Evitare l'epilessia attraverso la dieta

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DESCRIZIONE: Evitare i parassiti della tenia del maiale (cisticercosi) non è facile come evitare il maiale. Hai una domanda per questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/avoiding-epilepsy-through-diet/ e ci proverò per rispondere! Guarda il prequel di NutritionFacts.org di oggi (http://nutritionfacts.org/) video del giorno, Tenie di maiale sul cervello (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/pork-tapeworms-on-the-brain/), e per favore lascia un commento se hai domande per me su questo importante problema di salute pubblica.

Credito immagine: Drs. J. Moskowitz & G. Mendelsohn, e Nick Oldnall.

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8 Risposte a “Evitare l'epilessia attraverso la dieta”

  1. Why do you contradict yourself at the end of your video? Not only is fully cooked pork perfectly safe,but you fail to mention that even vegetarians are at risk if the food is handled by an infected person, whom practices poor hygiene.

  2. oMG is this real??? 😀 im tryna heal someone from epilepsy but i dont even have the courage to link him this video. Im a big fan of Greger it is obviously true but this is crazy LOL

  3. If the worm eggs can live on the produce grown with worm egg infected manure it seems that it would be very dangerous to eat imported organic raw produce. In fact this seems to be more likely to cause the brain worms than infected meat since most people cook meat but lots of people eat raw imported veggies.

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