle. I am so committed to help bring awareness of this condition that if needed, consider me as potential research study participant for future studies.

  5. If junk food contains AGE's resulting from the Mallaird reaction, which has been demonstrated to occur in vivo related to nornicotine, I have to wonder if junk food which also relies critically on the Mallaird reaction, contains nornicotine or similar precursors.

    If junk food, especially meat based contains high levels of AGE's (advanced glycation end products or “glycotoxins”), which also result from cigarettes and methamphetamine, and cigarettes and meth both form nornicotine which in turn produces glycotoxins, the question is, does junk food also contain precursors similar to nornicotine? Where there is smoke, there might be fire.


    Drugs of abuse that mediate advanced glycation end product formation: A chemical link to disease pathology

    Jennifer B. Treweek, Tobin J. Dickerson, and Kim D. Janda

  6. Can you please do a similar video about polyps? I mean uterine polyps.
     I have polyps and even doctors don't know what is the cause. Personally i believe that when i was omnivore and eating a lot of dairy maybe this changes the estrogen hormones so then i had polyps the last 4 years (at least).
    I don't know if the cause of polyps is indeed the estrogen levels but that's what i'm reading a lot when i google it.
    I've read many things how to balance estrogen hormones and i try it as much as i can. But i would like to find how i could help it also by my diet.
    Now i'm eating vegan food, i don't eat a lot of processed food (except bread and chocolate, i eat almost everyday some bread and 2 pieces of chocolate) but i've never read any "best foods" for polyps.
    I know i can remove them, doctor told me, but then it's possible to have polyps again in the future.

  7. Dr. Gregor I would love it if you research/cover Nrf1/Nrf2 an all natural diatery supplement line that can boost your immune system by 300% or Your mitochondria and their power to convert ATP at a faster rate. Its a all natural pill that has had multiple studies show that it is what it seems to be, but I believe its too good to be true. Would you please make a video on this for my sake and for the sake of others ans the lives that can be saved/ extended if this is true. One University did a study and said it was "The most important scientific study in the last few decades".

  8. I'd love to see a video on whether microwaves are "good or bad". My feeling teels me they're bad, however there's a lot of conflicting information. Does anybody have some trustworthy sources about this topic?

  9. I love your videos. I suspect I have PCOS and this video means the world to me, just got health insurance back and I will be confirming my pcos status. But thank you.

  10. Could someone explain to me the skin part, I didn't understand it. So if my fave is shiny it's because I eat too much processed foods or the opposite?

  11. PCOS is a metabolic disease and is created and fueled by sugar and carbohydrates. Once you eat LOW CARB HIGH FAT you can reverse your PCOS, cancer, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, epilepsy and vegan dogma.

  12. VERY informative and clear !! Thank you for posting the hidden dangers!!
    I had never heard about the PCOS factor in our foods.
    But I had eliminated most FRIED foods so as to cut down on Cholesterol and plaque in my bloodstream.
    City neighborhoods and suburban districts are filled with FAST FOODS businesses.
    TOO often we rely on these convenience food places regardless of the hazards they pose to our health.

  13. Glad I found this. I don't particularly care about the fertility thing (since I don't want kids), but PCOS is still a pain (often literally), so I'm looking into different ways of treating mine.

  14. I developed PCOS while being vegan. I've been vegan for about 15 years. Still vegan and will forever be vegan. But, just for others to know that I did develop this after being vegan. I did noticed that my high consumption of soy made my condition worse. I have noticed other women with PCOS not be affected by soy. I does affect me.
    Also, there are different types of PCOS so its good to know what type you are.

  15. Hello, is it possible that you could make a video specifically about the lean type of PCOS? I have this and I am even slightly underweight (naturally) and even need to gain weight for fertility treatment purposes. There isn’t nearly enough information out there about lean PCOS

  16. So I've been Vegan for over a year and a half, not necessarily perfectly healthy, but no meat, no dairy, eggs, fish, nothing with 2 eyes and a soul. I have PCOS, am overweight, but since going Vegan I rarely eat out, I cook at home all the time, and still can't shake the weight. Help!! Wtf do I eat!? I'll try anything at this point…
    I can deal with having to shave my mustache and side burn, the no periods, the thinning hair…but I'm so uncomfortable in the size of my body and I really need help. My gyno just keeps telling me birth control and I'm like HELL NO. Tried Metformin and nearly shit myself everyday for 3 weeks. I currently exercise at the gym about 3 times a week…i eat veg and fruit…what am I doing wrong here?!

  17. How is there no reference list/bibliography in the comment section for all the papers cited in these videos? People need to be able to review these papers themselves.

  18. Does he mean vegetarian or vegan diet at the end?
    I know milk and eggs are harmful and they're vegetarian!
    I wish he used the right words to avoid misunderstandings!

  19. I’ve been vegetarian for 18 years (since age 11) & vegan for the last 5 years. I’ve developed PCOS. I have very low intake of roasted nuts/nut butters. It would be helpful to have advice for women who are already plant-based, & have been for a long time, who suffer with PCOS.

  20. Dr. Greger I am a huge fan. But this one makes me want to cry. My sister ALWAYS had PCOS. She never menstruated (or very infrequently), so one assumes she had the disease from puberty. I do not see how it can have been caused by diet; my mom was an early "health food nut." Your literature review is directly opposed to how she eats expressly to control her symptoms (the obesity, primarily). Something is missing from the picture the literature is painting, or the way it is being presented.

  21. I had PCOS and I remembered how l felt when the doctor told me it would be hard for me to conceive I now have 4 children very successful pregnancies,God has blessed me with use of herbs! Contact the doctor on YouTube at Dr Ehimare or WhatsApp +2349027349748 ..he also cures other issues like HPV ,ALS, infertility , HIV etc…

  22. This channel is awesome… I have been a Strict vegan for 10 years and I have recently started eating about 10 ounces of roasted pistachios a day along with sauerkraut and all kinds of raw vegetables… I’m hoping the (roasted) Stasio’s aren’t hurting me

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