Quale tipo di proteina è migliore per i nostri reni?

I farmaci antinfiammatori aboliscono la risposta all'iperfiltrazione e alla perdita di proteine ​​all'ingestione di carne, suggerendo che le proteine ​​animali causano stress renale attraverso un meccanismo infiammatorio.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo fa parte di una nuova serie estesa di video sulla salute dei reni:
• Prevenire l'insufficienza renale attraverso Dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-kidney-failure-through-diet/)
• Trattamento dell'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-kidney-failure-through-diet/)
• La dieta può proteggere dal cancro ai reni? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-diet-protect-against-kidney-cancer/)<br/> • Come prevenire i calcoli renali con la dieta ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-didney-stones-with- dieta)

Ho confrontato proteine ​​vegetali e animali in vari modi. Si veda, ad esempio,
• La limitazione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/methionine-restriction -come-strategia-di-estensione-della-vita/)
• Sopravvivenza al cancro alla prostata: il rapporto A/V (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prostate-cancer-survival-the-av-ratio/)
• Calorico Restrizione vs. restrizione delle proteine ​​animali (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/caloric-restriction-vs-animal-protein-restriction/)

E forse la dimostrazione più drammatica è stata il nuovo studio che ho presentato nella mia ultima presentazione annuale dal vivo Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Malattie temute con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/food-as-medicine). Sto lavorando a questo in un nuovo video che va più in profondità: resta sintonizzato!

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-type-of-protein-is-better-for- our-reni e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: jpmatth via Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Quale tipo di proteina è migliore per i nostri reni?”

  1. this too much protein fact actually propagated by meat and protein powder industry.. your need completely goes fulfilled by lentils and beans

  2. Nice Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I am interested in your opinion. Have you thought about – Chireetler Avoiding Diseases Rule (probably on Google)? It is a great one of a kind product for learning how to stop kidney damage without the normal expense. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my friend Sam got astronomical results with it.

  3. Except,as is usally the case, it's all blown out of proportion.
    People didn't go on a high meat and dairy diet just recently.
    We know modern people have become fat and diabetic from eating too much fat and pastries but kidney failure in normal weight people eating a lot of meat and dairy?
    Exaggerate much?
    Vegan propaganda ain't no different to meat industry propaganda, you are all full of shit.

  4. Or maybe just maybe it is the 22 man made toxic chemicals commonly found in factory farmed meats that is causing the inflammatory response, many of them are known to cause such a reaction. Sounds crazy but if I eat factory farmed pork I can feel the inflammation begin to numb my right hand (pinched radial and CT nerves), yet I have never gotten such a response from wild pork. This is the problem with such vegan studies, they are always comparing crap meats which many of us avoid anyway.

  5. Too much plant protein is probably not good either. Anything in excess causes issues. If one's kidneys are unhealthy, then eat very low protein low fat diet. That is more rice and potatoes and some fruit rather than the higher plant protein foods.

  6. soy equals death. stay away from it. Oh wait….. check your typical grocery products ingredients lables. It seems soy is in virtually everything. Yeah its bad, do the research.

  7. Not sure there is enough evidence that plant protein is better than meat protein when supplimented with enough fibre.
    I still wouldn't recommend eating any soy beans apart from organic fermented products.

  8. Good day Sir. I have been following your advice specially on the microgreens and have been growing and consuming those that I have planted the past 2 weeks. I have been slowly adjusting my diet to lessen carb intake and animal protein intake. I am slowly shifting my protein intake towards beans but would like to clarify if taking beans such as commercial baked beans with tomato sauce is okay? Also, in my lab tests, my uric acid is always on the high side of the range or a bit over. Should I observe certain restrictions with shifting to beans for my protein source? Thank you.

  9. i was put on a low sodium. low protein diet when i was 7 after experiencing AKD. a nutritionists told me i should never eat more than 40g of protein per day and consume as little salt as possible per day but never go over 2000mg. she also told me that i wasnt to count any protein or salt from fresh produce as part of my daily limit as the contribution from those sources didnt matter the same. it is now 22 years post infection for me and i have had zero complications from my kidneys since. i only have to take 1 bp pill per day because of irreversible scar tisse in my kidneys from the infection.

  10. Oh man! This was a lot of intriguing information. I just paid $45 for Dr. Axe Bone Broth with numeric to increase my protein to use as meal replacement since I dont each much meat…or have many meals in general. Seems like I must rethink my strategy.

  11. Incidentally, carnivores and omnivores produce absolutely enormous amounts of vit. C in their bodies and I guess this helps them lowering inflammation and dealing with the animal proteins too.
    I'm pretty sure all herbivores, folivores and frugivores (like humans) do not produce any vit. C but are forced to add it through diet.

  12. So, would the intake of human milk (i.e., diary) by babies harm their kidneys? Maybe we should ban breastfeeding altogether?

  13. basicly eat like a goat,  no thanks I'm human so I am an omnivore so my diet is varied how it should be.

    but thanks for your time anyway

  14. I don't know why nobody is doing cohort studies with bodybuilders to see if the high protein (meat) deat is leading to increased risk for CKD..

  15. This is assuming all meat and dairy are the same, especially as pertains to fats, and not considering hormones, health, and antibiotics. Also, it assumes some inflammation is bad, and in balance to benefits, and couldn't be a reasonable reaction for the body if not abused, without any significant negative consequences. To make broad statements without considering sources, amounts, and overall diet is kind of reckless. Many recent cultures (within the last few hundred years) studied in Nutrition and physical degeneration by Weston A. Price, that ate a balanced diet, but with more than random access to meat were quite healthy living to advanced ages with clear physical and mental abilities above the average person today.

  16. I wonder about the quality of the protein that people consume as well. I know this is about humans, but I wonder b/c of the increase in cats developing kidney disease since the advent of commercial pet food vs cats catching and eating mice and insects. Cats unlike humans require flesh to thrive, but i feel that the quality of the flesh many feed their cats harms them later in life.

  17. huge salads with many different veggies and lot of potatoes and beans beans beans! I could eat that forever, very yummy and a load of proteins very easy to digest, keeps you light but nourished for workouts 🙂

  18. I come from a small area with not that many people. Three of the males I grew up with/around died from kidney disease/failure related to methamphetamine abuse induced Lupus. Not likely to be from genetics for all three since all three were not blood related (it's a rarer disease) . America's methamphetamine abuse epidemic has to be raising the death rate as well.

  19. When you isolate protein sources and consume them separately the differences show up. Meat is a complete protein since it contains all the amino acids IN THE CORRECT BALANCE necessary to form tissue. Plant protein does not. That's why plants have to eaten in combination in order to get the BALANCE necessary to form tissue. As pointed out by vegan doctors a mixed plant diet works just as well as stand alone meat to form tissue. And as Dr. Campbell found out feeding a mixed plant protein diet to animals caused just as much cancer as Casein. It was only when he fed wheat protein exclusively in isolation to his rats that it didn't effect cancer. So, plant and animal protein has the same positive effects and the same negative effects. The key is not to get too much protein regardless of the source.

  20. At some point in our lives, I bet most of us have been asked the very stupid and annoying question, "where do you get your protein from?" Everybody who asks that question deserves bullets in their heads. I have wanted to do terrible things to people who have asked me that question.

  21. 🎬 1 📹 🎞 🗣 🎙⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding thank you for sharing❗️🥛🥩🥩🥩🥚🍗🍔🍤🍳…🦃🐓🐐🐑🐏🐄🐠🐟 Plant Wins for kidney…protein low sodium

  22. I know a woman who was diagnosed with lupus a few years ago, and she acknowledges that a vegan diet is the gold standard—and she'd be a vegan if only it were easier. Kind of like the woman I know who says she can't be a vegan because she lives in Flushing, Queens. I can't even. [facepalm]

  23. In one video, he says that green smoothies are good, in another he says yogurt is bad. In this video he says milk is bad, in another he says oats are good, then how am I supposed to take oats?! Oats ARE taken with milk, aren't they?

  24. Stop freaking out people meats ok in moderation a dietician told me your plate should had meat the size of a sardine can 3 vegetables (u can eat as much as u want) and a starch(beans) drink water. Then desert (nuts) keep sodium and sugar down exercise walk 2-3 miles you should be fine some days you should go vegan like a salad with a avocado maybe fruit as a desert blueberries strawberries bananas always consume some nuts about a handful or two that's it or put them in your salad I say ones you get your weight blood sugar cholesterol blood pressure in normal range enjoy the pleasure once in a while lets say once a month like a 1/2 milk shake w / burger w tomato and avocado wrapped in lettuce w mushrooms and half the cheese Habit is a good one no fries not MacDonald a quality 🍔 milkshake or a burrito with very little cheese beans( black kidney pinto or garbanzo) lettuce no dressing except olive oil vinergaret with no sugar salt remember what doc say need to eat meal with beans nuts lettuce something to keep insulin spikes down
    Life doesn't have to be boring and dull

  25. How can this be? Isn't death from heart disease only a relatively modern phenomenon? I'm pretty sure our grand parents and great grand parents would still have eaten meat on a daily basis. Could it be that rather than the meat itself, it's all the hormones and grain-fed diets they use on the animals that are causing the inflammatory reaction?

    I used to have more access to game meat, and I felt a lot better back then than I do now. I've been eating Walmart meats and can feel the inflammation. Is it just a coincidence? I'm not so sure.

  26. How about those patient with high uric acid at the same time?..
    Beans and legumes have moderate purine content
    However red meat are not..
    Thus pork is the choice to be given to them..

    Is there new research to defend that benefit of legumes and bean and other veg. In relation to purine content and it's effect to uric acid ?

    The native american's had all the meat they could ever want.
    They followed the heard.
    Heart disease was unheard of.
    EXCUSE ME AGAIN! Some native Alaskan tribes live solely off fish and heart disease is unheard of…
    EXCUSE ME AGAIN! Some native African tribes live solely off meat and heart disease is unheard of…

  28. NutritionFacts.org + Glyphosate, & RoundUp bypasses the liver and attacks the Kidneys. Extreme evidence of this occured in India in which 1 – 2 farms where a substantial amount of the workers died from RoundUp – Glyphosate by passing the liver and attacking their Kidneys.

  29. He is mistaken about the mechanism of the last slide about meat meal with indomethacin. It has nothing to do with inflammation. Indomethacin affects the afferent arterioles causing vasoconstriction– leading to less protein spilling out into the urine. I am a Nephrologist…

  30. I've eaten at about 100-200 grams of animal protein everyday of my life. I'm now 30. Not once, have I ever gotten kidney stones or had a problem urinating. However, I do drink an abnormally large amount of water.

  31. I love your work but not all prostaglandins are inflammatory doctor you should know that, Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs can already cause acute renal failure because prostaglandins in the kidneys are responsible for the dilation of afferent arterioles and have nothing to do with inflammation, but as NSAI act on COX 1 and 2 they have non anti-inflammatory effects

  32. Good info for folks with impaired renal function or type two diabetes, however Dr. Greger fails to point out that all the studies he sights are conducted on people with insulin dependent diabetes or impaired kidney function, not healthy individuals. And of course any time you eat animal protein your GFR will drop. That is because GFR is calculated by serum creatinine levels. Creatinine is found in any muscle tissue. This is why there are two standards on your GFR results you get from your doctor, one for African Americans and another for non-African Americans. This is related to increased muscle mass. Athletes also tend to have higher creatinine levels. Does this mean that their kidney function is impaired simply because they have higher GFR as calculated by higher serum creatinine levels due to higher muscle mass and activity? Of course not! If anything they probably have better kidney function due to their higher insulin sensitivity and lower chronic blood sugar levels. Easiest way to raise your GFR is cut all protein consumption and stop being active. Your body will get rid of as much muscle as it can and your GFR will look great on paper. Of course Dr. Greger doesn't point this out because it doesn't advance his agenda.

  33. Video not helpfull at all
    Ignored types of protein:
    Meat w fat
    Whey, concentrate better or isolate worst
    Egg whites
    vegan protein powders like COSTCO Organic
    Milk yogurts, greek and kefirs

  34. When you say meat do you mean organic? When you say soy do you mean non-GMO?
    The program your health today with Dr. Becker show the study meat does not harm you if organic grass fed but the meat with the nitrates and non-organic is much worse for you.

  35. Thanks for posting! I'm curious, have you done a video on what plant based protein powder does to the kidneys? Would love to know! 💕

  36. I take the point, but I sense there's more than a bit of intestinal permeability at play here too. Probably why a certain East Asian YouTube nephrologist has got me on activated charcoal every morning. I'm not saying stick with the old habits wholesale, but to counter oxalates at the very least, an entire jar is certainly better value than the UK prescription charge.

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