Flashback Friday: seconda strategia per cucinare i broccoli

Aggiunta di enzimi mirosinasi sotto forma anche di un pizzico di polvere di senape alle crocifere cotte (famiglia dei cavoli) come cavoli, cavoli o Bruxelles i germogli possono offrire livelli di sulforafano anticancro paragonabili a quelli crudi, eliminando la necessità di pre-tritare per ottenere i massimi benefici per la salute.

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È bello o cosa?! Amo la chimica in cucina. Ha completamente rivoluzionato la mia preparazione quotidiana di verdure. Per coloro che non conoscono l'intero concetto di enzima, sono sicuro che questo è un po' confuso. Assicurati di guardare il video originale del “brillamento chimico” The Best Detox (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-detox/) e poi la strategia hack and hold in A volte il mito degli enzimi è la verità (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/sometimes-the-enzyme-myth-is -true/).<br/>
Questo aiuta a spiegare i risultati che ho presentato in Raw Broccoli and Bladder Cancer Survival (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/raw-broccoli-and-bladder-cancer-survival/).

OK, ma cosa c'è di così bello in questa roba sulforafano? Per un assaggio, vedere:
• Broccoli contro le cellule staminali del cancro al seno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-versus- seno-cancro-cellule-staminali/)
• Sulforafano: dai broccoli al seno (
• Broccoli: germogli e integratori (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-sprouts-vs-supplements/)
• Vegetale di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-vegetable/)

In 2017 l'ho fatto un'intera serie sull'autismo (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/autismo). Uno dei video si concentra su un meccanismo del sulforafano per imitare i benefici della febbre nei bambini autistici. Dai un'occhiata: Benefici della febbre per l'autismo in un alimento ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Fever-Benefits-for-Autism-in -a-Food).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-second-strategy-to-cooking-broccoli e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di link a tutti i fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-second-strategy-to-cooking-broccoli. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: seconda strategia per cucinare i broccoli”

  1. Another idea. Buying fresh broccoli and freezing it. The cells should break open mixing the enzyme more efficiently than you can do with a knife or your teeth.

  2. question, so does the precursor also have to be in raw form? i was wondering if just adding regular mustard in a jar or squeeze bottle would have the same effect or has the precursor been cooked out of these products. i was just wondering because i think this would be the simplist and most convenient way if it actually worked.

  3. But the mustard seeds are processed also. They dont just grind the mustard seeds, they probably also heat them intensely enough to kill mold, fungus, bacteria. So I think everyone should be suspicious that this video or that study makes no sense. Does anyone know for a fact what processing goes on to make mustard or ground mustard powder?

  4. My child won't eat her broccoli without cheeze (vegan of course) sauce on it…. how convenient that when i melt down the vegan cheeze, i add mustard to it!!! I had no idea! LMAO 🙂
    Thanks Dr. Greger

  5. Even if I eat fresh iloccorB I would still have to add the mustard powder. Wouldn't I? I have been eating frozen for years. Broccoli and rice is one of my favorite dishes.

  6. Does is it apply to all Brassica family or just broccoli? How about cabbage and brussel sprouts, do I also need to add mustard powder to them?

  7. I was going threw some of your videos and i noticed you never did a video on sleeping specifically eating before you sleep I head your not suppose to eat at least 1 hour before you sleep but he recomended 3 hours before you sleep. I think its a lie what do you think. If your interested I'll send you a link specifically to what im talki g about i would love to know im going to do it any way it's when i get back from the gym so im always going to eat after but i tend to always wait about 45 minutes since i like to watch 1 tv show before I go to sleep.

  8. Dear Nutritionalfacts Comunity…i wonder if there is any study on Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) and the effects of a Plant Based lifestyle on it ? would really appreciate any information on this! Great Channel! Thanks for all the information you share! Grateful !🌱🌱🌱

  9. So grateful to you Dr. Gregor! You are fun to watch and generously provide mountains of lifesaving information. Love your book too! Bought right away when you talked about it. You are a jewel in the medical field! Thank you for being here for us! Enjoy so much having all this vital information.😊

  10. What about "Colman's Dry Mustard Powder"?, I can't find info if their seeds are toasted or not .

  11. will horse radish have the same effect as daikon radish?
    ni just discovered this site. it is fabulous for enhancing our diet.
    Many thanks to the author and all the researchers who work hard to improve our health.

  12. Do other brassica seeds offer this amazing feature that mustard seeds do? Are we missing out on some amazing kale seed condiment? I think I may need to let some of my greens go to seed this summer to experiment.

  13. Thanks for the info. I can learn something new every day listening to your webinars.Its so easy to be healthy with good info.

  14. Your so funny! The students in your classes are the luckiest. I eat raw broccoli ground up with spinach in my vegie / fruit smoothies

  15. Will try to stick with fresh as I'm not a fan of the flavour of mustard etc. I'm getting into the habit of chopping up about 45 mins or more before cooking. Should I do the same with my green smoothie I wonder?

  16. Hey Doctor thank you for this valuable information. I couldn't find mustard powder but I can get some 'Moutarde à l'ancienne' which contains the seeds, will that do it? Thank you!

  17. You mean for the BLANCHED FROZEN Broccoli I can add some Mustard powder or eat fresh Mustard to produce Sulfurophane?

  18. hi NutritionFacts, I wonder if sulforaphane rich vegetables could harm people who have intestinal bowel diseases like Ulcerative Colitis. In other video made by you, warning about the link between animal protein and inflamatory bowel diseases, it was said that the main cause for this association was the "sulphur" rich byproducts that in the end woule be converted by gut bacteria in hidrogen sulphide. This conversion would also happen with sulphur rich vegetables?

  19. Because of Gregor’s videos I’m actually grinding up some mustard seed and I literally drink a little bit of the mustard seed powder down with a gulp of water first before eating my cruciferous vegetables. I like mustard but pure mustard seed powder is overpowering.

    Thank God arugula and Napa cabbage are part of the cruciferous vegetable family. I regularly cook those.

  20. All southern Indian dishes have mustard seeds that is the first thing added after oil and then a prebiotic onions 😀 no worries our ancestors suppressed the science simply in an Ayurvedic way👍

  21. Wait, so if you add a bit of fresh chopped broccoli to your frozen broccoli before cooking, they will form sulphurophane? And what about mustard? For example Dijon? 😍

  22. It is amazing how Indian cooking has figured all this out centuries ago. The basic ingredients in any cauliflower or cabbage saute always includes turmeric, black pepper, and mustard seeds. Tastes great too.

  23. drinking the iloccorB cooking liquid (warm or cooled) or using it for deglasing or sauce base is 😋.
    Curious if there is a difference between types of nutrients & phyto warriors in the stems vs the leaf/bud of brussels sprouts (& broccoli)🥦

  24. My name is Lucy
    Thank you for the info. I always hack and hold for let's say ten MIn utes but did not know the benefit. How long should I hold to get the full benefit.

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