Gli effetti dell'obesità sulla demenza, sulla funzione cerebrale e sulla fertilità

Qual è la connessione tra perdita di peso, salute cognitiva e fertilità? La perdita di peso può ridurre il rischio di demenza e migliorare le prestazioni mentali e l'infertilità.

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Se ti sei perso i video precedenti, vedi La migliore alternativa di sostituzione del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'artrosi ( e gli effetti dell'obesità su mal di schiena, pressione sanguigna, cancro e Diabete ( ). <br/>
Continuo il tema dell'obesità e del peso con questi video:
• Gli effetti dell'obesità sui calcoli biliari, reflusso acido, e malattie cardiovascolari (
• Gli effetti dell'obesità sul sistema immunitario e le malattie del fegato e dei reni (
• Il paradosso dell'obesità è reale o un mito? (
• Qual è l'IMC ideale? (
• Qual è il girovita ideale? (

Tratto tutto questo e molto altro nel mio libro How Not to Diet ( E il suo compagno: il nuovissimo —ha più di ricette deliziose e attenti al peso.

Per ulteriori informazioni sulle condizioni di salute discusse in questo video, vedere il morbo di Alzheimer (, cognizione ( e fertilità ( pagine degli argomenti.

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32 Risposte a “Gli effetti dell'obesità sulla demenza, sulla funzione cerebrale e sulla fertilità”

  1. GOTTA look at environmental pollution… These bodies run off electricity. Putting electrical conductors in our oxygen and rain impedes neurological function, period!!!!

  2. really not loving your fatphobia series right now, nutrition facts. As you point out, fat people are already plagued with anxiety over their weight, maybe piling on isn't the answer. Why don't you just focus on the health benefits of plant based eating and leave fat people alone?

  3. So it would seem reasonable that obesity would make ADHD worse as well. Given the executive function requirements for making better food and lifestyle choices such as inhibition in the moment, it feels like a doomed cycle.

  4. I have tried to help my friends who have serious life threatening health problems and who have even asked for my advise but I feel like I am engaged in some sort of verbal martial arts as they insist on countering anything I offer with why THAT wouldn't work or why THEY could never THAT etc. I leave feeling exhausted and they victoriously continue to feed their maladies with animal products, oils and the never ending market of processed everything. I have now removed this stress from my life by referring them to Nutrition Facts "IF"they are really interested.
    My new motto: Don't try to teach a pig to sing as you will only annoy the pig and frustrate yourself.🐷💚

  5. Thank you very much Dr. Michael Greger. I bought your book How Not to Die, I also wish to buy your cookbook and all the other books as well. I don't know if it's available in my country Philippines

  6. Being obese is bad for you..huh.. Now I wish someone would do some research on the consequences of smoking, breathing diesel, and drinking too much. That would be good to know.

  7. No one should be fat shamed but discussing weight loss for health reasons should be encouraged.
    People are their own worst enemies buy eating a non healthy diet.

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