Gli edibili alla cannabis sono sicuri?

Cosa c'è da sapere sulla sicurezza degli edibili alla marijuana.
Gli edibili alla marijuana possono comportare maggiori rischi per i bambini e aumento del rischio di sovradosaggio. Aggiungerei un terzo rischio a questo, e sono gli animali domestici.

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Ho un intero scrigno di video sulla cannabis che dribbling ogni mese circa fino alla fine di 2019. Se vuoi vederli tutti ora, li metto tutti in un DVD digitale ( che puoi eseguire lo streaming ora e/o scaricare.
<br/> Marijuana:
• Rapporto dell'Istituto di Medicina sugli effetti sulla salute della marijuana (
• Ricerca degli effetti sulla salute della marijuana (
• La marijuana crea dipendenza? (
• La marijuana causa problemi di salute? (
• La marijuana causa danni permanenti al cervello negli adolescenti? (
• La marijuana causa danni permanenti al cervello negli adulti? (
• La cannabis si trasformerà in grande tabacco? (
• Legalizzazione della marijuana e epidemia di oppioidi ( e-l'epidemia di oppioidi)
• Effetti del fumo di marijuana sui polmoni (
• Fumare marijuana rispetto all'utilizzo di un vaporizzatore di cannabis ( Vaporizzatore)
• La marijuana provoca il cancro ai polmoni? (
• La cannabis può curare il cancro? (

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100 Risposte a “Gli edibili alla cannabis sono sicuri?”

  1. Okay, now you have explained the going psychotic part.  I know a few incidence of people who have almost been murdered during pot edible weekends.  I thought it was strange because it didn't match the whole mellow pot community Cheech and Chong image and I had wondered if it was something in it.

  2. I can think of 3 incidences that went that direction and another who lost his mind, but didn't get violent.  One out of the three was diagnosed schizophrenic after a few years on pot, but he became more criminal when on pot than when on his schizophrenic meds and I think the pot caused him maybe to think he didn't need meds, but the others were not schizophrenic.

  3. I look at the candy wrappers and I used to be a candy addict.  I would have eaten 4 of those pot candies not thinking about it.  (Halloween candy went pretty fast.)

  4. Why would anyone make a cookie that will kill you if you eat the whole thing? Bizarre.
    Of course, every moral person knows never to eat the third biscuit (or cookie), but one or two is perfectly normal.

  5. The problem I have with people that oppose it is that for every supposed negative, you can find something perfectly legal right now that's worse. Bottom line for me is; if alcohol is legal, then cannabis should be legal. All these cases where people supposedly died from cannabis are misleading. They didn't die from the cannabis itself. They died as a result of their own irresponsible decisions by taking extremely high doses of concentrated THC without knowing how their body would handle it. People do the same things and worse because they drank too much alcohol, or took too many prescription meds. It all boils down to the user. Cannabis itself can't kill anyone. Of the things out there adults can legally partake, cannabis is the most benign, by far. Magnitudes more people die from doctor prescribed medications and errors.

  6. What happened to parents being responsible for keeping their weed away from children? Just like smoking, you need to go slow. I hate smoking it, so I eat my edibles. Without the, I am in extreme pain. People who can't handle their weed, should stay away. Its a drug, not a regular cookie, Use your brains people.

  7. The edibles market is fine. The only concern that I've actually had (which wasn't raised in this video) is that eaten pot is metabolized differently. I would like to hear some more (accurate) information on whether this is true or not.

    It is a bit weird when the "dose" you are intended to eat is a half a gummy bear. I get it. Read the package, ask questions at the store, be responsible…but nobody in real life eats half a friggen gummy bear. That's just weird. It is a free market though, so if folks want certain products the companies are going to provide them. Most of these problems strike me as transitional and will be little more than kinks that get worked over the next few years of legalization.

    The other issue I am confused about with edibles, not related to health, is the quantity you are permitted to carry. Most states regulate based on weight of the dried plant (normal pot) — not based on the amount of THC. I am genuinely uncertain how many edibles you can purchase without being in violation of the law in some states.

    Again, its mostly kinks that will get worked out…but some dogs and idiots are going to probably get sent to the ER in the meantime.

  8. Not crazy about this one because it skipped the health results of edibles and was more about accidental dosages. Would like to see the pros and cons of edibles.

  9. I can debunk your lies in one word doctor 8 years and a medical degree mean nothing when you can't even cure a common cold yet try to give advice about something you know nothing about the education word for today doctor is "homeostasis" you see if you know anything at all about the Endococanabanoid system and how it works you would clearly understand none of these things cause the body harms these are only lies of a Prohibition age and lies for doctors like you who are obviously working for Big pharma who have only there interest of money and not the welfare of persons or there aliment. The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. Yet you have these doctors who clearly know there is benefit and no harms from this plant trying to continue there reefer madness campaign to lie and try to show scare people and they hope we would rely on there uneducated wit on something they clearly have no knowledge about this is not true now days of all doctors just ones like this that have there own Agenda to lie to the public and try to use scare tactics Doctors like you don't even deserve to have a licences in my opinion obviously your reefer maddens has not worked for over 75+ years and your fear mongering is not going to work now…So get educated before you come out here and take a stand about something you clearly have no education ok to say you are agents the legalization of cannabis or the use of cannabis but to all out lie to people with these none scientific poof or study's that mean nothing because clearly have not been done by 5 or 10 different study groups who are unrelated and found the same result there not going to find the same results because the information is false sir so have a nice day and thank you for trying to come out and trying to take a stand with some information to bad none of it could hold any Truth at all…But hey that's why activist like me have so much fun making you look like a total clown in the eyes of the public because your information is not only false and you been proven by just one word and still you try clap clap clap LOL #Mpp #Legealizeit #MedicalMarijuwanna #DoctorsBios #CannabisDoctors #poormedicalopenions #reefermaddness #Norml

  10. I'm glad you made a video about one way to administer cannabis without smoke or even vaporizing; although, I was thinking it might be more like: Gelatin vs. Tapioca edibles? Instead of that fact that there's feeble minded people out there (who can't handle anything but themselves) and money minded people who don't dose with caution.

  11. Overdose? What? Don’t believe it. Maybe you should stick to vegan talks.
    Bs thats meth heads not pot heads they’re too stoned to move.
    Boooooooo to this video.

  12. It brings me joy, and sadness, to see his ignorant and stubborn the majority of white marijuana users are. It is to the point that you deny science, doctors, and easily researchable evidence. Reaping what you sow? A sign if the end times? Yes yes and yes.

  13. But… What about the effects on my biological systems? How does eating THC compare to smoking/vaping it? What does it do to systemic inflammation levels, heart rate, or blood pressure? What about cancer risks? Does it increase or decrease certain kinds of cancers? Smoking it inflames the lungs as you said before, but does eating it do anything to my stomach/intestinal lining, liver or kidneys? What about blood sugar levels? Or mental performance factors like focus, memory, mood, stress, or sleep patterns? What kind of medications or illnesses does it interact with and how? I was expecting something more like the other cannabis videos you put out. This video seemed to be more on the effects of the poor labeling, marketing strategy, regulation and education of the substance rather than actual biological health effects of it like your first few cannabis videos.

  14. useless information for potential consumers, how about an explanation as to how thca is digested in the liver, or guidance or which types of extracts/solvents contain more synthetic chemicals used during the growing process, or explaining how much healthier edibles CAN be compared to other forms of products and consumption methods

  15. Cannabis edibles were available during prohibition, so prohibiting them again wouldn't make them go away. As usual, proper regulation and education is what's needed yet simpletons with a binary brain think the only options are legal and illegal. And anyone suggesting they be prohibited due to risk to animals also has to support a prohibition on chocolate since its theobromine content makes it poisonous. Also household cleaning supplies. Objects with risk need regulation, not prohibition which only makes things worse for everyone.

  16. The key to making edibles hit fast is to make sure you have it with lots of fat. Any time I’ve had some decarbed wax without enough fat it takes forever to kick in(hours). Usually within one hour(sometimes slightly over an hour) of having some it starts to hit, as long as I consumed it with a good amount of fat. I slap earth balance butter on 4 whole wheat breads and devour them with .02-.04 on just one piece.(powerseed brand)

  17. Yeah I've run into this issue, have a bite, feel nothing after 30 minutes, have another bite thinking "maybe they got the dosage wrong" then 45 minutes later end up sleeping for 5 hours because it's too much. They really should stop doing that "one bite" thing, and should clearly label that the effect may take up to an hour and not to consume another dose for at least like 5 hours.

  18. As far as a daily supplement, what about benefits of gummies that contain only cbd oil. No high, but supposedly can help with inflammation, anxiety, and sleep issues.

    In AZ, thc edibles are aimed at different issues, like loss of appetite, chronic pain, etc, and are harder to get legally. Cbd is completely legal though.




  20. I think the "1/10th of a cookie = recommended dose" point is the most compelling portion of this video, for me. Very encouraging to hear some championable arguments for more responsible edible production. I do, however, disagree with the idea that making recreational substance products that look like their non-substance-enhanced counterparts is strongly correlated with harm, since I think issues like these will subside similar to how Mike's Hard Lemonade isn't up against the same challenge.

  21. Has anyone here had issues with marijuana and hallucinations/psychosis? It's legal here in Canada and I've tried more than a few edibles. I've definitely had a bit too much before but literally just fell asleep and woke up fine. These thoughts of jumping off a balcony, or shooting your partner, anyone else think these edibles were laced with something else??

  22. Last I looked you had to be 21 years of age to purchase and legally use cannabis in Colorado. There are a lot of substances that are harmful to children and it's the job of the parents to make sure their children don't have access to such products or substances. Saying that a cannabis brownie caused a man to shot his wife is akin to saying that someone did crystal meth and went to sleep.

  23. phytocannabinoids ( active cannabis molecules) are not active in the area you breath from… they do not suppress pulmonary function @ all like opioids do … phytocannabinoids are actually bronchodilators, they increase the ability to breath even if you eat them and do not smoke or vape them. where these specific to cannabis compounds are active, – the cells in your body that maintain homeostasis . cannabinoids are used in cells as signals. they message communication that maintains homeostasis . this is the purpose of your endocanabinoid system

  24. Very informative video. We are definitely in favor of edibles as a way to consume cannabis. When properly dosed, this method delivers a desired effect that will last much longer then when smoked. It is really important to start with small doses until you are familiar and comfortable with the effects. Especially if you are consuming homemade edibles, which can vary in potency.

  25. How much pot did they put in a cookie for one person to kill themselves because of it? I mean people kill themselves in all different ways. Just because one eats a cookie before doing it, does it mean it's the cookies fault?

  26. First of all cannabis is not dangerous. There is no conceivable way you can ingest inhale or otherwise cannabis and its natural form to create any harm to the body. Secondly, just because we have a lack of personal responsibility in this country doesn't give our lawmakers the right to restrict our access to something.

  27. The real issue is human stupidity, not actual cannabis danger. Any substance used wildly inappropriately has potential to produce unwanted results.

  28. Totally disappointed in this. I was hoping for comment on the effects of ingesting for adults who aren't dogs and aren't children and aren't taking their cannabis in weird ways. I have lots of senior citizen friends who use to minimize their need for their prescribed opioids for pain, or who use edibles for other reasons. Please address that….assume only health related discussion when reasonable doses by responsible adults, taking only medibles.

  29. I can't have edibles that I don't make myself because I get panic attacks, I find smoking much easier to control. Also I agree, you should be able to eat a whole cookie.

  30. 🙄 a lot of human beings don’t make good decision, especially when it comes to drugs; the problem isn’t thc it’s bad decision making

  31. I’m 36 have been smoking regularly since I was 19 I recently stopped smoking last year and started doing edibles only it’s great for me.. I have kids now and don’t want the smell on me.. my main concern is pesticides.. Does anyone know if it’s possible to test for pesticides at home?

  32. All good points. Lock them up so kids and pets have no access. Just like guns. I suspect edibles have several factors related to dosage beyond simple MG labeling which might be way off as the video said. Absorption time can several hours. Even more than 3 hours. I think Absorption percentage varies also depending on stomach contents and other metabolic factors. Not as simple as taking one percocet and getting the same bang .

  33. Wtf, eat only a tiny crumb of a cookie!? I would eat the entire darn thing! Someone I knew made a brownie for a friend and she left an odd note for him meaning to only eat a tiny piece. Well he didn’t understand the note, thought it was a regular brownie and ate the entire thing! I didn’t know until it was too late, we laughed it off and thought nothing of it. But 20 mins later he went mad and tripped out at work, he threw up, freaked the f-out (probably saw the devil and he tried to rip his heart out through his knee caps, Naboo🔮) I took him home so he could sleep it off. Of course he was ok, but he did trip out though out the next day. I’m not into cannabis (makes me feel down actually), but I guess perhaps since they are going to be sold anyway, the edibles with thc should be the right dosage and hard for kids to get their hands on. Best 🌱

  34. Looks like the only death is because they are taking too much which makes sense other than that if you look at the ingredients, its a lot healthier than even snacks you eat at the store even in general meals cereals like cheerios contain a small chemical known in paint called something with A T forgot the name but look it up even Gerber got in trouble for the baby food what a world we live in jeez

  35. I bought one from a dealer who had good reviews on leafedout. I ate less than half of a 250mg edible, my heart started pounding super hard and I felt messed up. I feel so mentally numb now and like a robot. It's been 3 months since I ate it and I don't feel better. I bet it was synthetic.

  36. Just use common sense. You can drink a whole bottle of vodka and die, but we don’t make it illegal. It’s a matter of education, you educate people on the consumption of alcohol do the same with other substances. It’s not difficult.

  37. I switched from smoking cannabis daily to eating once a week, I enjoy it so much more and my lungs thank me

  38. It’s better to eat edibles on an empty stomach. I do intermittent fasting before I break my fast (to take for a night out) I eat it an hour before I eat fat soluable foods. That way it’s more controllable and I don’t feel out of it.

  39. I was off my tits for 3 days straight (apparently I consumed 600mg of THC in one sitting). It just kept getting worse , I was grossly incapacitated and out of this world , 3 days is a very long time in THC land. . . The hallucinations were on level not known to modern medicine.

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