Gli effetti degli avocado sull'infiammazione

L'impatto degli alimenti vegetali ricchi di grassi (avocado, arachidi, noci) e dell'olio d'oliva messo alla prova.

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Video recenti su mele, autismo e ora avocado? Puoi dire che sono tornato all'inizio dell'alfabeto. È così che scorro la mia ricerca per garantire un'ampia copertura. Quindi, per coloro che sono interessati alla ricerca sulle bacche, i tuoi sogni diventeranno presto realtà. Quelli per i quali le zucchine sono la loro verdura preferita, però, devono aspettare a lungo. Se c'è qualche argomento che vorresti che trattassi, lascia un commento qui sotto.

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Ho citato anche questo video: Effects of Avocados and Red Wine on Meal-Induced Inflammation ( infiammazione-indotta-da-vino-rosso-in-pasto). Maggiori informazioni sul guac qui:
• Gli avocado sono sani? (
• Sono Gli avocado fanno bene al colesterolo? (
• Avocado Lower Small Dense Colesterolo LDL (
• Gli avocado fanno ingrassare? (
• Gli avocado fanno bene? (

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100 Risposte a “Gli effetti degli avocado sull'infiammazione”

  1. What's interesting to me about the peanuts though, to my knowledge most peanuts are cooked in peanut oil I don't know where these people find peanuts that aren't cooked in peanut oil or some type of oil any store within a hundred miles of my house does not sell peanuts that are not cooked in some type of oil or roasted with some type of oil so I'm not sure if this study consisted of roasted or cooked peanuts with oil. You would think the oil would hurt things so I'm not sure it wasn't stated in this video if the peanuts were cooked in oil or not. You know it's very difficult for me to resist certain foods. I fell off the wagon the other day it was my step son's graduation from high school and there was cake available and I had a slice of cake and I felt so guilty afterwards eating the cake. The problem is that every now and then I'll slip and I'll eat something I shouldn't. I just know for me that I still have problems with my cholesterol even being on this diet I don't exercise as I used to due to a back injury so I'm not able to go jogging and do a lot of high-intensity cardio like I used to. I can't do that stuff anymore. My lipids are not ideal and the doctor wants to put me on statins. I just don't know what to do though because it could be a hereditary thing I don't know but I need to get my lipids in check and I have a feeling it has to do a sugar I don't eat much processed sugar if any it's very low I only eat generally two meals a day and I snack in between those meals with fruit usually eat oatmeal every morning have some type of plant-based dinner every night and I'm just not sure what else I can do. All I know is I don't want to be on statins that's for sure. So I guess my question is does having an overall lipid panel that isn't ideal while on a plant-based diet necessarily mean that my artillery function is poor? Because I look at these type of videos and I'm thinking of myself you know I try to make the right choices so theoretically you would think everything would be okay but is that the case or is that just wishful thinking and I'm thinking of myself you know I try to make the right choices so theoretical you would think everything would be okay but is that the case or is that just wishful thinking?

  2. Great video. Need more info please. Raw or roasted peanuts? Salted or not? Organic or not? Olive oil cold pressed or regular pressed? Organic or not.

  3. i was in the pharmacy the other day and the pharmacist said i should cut back on the blueberries avocado and oregano that i eat a lot because antioxidants are bad and cause cancer ?

  4. Very amused that the entire planet considers Avocado as the symbol of Vegetarianism and/or healthy eating. Such bullshit. Yes, some avocado is fine, but the symbol for our food should be the Sweet Fruit, not some stupid avocado that can be eaten only in combinations with other things.

  5. The problem with avocadoes is the high persin content. This was brought to my attention by Dr Greger. Although persins are detoxified by the liver, what damage does the toxin do that is either in transit to the liver and/or not absorbed from the gut? A recent epidemiological study showed that vegans in the USA have higher than expected rates of rectal cancer. Could a higher consumption of avocadoes among USA vegans be the reason?

  6. Yesterday I didn't have time to prepare food, so I just consumed kidney beans and about 12 oz of peanuts. Glad to know I'm on the right track.

  7. Everything sounds good but despite of the benefits …I, with histamine intolerance, should not eat this at all…. and this is not just avocado…. what a paradox …

  8. What about in reduction of a clogged artery? Esselstyn fund that eating fat was preventing patients from reversing arterial plaques on a whole plant based diet… Would eating avicados have the same effects on heart diseased patients that want to reverse the condition?

  9. This one is a bit complex, I think the take home is this: it is ALWAYS best to eat the whole plant food rather than the equivalent processed junk.

  10. The obvious shortcoming in this discussion is the assumption that "vascular function" is the same as "flow-mediated dilation). There is probably more to it than just dilatation. These experiments based on acute effects should be only the beginning of the story. We should look for studying these diets over periods of months if not years.

  11. I had discovered how carbs were tied into weight gain as well as generally to keep clear of carbohydrates, but had actually never thought of using them to lose fat. The central idea behind the 4 cycle fat loss method is to actively train the body to burn fat for fuel in comparison to carbohydrates. It’s based on the latest scientific principles into the high carb eating habits of the Japanese not to mention their outstanding long-life expectancy. The evidence suggest that it’s their higher than average carb-cycling diet technique that can help to continue to be healthy into old age with a reasonable body mass index (much lower incidence of excess weight).Read more here

  12. Thanks, Doc I'll be sharing this right NOW with everyone thank follows me everywhere! Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program Graduate! Al-hamdulilaah I've started a NEW channel @ AmirHealthCoach Please follow / retweet, I'm Trying hard to Benefit the Muslims with evidence-based health and wellness information, U Do not have2 be Muslim 2 benefit!

  13. Playing devil's advocate here, when egg and dairy and meat Industries fund studies you don't give them credence so why do the peanut and avocado funded studies get Credence all of a sudden?

  14. I could give a crap less I have to be honest I am so tired of people trying to prove that plant food is better than eating dead animal carcasses and turning your body into a morgue I mean for real people Val shalt not kill get over yourself it isn't all about you your body your health and nobody should be sitting here trying to convince you to do the right damn thing it's always your will instead of God's Will and that sounds religious but that's coming from spiritual place cuz I'm just so sick and tired of everybody trying to talk other people when clearly they don't give a crap and I mean that literally and metaphorically because they're so plugged up cuz they're eating stuff they're not supposed to do they're not getting fiber they're not getting the nutrients they need and deficiencies can contribute to being clogged and that's why they act constipated that's why they're dehydrated and that's why they're narcissist

    Ironically dinner comprised of one whole avocado with freshly ground garlic and Himalayan salt I'm satiated I didn't have to kill anyone and I didn't have to consume someone that was killed that was rotting in a supermarket and pumped full of all kinds of nasty shit I also didn't have to cook it all I did was cut it open put the stuff on it and eat the shit and that's why I look 20 years younger than I am because July 31st I will be 50 most young women in their twenties believe I'm 30 years old you can't buy that shit and lotion or facial product you have to work your ass off for it and I don't do it for that because I'm not a so self-absorbed asshole
    You're basically preaching to the choir because the God's honest truth is is a person who is unaware of their subconscious doesn't know themselves or know why they're doing anything isn't going to listen to this type of video look at your comments they don't give a shit they don't want to hear it cuz that means they have to change something and no matter how much you prove to them that it's in their best interest it's the last thing in the world they want I know I've been going to this shit for the last 15 years and I'm tired of talking to people who don't give a crap about nobody especially themselves here I am living in my car after being involved with a narcissist for two-and-a-half years I sleep in Walmart parking lot everyday after I healed him a prostate cancer change his entire life he lost 70 lb saved his 30-year career made him look fantastic his skin was glowing and he drops me at a gas station Lee's me there and goes back to drinking no it's not because I'm a bitch and no I'm not bitter it just irritates me that people really want to make a difference but it's the way they continue to put out all this data when you are the living proof If you are living this form of life I don't know why everybody wants proof there's so many things people ascribe to they believe in without any documentation without any scientific proof whatsoever the results are in the pudding avocado pudding dammit
    And if he wasn't such a narcissist he probably be really pissed off at the fact that I get hit on by a 20-plus year old every week because his saggy ass can't possibly compete smelling like straight up vodka and that's because he's beating the sugar addiction all the bad stuff in his body and fried his in insides their burning hot dehydrated and chronically inflamed you know some people you just can't help you just have to know when to quit but do continue to sell your book for those who actually care

  15. I would have liked to see the 2006 Walnut study compare olive oil to walnut oil instead of whole walnuts (kind of convenient for your argument about whole foods). Perhaps the olive oil had inflammatory effects because of the high amount of omega 6 fatty acid in it and the walnuts had an anti-inflammatory effect because they have more omega 3.

  16. But why compare ice cream which is high in fat but also in sugar with avocado which is high in fat but low in sugar? Is that a fair comparison? In my book nature knows best so of course avocadoes are gonna be better than ice cream but the comparisons are a bit fishy.

  17. I have tried and tried but I cannot stand avocados , papaya and cilantro. These three make me gag. Even if I allow someone else to sneak a little in a one dish meal, I can taste it and will not eat it. I have given up. I do not like avocados period.

  18. I have felt depressed and horrible! I was on a plant diet when 35yrs old and change my life-SAVED my life from Lupus and Raynauds! Moved back to the city and the whole cycle of being unhealthy started all over again.. Your videos are helping my mental attitude. gracias

  19. Ok Dr. Gregor, I love your vids, but don't you normally criticize studies paid for and published by the industries that market the product being studied such the Egg Board or Big Dairy? No mention of possible bias noted in this video. Just saying…

  20. Actually you can trademark a fruit, Pink Lady is a trademark for several different verieties of apple that meet certain quality standards most notably Cripps Pink.

  21. Beside the fact that a very large percentage of avocados eaten each year in the United States are eaten on Super Bowl Sunday (guacamole, remember?) there is such a thing as big avocado and it’s no joke. There’s a huge amount of money made by the industry in mostly Mexico and parts of South America (particularly Chile). Organized crime has moved in to major growing areas of Mexico and the people are suffering terribly. In Chile smaller farmers and others without adequate resources are losing the water that they need to live because water rights are sold by the government to the largest bidders leaving the rest high and literally dry. Rivers that only a few years ago provided water to people are now entirely dry and unrecognizable. Each avocado eaten uses about 18 gallons of water to grow. All this suffering is caused by wealthy Americans and Europeans who want avocados year round. In the US avocados are only grown seasonally, predominantly in California. These growers have had to take drastic steps just to survive. There are answers to this problem but until steps are taken I would no more eat an avocado than I would participate knowingly in any food production that causes such an enormous toll in human suffering. We need to understand where our food comes from, and at what price.

  22. Doesn’t this contradict another video by Dr Greger saying that you can’t cancel out the pro-inflammatory effect of meat/dairy/junk food with the anti-inflammatory effect of PBWF? ie saying you have to eliminate the pro-inflammatory foods?

  23. I can't stop watching this channel, even though I didn't discover it until Jan 2022! Great format of videos.

  24. An avocado-berries-cacao smoothie is filling and tastes great! It is a stable smoothie in Southeast Asia.

  25. I am 59. I have NEVER EVER tried a avocado till I was 58. In the beginning,
    I would cook a egg over a avocado with sautéed onions, garlic, red bell pepper, and crunchy potato. Damn it was good with runny yoke ! I got bored after awhile and STOPPED consuming avocado.
    Until I got a GREAT IDEA ! Making Avocado 🥑 smoothies with either almond, cashew, soy, or oat milk.
    With some honey, and Splenda.
    YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS MEAL REPLACEMENT SMOOTHIE other then adding fresh fruits like "on sale" blueberries, or bananas, Soft mangoes 🥭. Dayyyyyyyym ! One time I added raw broccoli 🥦 and canned beets. This was not as good BUT…….it was that much more healthier though 👍. My next recipe is gonna
    be 2- AVOCADOS 🥑, and a Marzetti Apple Crisp desert mix as well as more fresh apples, cinnamon AND vanilla Almond milk. DUH- AMMM ! 👍👍👍👍

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