Il ruolo degli alimenti di soia nella prevenzione e nel trattamento del cancro alla prostata

La soia viene messa alla prova per la cura del cancro alla prostata.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Le statistiche sul latte di soia dello studio avventista sono sbalorditive. Che dire dei cibi a base di soia fermentata, però? Quello era l'argomento del mio ultimo video, Alimenti di soia fermentati o non fermentati per la prevenzione del cancro alla prostata? ( .

Invertire la progressione del cancro? Guarda il mio video Come non morire di cancro (<br/>
Dato il potere della dieta, per me è sorprendente quanto sia difficile cambiare la dieta di un uomo dopo una diagnosi di cancro alla prostata ( può essere. Non è tutto o niente, però. Dai un'occhiata alla sopravvivenza del cancro alla prostata: il rapporto A/V (

Per la sopravvivenza alla soia e al cancro al seno, vedere La soia è sana per i sopravvissuti al cancro al seno? ( .

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30 Risposte a “Il ruolo degli alimenti di soia nella prevenzione e nel trattamento del cancro alla prostata”

  1. Yes, from what I've learned from a previous video, eating only (isolated) soy, might result in unwanted effects, so variety is the spice of durable life.

  2. Anyone drink Bonsoy? Is it GMO free? there is no label but claim they are and organic its the best tasting soy milk ever imo others suck, only if i found the recipe to make it the same taste and texture i would make my own.

  3. Thanks. This should put an ends to the Soy feminizes men! and Soy gives you moobs! complaints of people in comments, but it won't. [sigh]

  4. Tofu is a traditional food in Africa. It goes by various names. I sometimes buy it locally. However, I haven't met anyone in my ethnic group who makes it as part of a traditional dish.

  5. Always comparing to dairy, is that conventional dairy or grass fed raw dairy???
    HUGE difference as one is ridden with massive quantities of synthetic hormones, antibiotics and fed nothing but GMO corn AND soy! The other is one of the healthiest foods on the planet!
    I'm guessing the former just so he can exploit the distinction.

  6. I love your videos but please do one about Coconut Water companies that create 100% coconut water with no added sugars or artificial color flavors, or preservatives, completely natural!

  7. super meat isn't vegan. biospys without pain killer hurt. it's theft like taking eggs. impossible burger and beyond burger are better. cultured meat reportedly doesn't taste the same and it still has its own risk of contamination to cause food born illness. make a video taking back your support for supermeat now.


    What foods (if any) offer maximum omentum reduction ? Anything we can eat more of to hurry this process along?

  9. no offence but it's know that your head hair are indicator of your health and if vegan diet really works and DR. Gregor follows the same, why is he bald?


  11. Phytoestrogen is safe – bovine estrogen is so similar to ours – it is a poison in human bodies. Cows: not your mother, not your milk. Our parents did not know nutrition – they believed the hype from the food cartel. Don't make the same mistake – it's deadly. You don't have to eat tofu – edamame is the whole bean and delicious.

  12. Awesome video, Dr. Greger. Any, let me repeat that, any outside added estrogen (even birth control pills), increases your risk of cancer in the areas that develop through puberty. So even grass fed organic mammalian mammary juice, is going to promote cancer growth in the breasts, prostate, ovaries, cervix, and testicles of anyone who consumes a baby calf's food. It was great to learn that the phytoestrogens actually bond with the same receptors in the body that estrogen would normally join with, signaling cancer cells to grow.

  13. I've scanned the Comments here and I see some references to Soy and its potential effects on male testosterone and estrogen levels. Can Dr. Greger comment/point us to, the science on THIS controversy. I don't know or have a 'position' on the matter, but I have heard suggestions that soy is potentially detrimental for males, increasing estrogen levels and adversely affecting testosterone. Would love to get the facts on this !

  14. I’m 52 and have been putting a scoop of soy protein powder in my oatmeal in the morning for over 20 years. I had my PSA tested and it was super low!

  15. You actually can go out and buy soy grit bread, low cost good quality breads from Coles supermarket in Australia contain soy

  16. My name is Sunli gandhi, Dr. Harvey is the only herbal doctor who could ever get my HIV cured with his herbal products. I have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution for the virus, despite all these happening to me, I always spend a lot of money to buy HIV drugs and other supplements to keep me healthy and taking several medications. Until one day I was just surfing through YouTube when I came across a great post from Anita, who said that she was diagnosed with HIV and was healed through the help of this great herbal supplements of Dr Harvey, Sometimes I really wonder why people call him the great Dr.Harvey, I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing. So I quickly contacted him and told him everything happening to me, and he asked me a few questions and he said something I will never forget, that anyone who contacts him is always getting his/her cure within a few weeks after doing all he asks them to do. So I was amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did everything he said only to see that at the very day which he said I will be cured and should go for a test to confirm my status, I went to hospital for the final test and the doctor after running the test said I'm HIV Negative wow. I'm very amazed and happy about this cure i have really gone through so much pain and tears for this Dr.Harvey cured me with the help of his natural herbs.If you have anybody going through this same situation or any kind of cancers or Diseases at all contact Dr Harvey today he cures them all save a life today.You can contact Dr.Harvey EMAIl::[]

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