Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti a base di micoproteine ​​(Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne

Gli studi clinici sui sostituti della carne Quorn dimostrano che possono migliorare la sazietà e aiutare le persone a controllare i livelli di colesterolo, glicemia e insulina.

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• L'impatto ambientale dei sostituti della carne a base vegetale ( http://nutritionfacts. org/video/l'impatto-ambientale-dei-sostituti-della-carne-a-base-vegetale)<br/> • Oltre la carne e l'impossibile hamburger sono salutari? (
• Gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono dannosi? (
• Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova ( -to-the-test)

• Che dire dell'eme in Hamburger impossibili? (
• Il ferro eme provoca il cancro? (
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100 Risposte a “Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti a base di micoproteine ​​(Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne”

  1. Hi Doc and your team.. could you please look into Kalonji Nigella seeds and they're pro's and cons please .. Thanks .. Love your channel 👍

  2. Not really that much focus on the mycoprotein after the first 1/3 of the video – guessing there just aren’t enough studies yet, but hope to see a new version of this video when there are

  3. so seems this vid is more about how animal protein causes insulin spikes and less about Quorn and how "great?" it is………I sometimes buy the processed meat alternatives, but I think I will limit my options to just Quorn now when I do feel like eating this stuff….I think the other options have too much sodium in them,……

  4. Holy cow! Many, many people consume as many BCAAs as they can manage in the form of powered animal-based protein supplements…and even some plant-based protein supplements, too! So it's not just the fat but the protein that can cause T2D, too. Fascinating! Thank you yet again, Dr. Greger!

  5. Does Quorn contain wheat? I know it contains egg whites so I haven't tried it. They do have some vegan options, I hear. But what about wheat? Anybody know? (I have a severe reaction to wheat) – update, I looked at this website to find out, and they do have 3 gluten free products

  6. I got served Quorn "chicken breast" in a hospital once, after being vegan for 5 years… I freaked out and the staff had to call the catering to confirm it wasn't actual chicken. 😂

  7. Slowly the whole food plant based diet becomes the processed plant food diet. Did not the protein restriction trial have the baseline groups show those assigned to "standard" protein intake start out with lower overall fat mass, and end with lower fat mass compared to the restricted?

  8. Thank you. I wish stuff like this was taken into account by organizations like the American diabetes association when they create educational materials as well as highlighted when medical professionals train to become diabetes educators.

  9. ‘’Mushroom’’ is stretching it, Quorn while a Fungi, is actually a Soul Mold, who Latin name translated into English is ’’Venom/Poison’’. That has been associated with stomach etc issues, not surprising when ICI and other chemical company was involved in its development, and ICI still own a part of Quorn. Say no to Non Ethical, Vegan products, support strictly Vegan/Ethical businesses, such as Fry’s, Plamil, Bute Island etc etc. And use health food shops, they need our support! 🌎✊🏽🌻✌🏽

  10. Fungal kindom
    Mushrooms are just the fruiting body. And it isn't plant based because Fungi aren't plants. They have a different biochemistry from plants.
    It would be liking saying soy is from the flower kingdom. You can and should still eat fungal foods on a plant based diet, as they're not animals either.
    I wouldn't have used plant protien in comparison to animal protien for this example for those reasons.

    As a student of applied Mycology ( fungi ) I was disappointed by this video.

  11. Contains carrageenan. Eating the vegan schnitzels led to hours of rolling around in agony follows by shingles.

  12. If only all this useful information was given by someone who could speak in a way you could understand. One of the most difficult to understand voices I've heard.

  13. my wife and I are Vegan and decided to try a Quorn product ,unfortnataly we vomited all night , so went straight back to Linda McCarthy. Could this be a paid add seems unusual to be promoting a brand

  14. Dr Greger didn't read the Quorn labels: "Rehydrated Free Range Egg White" or "Natural Caramelised Sugar"… Not quite healthy and not organic.

  15. Great video, Dr Greger! Thank you very much. Feeling especially sorry for athletes, who consume BCAA in large quantities along with other isolated sports nutrition items: can only imagine what the impact of the regular isolated/concentrated BCAA intake is, if just as a component of animal protein they cause such a significant shift towards insulin resistane.

  16. I can't eat Quorn at all. Gives me awful stomach pains. I've eaten it without knowing and got terrible pains too. I think some of us just can't digest it for some reason.

  17. OATS are high in BCAA Valine and Soy high in Leucine/Isoleucine – so avoid them ? So vegan nutritional superstars are now overrated or worse than meat? The only saving grace is the fiber in soy and oats may cause early satiety during feeding compared to similar amounts of meats.

  18. I just checked and 100 grams of roasted soynuts has more harmful BCAA's than 100 grams chuck Beef . And another BCAA ,Valine- is highest in OATS – which 90% of vegans swear by . So i really don't understand what Dr Greger is upto – he is using the same tactics of lies, omissions, distortions and obfuscation that he accuses the Meat Industry of lol.

  19. Processed fake Frankenstein foods are very unhealthy. Real whole foods are full of natural vitamins and minerals. Saturated fats and cholesterol are essential for cell structure and function and are sources and precursors of vitamins and hormones. The real driver of obesity is processed, high omega 6, unstable, oxidative, unatural seed oils.

  20. I love quorn. It's one of the only no soy, no nuts/ seeds, no koriander/ cilantro, no sh*tton saturated fat, no huge amounts of salt, decent tasting meat replacements I've ever had. I just wish they get the vegan ones here fast, sine now it still has a bit of egg in it :/

  21. Very interesting. Could you talk about the chemicals and sodium levels in those plant-replacement foods? Would be interesting if there are any downsides to this diet.

  22. Ok your speaking style is ridiculously alluring. It's like crossing matrix's agent smith with jeff goldblum and a smidge of nick offerman's attitude and trying to be a news anchor. Perfection.

  23. I remember when Quorn came out, Americans were like, "Naw, Dawg, we good. Thanks." It's kind of like when someone offers you a Znickers bar. Something not rite, here!

  24. A lot of people commenting from six months ago about Quorns lack of vegan options. Recently I have noticed a lot more. I regularly get the Quorn 'ham' or 'chicken' slices for sandwiches and just today I got new products. Vegan spiced pieces. one for turkish kebabs and one peri peri for stir fries. Both Vegan. They also do a spicy burger. Sounds like I live off the stuff. I to eat whole food as much as possible but I love to see new vegan products coming out. Even here in meat and diary central *ireland, a famous butcher Loughnanes has two sons that are doing an amazing range of vegan 'meats'. I will support butchers 100% who are doing this. Its part of the transition.

  25. I got a soft spot for Quorn. I used to live in the UK and ate it all the time. It has a unique flavor, like a meatier version of a mushroom.

  26. Thanks for this video. I also really appreciate that you put in the insulin levels as that information is so important 🙂

  27. Quorn is pretty tasty but I was eating it at the most unhealthy point in my life so idk if it’s healthy or not. Probably not.

  28. 3:45 because it has lower levels of "Branched Chain Amino Acids leucine, isoleucine and valine and of Sulfur Amino Acid Methionine… (Branched chain amino acids and higher methionine intake have been associated with Insulin Resistance and type 2 Diabetes! 4:19 Decreased Consumption of Branched-Chain Amino Acids improves metabolic Health

  29. 5:12 Silly Pharmaceutical companies now want to treat obesity and metabolic health by giving you drugs…lol, yep… drugs… Where as Dr. Michael Gregor MD suggest to simply…. dum dum dum… STOP CONSUMING FOODS with so much "Branched Chain Amino Acids!" – Branched Chained Amino Acids are found primarily in Red meat, chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs! So according to Dr. Gregor's research, it's the consumption of animal products that is the cause for Type 2 Diabetes…

  30. I have a severe quorn intolerance. Extreme diarrhoea and vomiting to the point where I pass out. Tested 5 times and the reaction got worse each time. I have no other allergies or intolerances. Therefore quorn is no option for me.

  31. i get the quorn meatless grounds, i’m surprised how little sodium and calories it has, it tastes like $hit by itself but when i make tacobell crunchy tacos with it, it actually tastes decent with lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and sour cream. 😋

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