Gli emulsionanti come la carbossimetilcellulosa e il polisorbato 80 sono sicuri?

Gli emulsionanti sono l'additivo alimentare più utilizzato. Cosa stanno facendo per la salute del nostro microbioma intestinale?

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41 Risposte a “Gli emulsionanti come la carbossimetilcellulosa e il polisorbato 80 sono sicuri?”

  1. Greger has previously commented about the effect of detergent/surfactants on the gut and a possible connection to crones disease, so I'm guessing this isn't going to be good.

    Already you have a processed food/chemical stripped of fiber.

  2. Well, what do you know. This explains my inflammation pain when I eat too much margarine (vegan marg) and mayo. Thanks for helping me connect the dots.

  3. Guess I'm going to have to live with some of this because I won't be giving up my chocolate, bread, dried fruit, pasta, mustard, soup stocks, strawberry jam, honey or popcorn.

  4. Wow! I'm gonna watch my emulsification and keep it to a minimum. And when I do need an emulsifier, I will offset its effects by adding additional fiber sources to the rest of the meal. A little emulsification can be good at times, but a leaky gut is NEVER a good thing.

  5. Wow! A little emulsification is a good thing once in a while. But a leaky gut is NEVER a good thing. I'm going to keep my emulsification down, and when I do need to emulsify, I will add additional fiber to the other parts of the meal in order to offset the negative impacts of emulsifiers.

  6. Thanks for sharing another helpful video, i'll remember that emulsifiers are the most widely available in processed foods and how it can cause leaky gut.

  7. “Plantain fiber” is another name for psyllium fiber. It comes from the seeds of a plant commonly called plantain, which is confusingly unrelated to “plantains”, the big starchy bananas.

  8. Was that fiber from plantains or fiber from the herb plantain, which is the source of psyllium fiber?

  9. In the 80's I worked in a plant that made sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). A friend got sprayed in the face by dust. He got some in his mouth. He described it as a cross between raw oysters and peanut butter – Something slimy that sticks to the roof of your mouth. How could we ever live without that???

  10. What about plant based lecithin, like from soy or canola?
    From the end of the video, can I conclude that eating a fiber source along with emulsifiers makes it ok?

  11. One company uses this in their eyedrop product! I had been wondering why my eyes seem dryer when using them. Thanks for providing an answer

  12. Actual concern so I’m using this scenario: a 50kg young woman, eating per week 300g of meat replacements that include methylcellulose as an ingredient. 1-2% of content of MC per product as per FDA requirement. So 3-6g, or about 600mg per day on average. Which makes 12mg per kg. How is that not an excessive amount? And if 300g of mock meat per week is safe, is there an unsafe intake? A low level of MC to show any harmfulness short term but rather long term?

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