Gli integratori di vitamina B12 causano l'acne?

Dovrebbero esserci dubbi intorno a B e l'acne? L'acne può essere innescata in una persona su dieci che riceve iniezioni di vitamina B12.

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Questo fa parte del mio sguardo esteso a B580. Per informazioni sullo sfondo e sui miei consigli aggiornati, vedere:
• I sintomi della vitamina B12 Carenza (
• La vitamina B ottimale12 Dosaggio per adulti ( /video/la-vitamina-B-ottimale12-dosaggio-per-adulti)<br/> • Fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B12 (
• La vitamina B ottimale12 Dosaggio per bambini, gravidanza e anziani (
• Il miglior tipo di vitamina B12: C yanocobalamina o metilcobalamina? (

Tutti questi video possono essere trovati in un download digitale: Ultime raccomandazioni sulla vitamina B12. (

In precedenza ho esplorato la vitamina Il ruolo di B12 nel rischio di ictus. Check out:
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina B12 e Omocisteina? (
• Come testare per carenza di vitamina B funzionale12 (
• I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (>• The Efficacy and Safety of Creatine for High Homocysteine (

That series is also available for digital download: Why Do Vegetarians Have Higher Stroke Risk? (

Up next is Do Vitamin B12 Supplements Cause Bone Fractures and Lung Cancer? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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83 Risposte a “Gli integratori di vitamina B12 causano l'acne?”

  1. What about if one is already acne prone and dealing with acne for years, is there a higher liklihood of B12 supplementation triggering acne even more?

  2. Maybe only humans get acne because only humans eat a diet that is NOT appropriate for their species. Instead we eat like true omnivores (like dogs and pigs) when we should be eating like our ancient ancestors did who lived for twice as long as we do (or more) – who ate mostly raw fruit and raw vegetables and some tender leafy greens – like the primates we all. All have hands to pick fruit off trees.

    This whole B-12 hype/programming/indoctrination is ridiculous. This study just shows what happens when man fools with Mother Nature and thinks some chemistry they whip up in a lab is going to have any for benefit anyone. Rather as can be expected, they only create MORE PROBLEMS a/k/a side effects.

    Just do a search for "adrenal glands B-12" and numerous results will all say the same thing that B-12 insufficiency comes from weak adrenal glands. Fix your adrenal glands beginning with eating cleaning out your insides by stopping eating not only what was mentioned in the video but meat, grains and legumes and cooked foods….help it along with some specific whole herbs…. and the Vit B-12 insufficiency GOES AWAY. Problem solved.

  3. I think a lot is genetics as well. I never had acne, neither do my 14 yr old twins. We have only been vegan for 6 years. I have had B12 injections in the past, with no ill effect. Currently, my kids and I take a B12 supp daily. That would be a hard study to conduct. I know Brian Turner has had great success with a vegan diet helping with his acne, if y'all want to check him out, it would be a good first hand account.

  4. Dairy should be looked at like methamphetamines. If you smoke enough of that dope your skin starts to break out because your body can't process the poison. If you drink enough Dairy your skin starts to break out because your body can't process the poison.

  5. Me in my teens eating dairy and sugary junk food: no acne, not even one pimple in my teens

    Also me in my 20s: Extremely healthy diet and exercise, can't get rid of acne

  6. About 20 years ago when I switched to sulfate-free shampoo my shoulder, back acne and face breakouts cleared up. The info at the time was from Aubrey Organics. I recommended it to a haircut client and he experienced a big difference (I also told him about dairy). Now..I breakout on my face if I consume too much sugar (around the holidays). I'm 69

  7. Small doses of B12 taken orally give me break outs. Unlucky me. I have noticed though if I take my B12 later in the day and with ample Vitamin C rich fruits like pineapple, the breakouts are less severe and tend to fade away quicker.

  8. Plant based whole foods eater here. 🙋‍♀️
    And yeah I have acne. I’m currently using adapeline, aka Differin, and it’s helping!

  9. I'm a 40 year old male and a vegan since I was 20. All my life I have severe problems with acne. Sometimes I even get suicidal thoughts. How long I'm gonna have this problems? Will I be 60 year old with acnes? That's ridiculous. It's better to live shorter, but happier life.

  10. One in ten..I am reassured. In fact, whilst playing Russian roulette yesterday, I was thinking how much more comfortable I would be with one in ten rather than one in six odds.

  11. I will adjust my weekly b12 to a lower dose and test this.

    Getting 85% and up of my calories from whole plant foods and having pimples on my face and chest at 50 years old is really pissing me off.

  12. Once I stopped dairy, my acne was almost gone. Once I went whole plant food based, my acne was gone. My rosacea improved. In my forties. I take the Garden of Life B12 spray. I'm not very good at taking it every day. I try to eat mainly organic veggies. Blood results show middle of the healthy range for B12.

  13. I take B12 everyday & the acne is awful. I'll reduce my intake & see what happens. This video is giving me hope caus I'm out of options.

  14. I always got acne from the temples to the cheeks when I ate food rich in b12 like liver or hearts. Today is the first time I took a b12 supplement (a weekly dosage 2500mcg) and I got a single pimple there but with less inflammation and not itchy. What a weird allergy lol.

  15. Love the care and attention the amazing Dr Greger and his dedicated team put into helping patients worries feel heard and not dismissed. Please I'm worried as this video on b12 is the best I've ever seen but my dad who has Dr grehers 2,000 iu a week of cyanocobalamin is reacting to his skin and making him itchy and leaves these pale red scar like flat circles, could it because he has Axfield Rigers Syndrome an autoimmune disease that his body is reacting to the b12 he's whole food plant based since me showing him dr gregers how not to die book and Nutrition facts website. I know this is super specific he's also doing gluten free to rule out gluten as a cross contaminant

    Many thanks to the amazing team and Dr Greger

  16. when I take B12 tablets I get bad skin on my back, not even taking that much. I'ts not bad i wound't call it acne but still. I have 5000mcg tablets but i only take about 1/8th of a tablet at a time (when i take whole tablets Its much worse) and when i notice my skin problem I stop taking b12 for a few days to let it improve. I wish you could get a home b12 test so I could figure out how much I need to take to get good levels without going so high it affects my skin.

  17. Thanks for the share. May not paint the prettiest, acne-free picture, but the truth should be stated. As I always say, "better to make an informed decision!"

  18. Every gp and dermatologist I've seen has done nothing but prescribe antibiotics over and over. "A little furuncle… blackheads…zit? Keflex it is!"

  19. I’ve taken a B-12 supplement everyday since switching to a plant-based diet and had no idea that I was taking too much! I was taking 1000mcg a day, and my skin has been not the best to say the least. Just binged a whole bunch of skincare videos yesterday and then this video pops up today(no pun intended). Thank you for this video, I’m going to try switching to your recommendation for taking 2000mcg of B-12 weekly instead of daily and see what happens.

  20. 1) I'm 95% certain he's recommended 1000mcg/day in the past 🤔…2) In my late 30s I suddenly had horrible acne that didn't respond to any treatments. I was taking 1000 to 1500 mcg daily of b12/day 😬 within days of cutting down to 500mcg 3 times a week it went away. 2 weeks ago I increased my dose 500mcg/day due to symptoms and viola acne after a full year of clear skin 😭. It's not just injections. B12 deficiency is technically worse than acne but it's pretty debilitating when you are too embarrassed to leave your house, so I just need to find a sweet spot. Because of covid my dr doesn't want me getting blood work done that's "unnecessary" 😔

  21. i was acne prone until i stopped using soap and warm water on my face. Going on two years now, only had two red pimples in that time, and both were because I went back to shaving with blade/soap. am a dude, so I have no makeup to remove. shampoo was also changed to something without detergents, olaplex.

  22. I think it depends on what ingredients are in the supplement. My b12 has only 3 ingredients: water, methycobalamin and ascorbic acid (vegan). I am taking this for 2+ years now and never had issues with acne because of it.

  23. if humans would die in nature from not eating meat then its us that are broken for caring about animals, its not that nature is broken.. its our weak minds.. but i love animals so i will stay vegan,i tend to not beleive in b12 deficiency since i know fruitarians who havnt taken b12 for over 30 years and they are the best people i know.. fake b12 deficiency cases made up by meat n dairy industry perhaps.. i mean really.. die in nature from not hunting an animal? sounds so pathetic.. asiff everybody ate enough meat to get enough b12 and they say higher levels are better so more meat the healthier you were pffft.. work to be done to give me my soul back, im so angry i almost want to stop taking b12 just to fight the deficiency with the power of hate lol

  24. Maybe my story helps anyone who‘s struggling. I wish somebody had told me this a year ago.
    I took 1000 mcg a day for 2 weeks and what follows was 1 year of REALLY bad acne. It slowly god less over the months. My B12 was still very low so I wanted to supplement again but everything over 10 mcg breaks me out.

    The solution: I got a low dosed (3mcg) b12 spray for children and take it 3 times a day. No acne and good b12 level again 🙂

  25. I had heard some animals get acne, so when you said acne is unique to humans i googled it and I found this:
    "CAN DOGS AND CATS GET ACNE?" Acne plagues many teenagers and even adults, but did you know that animals get pimples too? Dr. Jason Pieper, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist sees a few cases of pet acne every year.
    I'd be interested to know what you think about this info.
    I'm notl trying to be mean but i just want to limit the insults from folks who love to hate plant based dietary encouragement and insults that say these plant based folks don't know what they're talking about. Maybe you know about it already and what dogs and cats get isn't really acne or is it that you misspoken on the issue, got it wrong or?

  26. I get B12 shots every month due to autoimmune pernicious anemia (began before I went plant based) and I have developed acne as a result (I haven’t touched dairy in over 10 years) and I follow your diet plan therefore I eat low fat. I am the 1 in 10 who reacts to B12…
    Is there something I can do?

  27. OHHHHHHHhhhh you've hit the nail on the head with science once again! Just did a double-take when I dug out the packet of B12 pills I bought over a year and found out the individual dosage was 5000mcg! NO WONDER my face went to shit this summer when I thought I was being so disciplined with my diet and vitamin taking! I forgot the original dosage was way over the recommendation and I taking several a week haha. Can't wait to read the new book and brush up on it all for 2021.

  28. As a midlifer, I get really annoyed when I still break out. My biggest culprit is starbucks drinks (i think because their equipment still passes milk proteins into my steamed soy milk), and now perhaps it's me going a bit hog wild with the B12. Good to know, thanks doc. ❤

  29. It's not just the supplements it's a condition of the intestines and the kidneys like Candida but supplements are never needed. dairy processed grains, fried foods ,meat crappy food

  30. I get acne from B supplements and it's the deep cystic acne type. I can't take a lot of multivitamins because they put in huge amounts of B. Just unnecessary.

  31. I have a vitamin b12 defiency and am a generally acne prone person . My doctor has prescribed me to have 1500 mcg of vitamin b12 per day ( 500 mcg tablets for 3 times) for three months.Now my acne is popping out like he'll instead of using salicylic acid and retinol. Now I can't stop my medicine because i have a huge deficiency and I don't know what to do with these acne and my prom party is coming up and I am doomed

  32. For people dealing with acne, it may be advisable to supplement with vitamin A and E, as well as zinc. Low levels of these nutrients have been correlated with acne. In one study, acne-free controls had vitamin A levels around 420 mcg/L on average, while people with severe acne had an average level of around 200(!). Lower levels of vitamin A predicted greater acne severity.

    For vitamin E, healthy controls were at 5.9 mg/L on average, while people with severe acne were at 4.1. Acne patients likewise had roughly 25 percent lower zinc levels on average compared to controls.


  33. b12 deficiency is non sense. Never taken it. Still healthy. I have been juice fasting since a long time. That helped in eliminating most of the waste matter & solved most of my issues.

  34. How long it will take to clear acne caused by b12 injection. I got 3 shot 1000 mcg. Its been 1 and half month still gets acne . So disgrace. But the severity has been reduced! Anyone who got cleared how long it takes for you

  35. What he completely overlooked is that vitamin B12 is a strong antioxidant, which can help your body detox. Acne is a sign of a need of detoxification. Of course, lowering your dose might decrease the symptoms, but that means your body isn't detoxed like it should be. Funny how the detoxification system played a big role in western medicine until the 1970s, but has been vanished since then, when most health issues have a strong element of it not working as it should.

  36. Ugh, I don’t absorb b12 naturally, so I don’t have any other option. I need to find a regime that will clear my skin while taking the supplement. I’ve tried a couple different prescription creams and they make zits go away faster but don’t prevent them from happening 😔

  37. I started getting acne around my mouth and nose! I could not figure out what changed. I thought it was wearing lip balm to bed, but then I stopped doing it and it still persists. Today I realized it's probably the B12! I had no idea!

  38. I am that lucky 1 in 10 after 1000mg B12 injection, it came out after 5 days and now I am on antibiotics and I look like sci-fi monster, if you acne prone think twice before taking B12 shots, no one tells you about it. And not many people know about it.

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