Gli effetti di blocco del grasso e di soppressione dell'appetito dei tilacoidi

Qual è un modo naturale per ridurre le voglie malsane di cibo? Tilacoidi per bloccare il grasso e sopprimere la fame.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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50 Risposte a “Gli effetti di blocco del grasso e di soppressione dell'appetito dei tilacoidi”

  1. I just finished reading how not to die and am going to read how not to diet… BUT PLEASE HELP can not find it anywhere how much oats is to much. I want to eat my daily whole grains for lunch so I want to eat 1 and 1/2 cup of dry oats for lunch (will soak in water or cook in microwave) but 1 and 1/2 cup of oats is that to much. Some sites said that a person can only eat 100 grams per day but 1 and 1/2 cup is about 160 grams.. is that oke for a woman (ps I have ibs and have only been eating my daily dozen for 2 days and messed up already 😉 but still I do feel a bit better. Thanx. From Holland Joyce
    ps can I eat frozen green kale everyday or is it like spinach dangerous to eat it to often I can I than eat red kale or is kale better not to eat to often? Are saladleafs a good green if I can not eat (green) kale to often? Sorry for the extreem long comment just want to do better to feel better…

  2. A small garden box with a variety of greens is the way to go. Cut and come again method of harvesting. Sowing seeds every 2-3 weeks. More than you can ever eat. Fresher and better variety than the store. Almost no cost. Plus gardening is a healthy hobby that reduces stress and promotes a flow state.

  3. Eating plenty of greens daily. Glad to know the extra benefits! Our Creator knew exactly how to engineer the best food for us!
    And God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Gen. 1:29 KJV

  4. Great info! Love the bio-chemistry & botany science!!! Another reason to eat your greens. 🌿😃 However, eating all of that spinach raises concerns about oxalates. To quote Dr Greger himself in a previous video:

    For high-oxalate greens, it doesn’t matter cooked or not, since they’re so high regardless. The bottom line is that anyone with a history of kidney stones, otherwise at high risk, or who eats cups a day should probably avoid the big three. This is especially important for those who juice or blend their greens, as oxalates appear to be absorbed more rapidly in liquid than solid form. Another reason to give preference to low-oxalate greens is that they are less stingy with their calcium. While less than a third of the calcium in milks may be bioavailable (whether from a cow or a plant), most of the calcium in low-oxalate vegetables is absorbed. The calcium bioavailability in some greens is twice that of milk, but the oxalates in spinach, chard, and beet greens bind to the calcium, preventing the absorption.

  5. Man….these vids are a constant reminder of what to eat and what not to eat…….and why……thank god I take the time to watch them because otherwise I might forget or just simply find myself not aware enough that I better eat more spinach and kale when possible……thanx again for this vid!

  6. I never lose any water soluble components of my cooked greens. I drink the water they are cooked in. It's pot liquor, without the usual SAD fat and salt in it. It's a great hot "tea". Greens are so vital yet so very neglected.

  7. I'm not disputing the finding- but if i was asked to sit down to a meal after being fed via several lengths of tubing down my throat – i doubt I'd be all that hungry…ileal break or no.

  8. I thought the green color was the indicator of high nitrogen (i.e. dietary nitrate) , and then there was lutein, also linked with green color. Quite a coincidence

  9. Mr. Greger,

    I really appreciate your contents. I think it is valuable information that I share and comment with my family. Your team’s works is helping us during the last 7 years. Thank you.

    I am not an expert, but since this channel is about science, I think it should cover the whole video. From my understanding, evolution is not a process that has to do something about "design", since in a way it will imply a "designer". So In this video in particular I would make these suggestions:

    Instead of:
    – Your body was designed to have thylakoids passing through your system…
    I would say:
    – Your body has evolved (during millions of years) to have thylakoids passing through your system…

    And instead of:
    – …Or you can just get them in the way Mother nature intended.
    I would suggest:
    – …Our you can just get them in the way we have improved it during millennia by mother nature human selection.
    Since the spinach we eat today (not to mention in powder), probably has little to do with the original spinach that mother nature "intended". Watch: Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner

    The reason why I make these suggestions is because I think now we need to be more scientific than ever. Depending on the way we understand how the world works we will be able to improve our way of doing things. And in this sense, having into account the global crisis we are experiencing, mindsets is the first step to change a system.

    Best regards.❤

  10. When I started a plant based diet .. I did eat (& still do) a lot of greens but it works too well suppressing hunger and I dropped too much weight.
    I was much higher activity at the time.
    The appetite suppression is even worse when you add nuts and oils. Not sure how to put on weight when I’m not hungry ? I throw in some vegan junk food once a week just so I don’t lose more weight. It’s a very delicate balance Im finding myself in

  11. Dr Greger- you are one of the best out there. I love all your content. Thanks for helping us to live and eat better for healthier lives.

  12. I totally got cured from bad breath disease.. after 4 week of using Dr imenherbal medicine I'm now Free from bad breath… I appreciate doctor on YouTube channel

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