Thebausffs “DISTRUGGE” Vegano con brividi di fiocchi di carne

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48 Risposte a “Thebausffs “DISTRUGGE” Vegano con brividi di fiocchi di carne”

  1. Meat eaters when vegans joke about a anti vegan argument instead of debunking it: You are supposed to answer the question!!!

    Meat eaters when other meat eaters do the same thing: haha what a Chad!!!

  2. Listen to that geek's estrogen fueled giggle. He was so proud of that joke too you can tell by the smirk. 😂
    You can also tell that he doesn't leave the house much.

  3. Just a quick question (but not a quick answer). Do you know how many more animals would have to be killed if everyone on the planet was vegan? Lets do some math and find out!

    Google says that a single Vegan would need 2 acres of land to feed them for a year.

    7 billion people x 2 acres is 14 billion acres.
    14 billion acres is 21,875,000 square miles or 56,655,990 square kilometers.

    The land mass of the entire US is 3.797 million square miles.

    So, you would need to completely level about 7 times the land mass of the entire US world wide just for the farm land. That is aprox 13% of the entire land mass of the Earth, that isn't even accounting for land that literally can't be farmed like deserts, mountains, ocean coastlines and swamps. Realistically, you are talking about 35-45% of all habitable land on the planet converted to farm land.

    So not only would you have to kill off about 40-50% of all land dwelling animals on the entire planet, you would destroy nearly half of all their habitable environments. THEN, after all that, you would have to continuously kill nearly all the animals that try to eat the crops every year, year after year like we already have to do now.

    TLDR: You are a complete moron if you think everyone being vegan would save a single animal, let alone contribute to a healthier Earth.

  4. just because i disagree with animal cruelty and abuse doesn't mean i shouldn't eat meat.

    as sad as it is, animals will still be tortured and abused, and meat will still be produced. so why should we let it go to waste?

  5. Shut up vegan fuck you need protein go eat your veggies and stfu and leave us meat eaters who have lived for 40,000bc eat our meat 🍖🥓 ight loser

  6. Not how you win an argument bro. You can't seem to have a discussion without pushing your agenda thinking your "opinion" is correct. He's not a psychopath, he was joking about how absurd the argument was. What vegans don't understand is that everyone has an opinion.

  7. Vegans kill animals everyday, farmers kill animals to protect your food and when it's time to harvest them big machines kill all kinds of life. But that's ok just like strip mining is better for the environment to make batteries.

  8. Honestly the real psychopaths are vegans who try to shove veganism down everyone’s throat because they think it’s better than eating meat. Oh also humans killing animals is just animals killing animals. So what’s wrong with animals eating animals? Or is it just because you don’t like the idea of something dying for a benefit? Well the plants that were chopped down to make your food were “killed” why not care about their lives? Plants are living things.

  9. Hey David, I like your new format where you look up at the screen, giving the effect like you are watching the video clip alongside the viewer. I think there is some truth to what this kid is saying, people get pleasure in having absolute power over others, and eating meat is a convenient way to do it. Animals are in fact so vulnerable it is socially allowed to straight out admit to psychopathic evil as this kid does and not be shunned.

    I expect that deep down, the reason buying animal products is so popular, and buying them from factory farms in particular, is because of the cruelty involved, not in spite if it. But carnists wish to masquerade as kind, justice-loving people, so this driving force for their behavior is pushed into their subconscious. Even for this kid, who smiles as he admits to his evil, as though he thinks he is joking.

  10. By definition, yall comparing eating meat to being a serial killer means yall are technically saying that if one of Ted Bundys victims wasnt vegan or vegitarian theyre no different from their killer 💀 massive slap in the face of the families if you ask me (also you showing this fuckin random kid as a representative of people who eat meat when this kid is CLEARLY fucking with you and is not mature whatsoever shows your having to look anywhere you can for scrap heaps like this kid

  11. He is the prick ever existed on the world. What an evil. I’d appreciate if he said something else but he saying he eats it because it gives him please that someone suffered for his food.
    He doesn’t deserve this world not even a second.
    Please for heaven sake put him in mental asylum.

  12. I hate animals and love meat 🙂 I love the cry of despair I visualise from animals as I chew upon their meat.Weep and Seeth in anger

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