Il Wi-Fi del laptop riduce il numero di spermatozoi?

I laptop non dovrebbero essere in grembo? Qual è l'effetto dell'esposizione Wi-Fi sulla motilità degli spermatozoi e sui danni al DNA?

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Questo potrebbe non essere solo un problema per gli uomini, come ho descritto nel mio ultimo video, i telefoni cellulari riducono il numero di spermatozoi? (

Altri video sui cellulari includono Le radiazioni dei telefoni cellulari causano il cancro? ( e tumore al cervello del cellulare Rischio? ( con altri in arrivo!

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50 Risposte a “Il Wi-Fi del laptop riduce il numero di spermatozoi?”

  1. You talked about how sex increases testosterone, but masturbation doesn't, what if you masturbate onto a woman does that still raise testosterone

  2. I would love for Dr. Greger & team to look into the mineral Shungite and the incredible findings on Shungite deflecting/absorbing EMF. Shungite is only found in Karelia, Russia; there have been numerous studies showing that not only does Shungite stop the effects of EMF on our bodies but it even changes tap water and removes nasties like pharmaceuticals, chlorine, other heavy metals etc. Ever since I placed a piece of Shungite next to my pillow (between my phone and my head), my sleep quality has went up tremendously. For the first time in ages, I remember my dreams again.
    This has happened with many others too including children who are in smart classrooms with WiFi always on. From headaches and other symptoms to no headaches, to a complete absence of the symptoms they were experiencing prior to Shungite!
    Apologies for the long post but I believe it’s worth researching.
    As always, thank you Dr. Greger and Co. for another brilliant video! 🌱💚

  3. My current laptop machine doesn't get too hot, but a previous one I owned became uncomfortably hot, in particular when it used the video card to its full capacity. For a while, they sold some heat shields to protect against that, though I'm sure in a few year there will only be tablets, which from what I've seen thus far hardly generate a lot of heat. I'm not too worried about my sperm count, I don't really want kids myself.

  4. I’d like to see a follow up on this that explores the connection between Wi-Fi/EMF proliferation and the concurrent incredible increase in male hypogonadism (low testosterone). Yes, we know part of the reason is BPA and estrogenic foods – but that can’t be the full story. It’s a growing epidemic that “male clinics” are popping up all over the country to cater to. And testosterone is serious stuff – once you go on it, your body very likely will shut down it’s own production, making you dependent for a lifetime on injections, creams, or subdermal pellets (creepy!).

  5. I noticed you assumed without questioning that men would consider it a bad thing for their sperm to be less likely to conceive children. A lot of men would probably prefer less "trigger happy" semen as long as it's not completely sterile.

  6. It's kind of a good thing, environmentally, we don't need more children anyway in the world. Its more sustainable.
    Dr.Greger himself has got a vasectomy I believe.

  7. Please do a video on the effects of emfs on womens fertility and/ pregnancy. Also- what about the research on emf shielding garments and cell phone covers? The cell towers are working at 4G what is going to happen to us all when they crank up these stupid phones to 7, 8, 9,. 10Gs? And what if the government knows about the biological effects on us/ strategically places these cell towers within certain communities to "guinea pig" select populations? I am seeing cell technology ALL OVER water towers/telephone poles/ non -tower structures. Are we being slowly cooked to death like a frog in a boiling pot? And what if the cell towers could be used somehow to deliberately inflict dna damage/ect for some covert reason?! If common people cold only hear the static screech of emf detectors/hand held radiation detectors, there would be mass protest. Why are these towers permitted to disease the landscape like a vicious infection?

  8. shows how badly your location is affected by cell towers/ present and future. Its getting wicked out there. Just wait till we really get cooked on faster Gs and more and more kids streaming stupid netflix ect. its tragic.

  9. You're drifting a bit off topic, that's not related to nutrition at all any more (except for the Vodka bit, but then you didn't cite any sources for that).

  10. Another one-sided, sympathetic sounding video (you should definitely apply to the microwave industry…in case you have not already)…your 'bedside manner' is dangerous …trauma based conditioning can cause phobias when you see (or even talk about)the source of your trauma (in this case cellphones)….this simply proves that there have been people traumatized by cell phones.You have to keep up with reality…even if your previous education doesn't go there…normally because its not as profitable as selling cell phones?

  11. I am student using laptop on lap for an year. Now i feels my strength is decreased. Is this problem permanent or temporary?

    Can i get my strength back?
    Please do reply

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